Revisiting The pulse of Shibuya
Changes and improvements:
- Get the actual live feed to work. Challenging on Windows. This is what I have been spending all my time on over the past week, and still get it in OpenFrameworks
- RTSP reception in OpenCV
- Tweak the encoding parameters speed etc and get the M-JPEG feed working in OF with IpVideoGrabber
- Get Awesomium working with YouTube feed
- Emphasize more on the graph:
- Remove background opaque images
- Make lines thicker
- Add axis and legends: Speed of people
- Try different time scales and sampling. See the pulse over a day and patters change. Or really get the pattern to show up
- Try a different layout of the windows. Too much happening so far
- Ghosty style of the people in the feed
- Shorten the lines
- Make the background a little darker
- Try view with only ghosts and live feed next to it
- Get a good screen recorder for windows
- IceCream Recorder