blink(1): Deceleration


Nathalie and I have use the blink as a surrogate sun. Specifically, our use of the blink(1) deals with the rotational deceleration of the earth relative to the sun. Earth’s days get longer by a few milliseconds every century, and this piece is a forced reminder of this. The light inside the sphere undergoes day-night cycles, each longer than the last. If left running long enough, the cycles would begin to take longer than our current 24 hour cycle. It serves the owner as a simple reminder, left somewhere to tell of huge forces normally forgotten.


this .gif is a loop of the first few cycles. while this presents the light as green, the top image is more representative of the lights true colour.

This is the code that controls the light:

Screen Shot 2014-09-10 at 20.01.29

The One Dimensional Marketer – Blink

Zach and I have developed a true “One-dimensional Marketer”. Our one dimensional marketing tool aims to decrease overhead costs, and increase workplace ambience by subconsciously streaming dynamically evolving colors, which correspond to advertisements of major corporations in Times Square, New York, into the minds of the workers in your workplace. Advertisers have attempted to work their way into the minds of our citizens at every point of the day , and our one dimensional marketing tool will bring them one step closer. And it is a step they will pay dearly to take. Decrease your overheads now with the “One-dimensional Marketer.”


So essentially, the Earth is getting slower.

Screen Shot 2014-09-10 at 16.57.09

Which is to say, the Earth’s rotation around the sun is very (very very very) gradually decelerating, and the length of a single day is increasing at about 1.7 seconds per century. What Guy and I hoped to show with our Blink(1) project is a sped-up representation of that, with the light representing the sun, blinking every time the Earth goes by. The reason it’s sped up is because obviously if we had its rate of blinking decreasing in real time, it would take a century to demonstrate, and we just don’t have that kind of time.

I suppose the purpose of it is to raise awareness, not in the sense that it’s something terrible that’s going to destroy our way of life, but as an interesting fact about the world we live on.



*if the gif decides not to work, click on it and it’ll open in a new tab and hopefully function.


Looking Outwards


Liked: The Human Printer – Louise Naunton Morgan

I really enjoyed watching this video. This project displays printing as executed in an analog format. The artist tediously copies an image, dot-by-dot, using CMYK format. I think this subject matter is particularly interesting in an age where automated processes are a substantial component of society. This project allows the viewer to visualize the amount of time technology saves for imaging purposes.

Surprised: “All Streets” – Ben Fry

This is a really cool project that depicts the united states through its road systems. I think it’s really interesting to think of roadways as circuits, or veins. This project allowed me to visualize this concept in a literal and relatable way. I want to see it in person.

All Roads

Disappointed:  “abstrakt Abstrakt” – Zimoun

This artist created dynamic, kinetic sound sculptures with combinations of ventilators, wires, and motors. I think this project is really cool, however it’s insanely boring to look at. I feel like there’s a more aesthetically pleasing way to exhibit this installation, other than a blank white wall.


Looking Outwards – Generative Art

Roots by Memo Akten

This project generates root structures based on a random algorithm that takes several parameters that are customizable by the user. It also reacts to user input. I was surprised by it because with further inspection it appears to just used a motion blur technique like what was demonstrated in class on Monday to make the roots. But due to the sporadic movements of the roots, it is much more. I liked that it is capable of being customized and reacts to objects placed onto its surface and touches from users. Moreover, it also generates the sound based on the movement of the roots. The audio and visuals are purely generated according to his program. It runs on the Brkick Table made by Jordan Hochenbaum and Owen Vallis and was premiered at the Minitek Music + Innovation Festival September 12-14 2008  in New York.

Landscape Prints by Erik Natzke

In this work Erik Natzke wanted to create large prints according to the description on vimeo. However, I liked them because I think they are explosive, but somehow graceful in their colors. I would be interested in seeing what the code that generated these images looked like. Or for that matter how it worked. The delivery of the project as prints would be more appealing than viewing them through vimeo. It could have been more effectively displayed on the web via a different site. It would be interesting to see these animated, and in that I think he missed an opportunity.

Crystalline by Robert Hodgin

This project starts with randomly charged particles and results in a simulation of magnetics and crystal growth. I found it interesting because it uses an actual physics simulation to create art. It uses impressive lighting and effects with light emission in OpenGL. This is an impressive task. I would like to be able to create shaders for my projects that allow for such impressive imagery to be created in realtime.

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Assignment 3 : Behind My Face

So I decided to create a sort of generative machine which would churn out random shapes that I could then find my own face in. I wanted to do this in 3D, since one has many more degrees of freedom when creating complex shapes within 3 dimensional space. I brought in a Viewer class that I had created for previous projects which allows me to move around a 3D environment using WASD and the mouse:

viewer class

I then created a Blob class which would construct itself out of a user defined number of triangular polygons:

blob class

Next, I inserted one such Blob into a P3D rendered Processing environment, with a camera controlled using a Viewer class (also way too many libraries imported):

main window

When I ran it, instead of blobby masses of triangles which I expected, I instead got shapes very similar looking to neurons:

mi face 1

mi face 2

Since, using a more inclusive definition of ‘face’ which I myself have created right now in this very moment, the face includes what is behind the face, this still qualifies as a face, and a self portrait as well.



While looking at some of Piet Mondrian’s works in preparation for this assignment, I noticed that the most famous of his works were just made of varying sized rectangles. So I sought out to develop a small program, which with a bit of manual work could recreate a scalable Mondrian painting. Here is my recreation of the assigned piece:


Here is my code, it contains a scalable rectangle class which can properly recreate and rectangule based drawing of any size with pixel data:

Hizal’s Wii Mii Face

Screen Shot 2014-09-10 at 4.36.50 PM

void setup() {
  size(300, 400);

void draw() {
  ellipse(150, 175, width, 350);
  ellipse(90, 130, 70, 30);
  ellipse(200, 130, 70, 30);
  ellipse(92, 130, 30, 30);
  ellipse(198, 130, 30, 30);
  ellipse(150, 265, 125, 7);
  quad(137, 150, 158, 150, 180, 230, 115, 230);
  vertex(100, 0);
  vertex(200, 0);
  vertex(280, 60);
  vertex(310, 120);
  vertex(300, 180);
  vertex(270, 100);
  vertex(200, 40);
  vertex(100, 40);
  vertex(30, 100);
  vertex(0, 180);
  vertex(-10, 120);
  vertex(20, 60);
  quad(100, 340, 200, 340, 250, 400, 60, 400);

Assignment-03-My Face

I wanted to create a scaling portrait which had a bunch of bold lines and randomly filled colors into the image to contrast a gray background, and so I did.

Snap 2014-09-10 at 15.58.55

Snap 2014-09-10 at 15.59.19

Snap 2014-09-10 at 15.59.40

The pink one is my favorite.

Here is my code:
