Category: Assignment-06-FaceOSC


i like broccoli
this amuses me

  import oscP5.*;
  OscP5 oscP5;
  // num faces found
  int found;
  // pose
  float poseScale;
  PVector posePosition = new PVector();
  PVector poseOrientation = new PVector();
  // gesture
  float mouthHeight;
  float mouthWidth;
  float eyeLeft;
  float eyeRight;
  float eyebrowLeft;
  float eyebrowRight;
  float jaw;
  float nostrils;
  void setup() {
    size(640, 480);
    oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338);
    oscP5.plug(this, "found", "/found");
    oscP5.plug(this, "poseScale", "/pose/scale");
    oscP5.plug(this, "posePosition", "/pose/position");
    oscP5.plug(this, "poseOrientation", "/pose/orientation");
    oscP5.plug(this, "mouthWidthReceived", "/gesture/mouth/width");
    oscP5.plug(this, "mouthHeightReceived", "/gesture/mouth/height");
    oscP5.plug(this, "eyeLeftReceived", "/gesture/eye/left");
    oscP5.plug(this, "eyeRightReceived", "/gesture/eye/right");
    oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowLeftReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/left");
    oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowRightReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/right");
    oscP5.plug(this, "jawReceived", "/gesture/jaw");
    oscP5.plug(this, "nostrilsReceived", "/gesture/nostrils");
  void draw() {  
    if (found > 0) {
      translate(posePosition.x, posePosition.y);
      PImage broccoli;
      broccoli= loadImage("broccoli .png");
      image(broccoli, mouthWidth-60, eyebrowLeft-mouthHeight-60, 100, 100);
      ellipse(-20, eyeLeft * -9, 10, 10);
      ellipse(20, eyeRight * -9, 10, 10);
     fill (50,205,50);
     ellipse(-20, eyeLeft * -9, 7, 7);
      ellipse(20, eyeRight * -9, 7, 7);
      ellipse(-20, eyeLeft * -9, 3, 3);
      ellipse(20, eyeRight * -9, 3, 3);
       PImage leftBrow;
       leftBrow= loadImage ("Left.png");
       image(leftBrow, -30, eyebrowLeft * -6, 25,5);
       PImage rightBrow;
       rightBrow= loadImage ("Right .png");
       image (rightBrow, 15, eyebrowRight * -6, 25, 5);
       PImage Mouth;
       Mouth= loadImage ("Mouth.png");
       image (Mouth,-15,15, mouthWidth*3, mouthHeight *3);

  public void found(int i) {
    println("found: " + i);
    found = i;
  public void poseScale(float s) {
    println("scale: " + s);
    poseScale = s;
  public void posePosition(float x, float y) {
    println("pose position\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y );
    posePosition.set(x, y, 0);
  public void poseOrientation(float x, float y, float z) {
    println("pose orientation\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y + " Z: " + z);
    poseOrientation.set(x, y, z);
  public void mouthWidthReceived(float w) {
    println("mouth Width: " + w);
    mouthWidth = w;
  public void mouthHeightReceived(float h) {
    println("mouth height: " + h);
    mouthHeight = h;
  public void eyeLeftReceived(float f) {
    println("eye left: " + f);
    eyeLeft = f;
  public void eyeRightReceived(float f) {
    println("eye right: " + f);
    eyeRight = f;
  public void eyebrowLeftReceived(float f) {
    println("eyebrow left: " + f);
    eyebrowLeft = f;
  public void eyebrowRightReceived(float f) {
    println("eyebrow right: " + f);
    eyebrowRight = f;
  public void jawReceived(float f) {
    println("jaw: " + f);
    jaw = f;
  public void nostrilsReceived(float f) {
    println("nostrils: " + f);
    nostrils = f;
  void oscEvent(OscMessage m) {
    println("#received an osc message");
    println("Complete message: "+m);
    println(" addrpattern: "+m.addrPattern());
    println(" typetag: "+m.typetag());
    println(" arguments: "+m.arguments()[0].toString());
    if (m.isPlugged() == false) {
      println("UNPLUGGED: " + m);

FaceOSC – Babel

Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 17.19.40 Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 17.19.49


word vomit.

this began as a concept where moving elements of your face would cause marks of this motion to appear, without actually showing your face back. This eventual evolved into leaving falling characters in this style. In the end, It seemed more natural to have words pouring from your mouth. The face I used is heavily inspired by my previous face projects. I enjoy serious faces that wobble.


the face’s primary control is how open the mouth is, which dictates rate of word pour, thickness of lines, and amour of wobble. the rest of the facial properties are used to handle the rendering of the face in 3D space.

The last part of this may or may not be lines from Blue Swede’s Hooked on a Feeling.

import oscP5.*;
OscP5 oscP5;

//class that handles the falling letters
class Letter {
  char c;
  int x;
  int y;
  float scale;
  float speed;
  Letter(char tempc, int tempx, int tempy, float tempscale){
    c = tempc;
    x = tempx;
    y = tempy;
    scale = tempscale;
    speed = 0.0;
  void update(){
    speed = speed + 0.5;
    y += int(speed*scale);
  void display(){
  Boolean finished(){
    return y >= height + 20;

String words;
int textLen;
int textInd;
int spaceInd;

ArrayList<Letter> letters;

// num faces found
int found;

// pose
float poseScale;
PVector posePosition = new PVector();
PVector poseOrientation = new PVector();

// gesture
float mouthHeight;
float mouthWidth;
float eyeLeft;
float eyeRight;
float eyebrowLeft;
float eyebrowRight;
float jaw;
float nostrils;

void setup() {
  size(640, 480, OPENGL);
  //chars are selected in order from this text. Lorem Ipsum
  //because I am too lazy
  words="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit," 
       +" sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore "
       +"magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud "
       +"exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo"
       +" consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in "
       +"voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla "
       +"pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, "
       +"sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est "
  textLen = words.length();
  textInd = 0;
  spaceInd = 0;
  letters = new ArrayList<Letter>();

  oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338);
  oscP5.plug(this, "found", "/found");
  oscP5.plug(this, "poseScale", "/pose/scale");
  oscP5.plug(this, "posePosition", "/pose/position");
  oscP5.plug(this, "poseOrientation", "/pose/orientation");
  oscP5.plug(this, "mouthWidthReceived", "/gesture/mouth/width");
  oscP5.plug(this, "mouthHeightReceived", "/gesture/mouth/height");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyeLeftReceived", "/gesture/eye/left");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyeRightReceived", "/gesture/eye/right");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowLeftReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/left");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowRightReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/right");
  oscP5.plug(this, "jawReceived", "/gesture/jaw");
  oscP5.plug(this, "nostrilsReceived", "/gesture/nostrils");

void draw() {  
  //face drawing
  float nscale = poseScale/3.0;
  translate (posePosition.x, posePosition.y, 0);
  rotateY (0 - poseOrientation.y); 
  rotateX (0 - poseOrientation.x); 
  rotateZ (    poseOrientation.z); 
  int r1 = int(random(-1*mouthHeight, mouthHeight)/1.4);
  int r2 = int(random(-1*mouthHeight, mouthHeight)/1.4);
  int r3 = int(random(-1*mouthHeight, mouthHeight)/1.4);
  line(-40 + r1, eyeLeft * -9, -5, -10 + r1, eyeLeft * -9,0);
  line(40 + r1, eyeRight * -9, -5, 10 + r1, eyeRight * -9,0);
  line(-50 + r2, eyebrowLeft * -5, -5, -8 + r2, eyebrowLeft * -5,0);
  line(50 + r2, eyebrowRight * -5, -5, 8 + r2, eyebrowRight * -5,0);
  line(-5 + r3,nostrils * 1,0,5 + r3,nostrils*1,0);
  line(-mouthWidth + r3,45,0,mouthWidth + r3,45,0);
  println("mWidth: " + mouthWidth + ", mHeight: " + mouthHeight);

  //generates new falling letters
  for(int i = 0; i < int(mouthHeight/1.4); i++){
    if (spaceInd % 2 == 0){
      letters.add(new Letter(words.charAt(textInd),
                  int(posePosition.x + random(-2*mouthWidth - mouthHeight,
                                               2*mouthWidth + mouthHeight)),
                  int(posePosition.y + 65), nscale));
      textInd = (textInd + 1) % textLen;
  //updates and displays letters  
  for (int i = letters.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    Letter letter = letters.get(i);
    if (letter.finished()) {


public void found(int i) {
  println("found: " + i);
  found = i;

public void poseScale(float s) {
  println("scale: " + s);
  poseScale = s;

public void posePosition(float x, float y) {
  println("pose position\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y );
  posePosition.set(x, y, 0);

public void poseOrientation(float x, float y, float z) {
  println("pose orientation\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y + " Z: " + z);
  poseOrientation.set(x, y, z);

public void mouthWidthReceived(float w) {
  println("mouth Width: " + w);
  mouthWidth = w;

public void mouthHeightReceived(float h) {
  println("mouth height: " + h);
  mouthHeight = h;

public void eyeLeftReceived(float f) {
  println("eye left: " + f);
  eyeLeft = f;

public void eyeRightReceived(float f) {
  println("eye right: " + f);
  eyeRight = f;

public void eyebrowLeftReceived(float f) {
  println("eyebrow left: " + f);
  eyebrowLeft = f;

public void eyebrowRightReceived(float f) {
  println("eyebrow right: " + f);
  eyebrowRight = f;

public void jawReceived(float f) {
  println("jaw: " + f);
  jaw = f;

public void nostrilsReceived(float f) {
  println("nostrils: " + f);
  nostrils = f;

// all other OSC messages end up here
void oscEvent(OscMessage m) {
  /* print the address pattern and the typetag of the received OscMessage */
  println("#received an osc message");
  println("Complete message: "+m);
  println(" addrpattern: "+m.addrPattern());
  println(" typetag: "+m.typetag());
  println(" arguments: "+m.arguments()[0].toString());
  if(m.isPlugged() == false) {
    println("UNPLUGGED: " + m);



FaceTracker Banana

 import oscP5.*;
OscP5 oscP5;
float premouth1;
 PImage topb;
PImage botb;
PImage midb;
PImage nakbot;

int found;
// pose
float poseScale;
PVector posePosition = new PVector();
PVector poseOrientation = new PVector();
// gesture
float mouthHeight;
float mouthWidth;
float eyeLeft;
float eyeRight;
float eyebrowLeft;
float eyebrowRight;
float jaw;
float nostrils;
float x=0;
float prevmouth1;
 float check;
void setup(){
 topb = loadImage("topbanana.png");//height:567, width: 650
botb= loadImage("bottombanana.png");
 midb= loadImage("middlebanana.png");
 nakbot= loadImage ("nakedbanana.png");
 check= 0;
oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338);
oscP5.plug(this, "found", "/found");
oscP5.plug(this, "poseScale", "/pose/scale");
oscP5.plug(this, "posePosition", "/pose/position");
oscP5.plug(this, "poseOrientation", "/pose/orientation");
oscP5.plug(this, "mouthWidthReceived", "/gesture/mouth/width");
oscP5.plug(this, "mouthHeightReceived", "/gesture/mouth/height");
oscP5.plug(this, "eyeLeftReceived", "/gesture/eye/left");
oscP5.plug(this, "eyeRightReceived", "/gesture/eye/right");
oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowLeftReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/left");
oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowRightReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/right");
oscP5.plug(this, "jawReceived", "/gesture/jaw");
oscP5.plug(this, "nostrilsReceived", "/gesture/nostrils");

void draw(){

// if(prevmouth1!=mouthWidth){
//    check= mouthWidth;

//if the jaw is less then a certain range(ie, closed) close the banana
   if (jaw < 21.5){
        jaw = 0; 
//  }
//  prevmouth1= mouthWidth;
//translate(posePosition.x, posePosition.y);

image(nakbot,(jaw+152),nostrils+155 );
image(topb,(jaw * -5.5 +129),nostrils+32 )  ;
image(botb, jaw * 5.5 +125  ,nostrils+145);
image(midb, jaw * 5.5 +127 ,nostrils+45 );



public void found(int i) {
//println("found: " + i);
found = i;
public void poseScale(float s) {
//println("scale: " + s);
poseScale = s;
public void posePosition(float x, float y) {
//println("pose position\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y );
posePosition.set(x, y, 0);
public void poseOrientation(float x, float y, float z) {
//println("pose orientation\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y + " Z: " + z);
poseOrientation.set(x, y, z);
public void mouthWidthReceived(float w) {
//println("mouth Width: " + w);
mouthWidth = w;
public void mouthHeightReceived(float h) {
//println("mouth height: " + h);
mouthHeight = h;
public void eyeLeftReceived(float f) {
//println("eye left: " + f);
eyeLeft = f;
public void eyeRightReceived(float f) {
//println("eye right: " + f);
eyeRight = f;
public void eyebrowLeftReceived(float f) {
//println("eyebrow left: " + f);
eyebrowLeft = f;
public void eyebrowRightReceived(float f) {
//println("eyebrow right: " + f);
eyebrowRight = f;
public void jawReceived(float f) {
println("jaw: " + f);
jaw = f;
public void nostrilsReceived(float f) {
//println("nostrils: " + f);
nostrils = f;
// all other OSC messages end up here
void oscEvent(OscMessage m) {
if(m.isPlugged() == false) {
println("UNPLUGGED: " + m);


My piece explanation. Fruit. I’ve been working with, and eating fruit the most I’ve ever had to in my life. It’s been through this experience that I’ve come to understand how frustrating it is to peel fruit. With that in mind, my piece works in conjunction with idea. The frustration I have when peeling fruit, my constant frowning and creased brows, are reflected in the piece and as such, in order to peel the fruit depicted, the user must frown, a lot. In the future I would want to uses the movement of the link and the eyebrows to track how much of the fruit to peel, and the blinking of the eyes to switch to the next fruit.
*Edited: The video now works. I just had to change some coding errors and use someone else’s face. FaceOS likes light rooms, and people apparently.
*My program isn’t working. For one thing, the FaceOSC can’t seem to track my face for more than too seconds. Also, I loaded an image which doesn’t change at all despite changing the positing of your face. So with that in mind, here’s a picture of a banana that should have been peeled. I will note that trying to peel a banana in real life is almost as frustrating as trying to program a banana to peel. Almost. main b


csb – face-osc – text-embedded easter egg

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import oscP5.*;
OscP5 oscP5;

// num faces found
int found;

// pose
float poseScale;
PVector posePosition = new PVector();
PVector poseOrientation = new PVector();

// gesture
float mouthHeight;
float mouthWidth;
float eyeLeft;
float eyeRight;
float eyebrowLeft;
float eyebrowRight;
float jaw;
float nostrils;

String[] lines;

int string_spacing = 20;

void setup() {
size(804, 805, P3D);

lines = loadStrings(“lorem_ipsum.txt”);

oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338);
oscP5.plug(this, “found”, “/found”);
oscP5.plug(this, “poseScale”, “/pose/scale”);
oscP5.plug(this, “posePosition”, “/pose/position”);
oscP5.plug(this, “poseOrientation”, “/pose/orientation”);
oscP5.plug(this, “mouthWidthReceived”, “/gesture/mouth/width”);
oscP5.plug(this, “mouthHeightReceived”, “/gesture/mouth/height”);
oscP5.plug(this, “eyeLeftReceived”, “/gesture/eye/left”);
oscP5.plug(this, “eyeRightReceived”, “/gesture/eye/right”);
oscP5.plug(this, “eyebrowLeftReceived”, “/gesture/eyebrow/left”);
oscP5.plug(this, “eyebrowRightReceived”, “/gesture/eyebrow/right”);
oscP5.plug(this, “jawReceived”, “/gesture/jaw”);
oscP5.plug(this, “nostrilsReceived”, “/gesture/nostrils”);

float i = 0;
float count = 0;

void draw() {
//translate(422, height*0.52, -366);
i = i + 1;
count = count + 1;

void lorum() {
for (int n = 0; n < lines.length; n+=1) { baby(); translate(0, string_spacing+posePosition.y); text(lines[n], poseOrientation.x, noise(20)+string_spacing); } string_spacing = 0; //background(0,253); } void baby() { fill(-16, 130, 5, 84); stroke(212, 101, 309, 429); // translate(eyeLeft, eyeRight, mouthHeight); translate(eyeLeft*30.0, posePosition.y, -155); sphere((mouthHeight*150)); translate(eyeRight*30.0, posePosition.y, -155); sphere((mouthHeight*150)); int sizing = abs(int(70 /poseScale)); textSize(sizing); fill(0, 102, 153); text("word", posePosition.x, posePosition.y, posePosition.z+100); // Specify a z-axis value text("Default depth, no z-value specified", posePosition.x, posePosition.y, posePosition.z); // Default depth, no z-value specified String s = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."; fill(243); text(s, posePosition.x-135, posePosition.y+-21, posePosition.z+-153, 279); // text("Text wraps within text box", poseOrientation.x, poseOrientation.y, poseOrientation.z, poseScale); } //ellipse(noise(poseScale), poseOrientation.x, mouthHeight, posePosition.y); // OSC CALLBACK FUNCTIONS public void found(int i) { println("found: " + i); found = i; } public void poseScale(float s) { println("scale: " + s); poseScale = s; } public void posePosition(float x, float y) { println("pose position\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y ); posePosition.set(x, y, 0); } public void poseOrientation(float x, float y, float z) { println("pose orientation\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y + " Z: " + z); poseOrientation.set(x, y, z); } public void mouthWidthReceived(float w) { println("mouth Width: " + w); mouthWidth = w; } public void mouthHeightReceived(float h) { println("mouth height: " + h); mouthHeight = h; } public void eyeLeftReceived(float f) { println("eye left: " + f); eyeLeft = f; } public void eyeRightReceived(float f) { println("eye right: " + f); eyeRight = f; } public void eyebrowLeftReceived(float f) { println("eyebrow left: " + f); eyebrowLeft = f; } public void eyebrowRightReceived(float f) { println("eyebrow right: " + f); eyebrowRight = f; } public void jawReceived(float f) { println("jaw: " + f); jaw = f; } public void nostrilsReceived(float f) { println("nostrils: " + f); nostrils = f; } // all other OSC messages end up here void oscEvent(OscMessage m) { /* print the address pattern and the typetag of the received OscMessage */ println("#received an osc message"); println("Complete message: "+m); println(" addrpattern: "+m.addrPattern()); println(" typetag: "+m.typetag()); println(" arguments: "+m.arguments()[0].toString()); if(m.isPlugged() == false) { println("UNPLUGGED: " + m); } } lorem_ipsum

FaceOSC: Anonymizing Masks for Flame Wars

Have you ever been an angry kid on YouTube? Has someone ever trolled your Let’s Play videos? Have you ever wanted to make a super angry threatening response video to your haters, but are afraid of giving away your identity?

Now you can use the Anonymizing Mask for Flame Wars and make all the angry videos you want without the embarrassment of finding your angry younger self on YouTube years down the line!

Use the default Minecraft mask, or supply the program with your own by dragging a 3D model into the /masks folder! Once you’ve chosen your mask, simply record your screen and upload the video to YouTube!

Starry Eyes

I wanted to use particles to fill in the the shapes of the eyebrows, eyes, and mouth, but this was not possible in the timeframe given. Instead I decided to fill the shapes with a starry pattern using randomly placed points (stars) and then screening them based on the face shapes. Given more time I would make the stars blink, fade, and move slowly to one direction.

Below is a quick sketch of the concept.


Here is the code:


// Starry Eyes (and mouth..and Eyebrows)
// by Matthew Kellogg
// October 6, 2014
// This is based off a template by Golan Levin for receiving face tracking osc messages from
// Kyle McDonald's FaceOSC

import oscP5.*;
OscP5 oscP5;

import java.util.ArrayList;

// num faces found
int found;

// pose
float poseScale;
PVector posePosition = new PVector();
PVector poseOrientation = new PVector();

// gesture
float mouthHeight;
float mouthWidth;
float eyeLeft;
float eyeRight;
float eyebrowLeft;
float eyebrowRight;
float jaw;
float nostrils;

void setup() {
  size(800, 600);

  oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338);
  oscP5.plug(this, "found", "/found");
  oscP5.plug(this, "poseScale", "/pose/scale");
  oscP5.plug(this, "posePosition", "/pose/position");
  oscP5.plug(this, "poseOrientation", "/pose/orientation");
  oscP5.plug(this, "mouthWidthReceived", "/gesture/mouth/width");
  oscP5.plug(this, "mouthHeightReceived", "/gesture/mouth/height");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyeLeftReceived", "/gesture/eye/left");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyeRightReceived", "/gesture/eye/right");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowLeftReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/left");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowRightReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/right");
  oscP5.plug(this, "jawReceived", "/gesture/jaw");
  oscP5.plug(this, "nostrilsReceived", "/gesture/nostrils");

void draw() {  
  for (int i = 0; i< 1000; i++){     ellipse(random(0, width), random(0, height), random(1,3), random(1,3));   }      fill(240);   blendMode(MULTIPLY);   if(found > 0) {
    translate(posePosition.x, posePosition.y);
    ellipse(-20, eyeLeft * -9, 20, 7);
    ellipse(20, eyeRight * -9, 20, 7);
    ellipse(0, 20, mouthWidth* 3, mouthHeight * 3);
    rect(-20, eyebrowLeft * -5, 25, 5);
    rect(20, eyebrowRight * -5, 25, 5);


public void found(int i) {
  println("found: " + i);
  found = i;

public void poseScale(float s) {
  println("scale: " + s);
  poseScale = s;

public void posePosition(float x, float y) {
  println("pose position\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y );
  posePosition.set(x, y, 0);

public void poseOrientation(float x, float y, float z) {
  println("pose orientation\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y + " Z: " + z);
  poseOrientation.set(x, y, z);

public void mouthWidthReceived(float w) {
  println("mouth Width: " + w);
  mouthWidth = w;

public void mouthHeightReceived(float h) {
  println("mouth height: " + h);
  mouthHeight = h;

public void eyeLeftReceived(float f) {
  println("eye left: " + f);
  eyeLeft = f;

public void eyeRightReceived(float f) {
  println("eye right: " + f);
  eyeRight = f;

public void eyebrowLeftReceived(float f) {
  println("eyebrow left: " + f);
  eyebrowLeft = f;

public void eyebrowRightReceived(float f) {
  println("eyebrow right: " + f);
  eyebrowRight = f;

public void jawReceived(float f) {
  println("jaw: " + f);
  jaw = f;

public void nostrilsReceived(float f) {
  println("nostrils: " + f);
  nostrils = f;

// all other OSC messages end up here
void oscEvent(OscMessage m) {
  /* print the address pattern and the typetag of the received OscMessage */
  println("#received an osc message");
  println("Complete message: "+m);
  println(" addrpattern: "+m.addrPattern());
  println(" typetag: "+m.typetag());
  println(" arguments: "+m.arguments()[0].toString());
  if(m.isPlugged() == false) {
    println("UNPLUGGED: " + m);


For this assignment, I found something very endearing about the motion tracker and its interaction with primitives. While quite simple, I had fun watching these tiny shapes nervously twitch to the movement of my face.

import oscP5.*;
OscP5 oscP5;

// num faces found
int found;

// pose
float poseScale;
PVector posePosition = new PVector();
PVector poseOrientation = new PVector();

// gesture
float mouthHeight;
float mouthWidth;
float eyeLeft;
float eyeRight;
float eyebrowLeft;
float eyebrowRight;
float jaw;
float nostrils;

void setup() {
  size(640, 480);

  oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338);
  oscP5.plug(this, "found", "/found");
  oscP5.plug(this, "poseScale", "/pose/scale");
  oscP5.plug(this, "posePosition", "/pose/position");
  oscP5.plug(this, "poseOrientation", "/pose/orientation");
  oscP5.plug(this, "mouthWidthReceived", "/gesture/mouth/width");
  oscP5.plug(this, "mouthHeightReceived", "/gesture/mouth/height");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyeLeftReceived", "/gesture/eye/left");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyeRightReceived", "/gesture/eye/right");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowLeftReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/left");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowRightReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/right");
  oscP5.plug(this, "jawReceived", "/gesture/jaw");
  oscP5.plug(this, "nostrilsReceived", "/gesture/nostrils");

void draw() {  
  if(found > 0) {
    translate(posePosition.x, posePosition.y);
    stroke (191, 222, 215);
    strokeWeight (1);
    for (int i=5; i< 30; i+=70){
      fill (216, 242, 236);
    ellipse (i, nostrils, 5, 5);
    line (20, eyebrowLeft, 1, 10);
    line (21, eyebrowRight, 1, 10);
    line (22, eyebrowLeft, 1, 10);
    line (23, eyebrowRight, 1, 10);
    line (eyebrowLeft, 23, 1, 10);
    stroke (216, 242, 236);
    noFill ();
    ellipse (jaw, 100, 2, 2);
    ellipse (jaw, 30, 4, 4);
    ellipse (45, jaw, 2, 2);
    line (eyebrowLeft, 10, 25,50);
    line (10,eyebrowRight, 25, 50); 
    line (eyebrowLeft, eyebrowRight, 5, 70);
    ellipse (eyebrowLeft*2, 60, 1, 1);
    ellipse (eyebrowLeft*2, 10, 1, 1);
    stroke (191, 222, 215);
    ellipse (eyebrowRight, 55, 1, 1);
    ellipse (eyebrowRight, 10, 1, 1);
    stroke (224, 213, 216);
    ellipse (mouthHeight/height, 5, 1, 1);
    ellipse (mouthWidth/height, 1, 1, 1);
    ellipse (40, mouthHeight, 3, 3);



public void found(int i) {
  println("found: " + i);
  found = i;

public void poseScale(float s) {
  println("scale: " + s);
  poseScale = s;

public void posePosition(float x, float y) {
  println("pose position\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y );
  posePosition.set(x, y, 0);

public void poseOrientation(float x, float y, float z) {
  println("pose orientation\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y + " Z: " + z);
  poseOrientation.set(x, y, z);

public void mouthWidthReceived(float w) {
  println("mouth Width: " + w);
  mouthWidth = w;

public void mouthHeightReceived(float h) {
  println("mouth height: " + h);
  mouthHeight = h;

public void eyeLeftReceived(float f) {
  println("eye left: " + f);
  eyeLeft = f;

public void eyeRightReceived(float f) {
  println("eye right: " + f);
  eyeRight = f;

public void eyebrowLeftReceived(float f) {
  println("eyebrow left: " + f);
  eyebrowLeft = f;

public void eyebrowRightReceived(float f) {
  println("eyebrow right: " + f);
  eyebrowRight = f;

public void jawReceived(float f) {
  println("jaw: " + f);
  jaw = f;

public void nostrilsReceived(float f) {
  println("nostrils: " + f);
  nostrils = f;

// all other OSC messages end up here
void oscEvent(OscMessage m) {

/* print the address pattern and the typetag of the received OscMessage */
println(“#received an osc message”);
println(“Complete message: “+m);
println(” addrpattern: “+m.addrPattern());
println(” typetag: “+m.typetag());
println(” arguments: “+m.arguments()[0].toString());

if(m.isPlugged() == false) {
println(“UNPLUGGED: ” + m);

SpongeHizal SquareFace

Spongebob face match project

For this project, after a bit of thinking I decided to make the iconic Spongebob face for this project. The hardest part was trying to figure out exactly why the given datapoints were so weird, and in the negatives, but I got a hang of it after a bit. Another hard part was creating the bezier curves (nose, mouth and chin-thing), purely because bezier curves are annoyingly hard, esp. when using variables.
Controls: Eyebrows control the eyelashes (length), funny right?
and smile controls the smile on Spongebob. Otherwise, the rest are mapped to locations on the face.

import oscP5.*;
OscP5 oscP5;

// num faces found
int found;

// pose
float poseScale;
PVector posePosition = new PVector();
PVector poseOrientation = new PVector();

// gesture
float mouthHeight;
float mouthWidth;
float eyeLeft;
float eyeRight;
float eyebrowLeft;
float eyebrowRight;
float jaw;
float nostrils;
float lineradiusL = 10;
float lineradiusR = 10;

void setup() {
  size(640, 480);
  oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338);
  oscP5.plug(this, "found", "/found");
  oscP5.plug(this, "poseScale", "/pose/scale");
  oscP5.plug(this, "posePosition", "/pose/position");
  oscP5.plug(this, "poseOrientation", "/pose/orientation");
  oscP5.plug(this, "mouthWidthReceived", "/gesture/mouth/width");
  oscP5.plug(this, "mouthHeightReceived", "/gesture/mouth/height");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyeLeftReceived", "/gesture/eye/left");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyeRightReceived", "/gesture/eye/right");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowLeftReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/left");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowRightReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/right");
  oscP5.plug(this, "jawReceived", "/gesture/jaw");
  oscP5.plug(this, "nostrilsReceived", "/gesture/nostrils");

void draw() {  
  lineradiusL = eyebrowLeft*4;
  lineradiusR = eyebrowRight*4;
  if (found > 0) {
    translate(posePosition.x, posePosition.y+50);
    line(-25, eyeLeft*-8, -25+cos(radians(270))*lineradiusL, eyeLeft*-8+sin(radians(270))*lineradiusL);
    line(-25, eyeLeft*-8, -25+cos(radians(240))*lineradiusL, eyeLeft*-8+sin(radians(240))*lineradiusL);
    line(-25, eyeLeft*-8, -25+cos(radians(300))*lineradiusL, eyeLeft*-8+sin(radians(300))*lineradiusL);
    line(25, eyeRight*-8, 25+cos(radians(270))*lineradiusR, eyeRight*-8+sin(radians(270))*lineradiusR);
    line(25, eyeRight*-8, 25+cos(radians(240))*lineradiusR, eyeRight*-8+sin(radians(240))*lineradiusR);
    line(25, eyeRight*-8, 25+cos(radians(300))*lineradiusR, eyeRight*-8+sin(radians(300))*lineradiusR);
    ellipse(-25, eyeLeft*-8, 50, 50);
    ellipse(25, eyeRight*-8, 50, 50);
    ellipse(-23, eyeLeft*-8, 20, 20);
    ellipse(23, eyeRight*-8, 20, 20);
    ellipse(-23, eyeLeft*-8, 11, 11);
    ellipse(23, eyeRight*-8, 11, 11);
    ellipse(-35, eyeLeft*-8+30, 3, 2);
    ellipse(-45, eyeLeft*-8+30, 4, 2);
    ellipse(-40, eyeLeft*-8+35, 1, 3);
    ellipse(35, eyeRight*-8+30, 3, 2);
    ellipse(45, eyeRight*-8+30, 4, 2);
    ellipse(40, eyeRight*-8+35, 1, 3);
    vertex(nostrils*-1+1, nostrils+2);
    bezierVertex(nostrils*-1-17, nostrils*-7, nostrils*-1+30, nostrils*-7, nostrils*-1+11, nostrils+2);
    bezier(-40,mouthWidth*-3+70, -30, 30, 30, 30, 40, mouthWidth*-3+70);
    curve(-30, 13-mouthWidth*.75, -20, 56-mouthWidth*.75, 0, 58-mouthWidth*.75, 0, 63-mouthWidth*.75);
    curve(0, 63-mouthWidth*.75, 0, 58-mouthWidth*.75, 20, 56-mouthWidth*.75, 30, 13-mouthWidth*.75);


public void found(int i) {
  println("found: " + i);
  found = i;

public void poseScale(float s) {
  println("scale: " + s);
  poseScale = s;

public void posePosition(float x, float y) {
  println("pose position\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y );
  posePosition.set(x, y, 0);

public void poseOrientation(float x, float y, float z) {
  println("pose orientation\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y + " Z: " + z);
  poseOrientation.set(x, y, z);

public void mouthWidthReceived(float w) {
  println("mouth Width: " + w);
  mouthWidth = w;

public void mouthHeightReceived(float h) {
  println("mouth height: " + h);
  mouthHeight = h;

public void eyeLeftReceived(float f) {
  println("eye left: " + f);
  eyeLeft = f;

public void eyeRightReceived(float f) {
  println("eye right: " + f);
  eyeRight = f;

public void eyebrowLeftReceived(float f) {
  println("eyebrow left: " + f);
  eyebrowLeft = f;

public void eyebrowRightReceived(float f) {
  println("eyebrow right: " + f);
  eyebrowRight = f;

public void jawReceived(float f) {
  println("jaw: " + f);
  jaw = f;

public void nostrilsReceived(float f) {
  println("nostrils: " + f);
  nostrils = f;

// all other OSC messages end up here
void oscEvent(OscMessage m) {

  /* print the address pattern and the typetag of the received OscMessage */
  println("#received an osc message");
  println("Complete message: "+m);
  println(" addrpattern: "+m.addrPattern());
  println(" typetag: "+m.typetag());
  println(" arguments: "+m.arguments()[0].toString());

  if (m.isPlugged() == false) {
    println("UNPLUGGED: " + m);

the thing with the face and the stuff

Ok yeah I know this is supes uninteresting and mostly just a cutesy cartoon me following the mapping of the actual me, only sometimes the eyebrows mess up and do a thing.

Initially, I wanted to do a thing with actual photographs of eyes and noses and stuff, and depending on the location of the eye or whatever in faceOSC, it would show a different photograph of an eye or something. As it turns out, randomly googling various facial features is all well and good until you start scrolling down and then there’s pictures of horrifying facial injuries and hospital stuff and facial surgeries and I literally cannot look at that stuff without feeling sick at the least and having a panic attack at most. Anyway the surprise gory nose surgery photos kinda put me off a) my lunch and b) the idea for the time being, but at some point I want to revisit that concept because it would be super cool to make something with all sorts of weird flickering images of eyes and stuff.

My goal for this once I got on the second trajectory, which was making a silly cartoony thing, was to be able to make the entire rest of the physical face and the hair follow the actual head around. It mostly works; the bangs do a lifty thing that normal hair doesn’t do, but for the most part it works. All I really did was edit the code we were given.

// Don't forget to install OscP5 library for Processing, 
// or nothing will work! 
// A template for receiving face tracking osc messages from
// Kyle McDonald's FaceOSC

import oscP5.*;
OscP5 oscP5;

// num faces found
int found;

// pose
float poseScale;
PVector posePosition = new PVector();
PVector poseOrientation = new PVector();

// gesture
float mouthHeight;
float mouthWidth;
float eyeLeft;
float eyeRight;
float eyebrowLeft;
float eyebrowRight;
float jaw;
float nostrils;

void setup() {
  size(640, 480);

  oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338);
  oscP5.plug(this, "found", "/found");
  oscP5.plug(this, "poseScale", "/pose/scale");
  oscP5.plug(this, "posePosition", "/pose/position");
  oscP5.plug(this, "poseOrientation", "/pose/orientation");
  oscP5.plug(this, "mouthWidthReceived", "/gesture/mouth/width");
  oscP5.plug(this, "mouthHeightReceived", "/gesture/mouth/height");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyeLeftReceived", "/gesture/eye/left");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyeRightReceived", "/gesture/eye/right");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowLeftReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/left");
  oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowRightReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/right");
  oscP5.plug(this, "jawReceived", "/gesture/jaw");
  oscP5.plug(this, "nostrilsReceived", "/gesture/nostrils");

void draw() {  
  if(found > 0) {
    translate(posePosition.x, posePosition.y);
        beginShape();//left ear
        beginShape();//right ear
        curveVertex(-45, -100);
        curveVertex(-30, -100);
    ellipse(-20, eyeLeft * -9, 20, eyeLeft*-6);
    ellipse(20, eyeRight * -9, 20, eyeRight*-6);
        curveVertex(mouthWidth, -mouthHeight);
        curveVertex(mouthWidth, -mouthHeight);
        curveVertex(mouthWidth, mouthHeight);
        curveVertex(-mouthWidth, mouthHeight);
        curveVertex(-mouthWidth, -mouthHeight);
        curveVertex(-mouthWidth, -mouthHeight);
        curveVertex(-30, eyebrowLeft*-3);
        curveVertex(-30, eyebrowLeft*-5);
        curveVertex(30, eyebrowRight*-3);
        curveVertex(30, eyebrowRight*-5);


public void found(int i) {
  println("found: " + i);
  found = i;

public void poseScale(float s) {
  println("scale: " + s);
  poseScale = s;

public void posePosition(float x, float y) {
  println("pose position\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y );
  posePosition.set(x, y, 0);

public void poseOrientation(float x, float y, float z) {
  println("pose orientation\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y + " Z: " + z);
  poseOrientation.set(x, y, z);

public void mouthWidthReceived(float w) {
  println("mouth Width: " + w);
  mouthWidth = w;

public void mouthHeightReceived(float h) {
  println("mouth height: " + h);
  mouthHeight = h;

public void eyeLeftReceived(float f) {
  println("eye left: " + f);
  eyeLeft = f;

public void eyeRightReceived(float f) {
  println("eye right: " + f);
  eyeRight = f;

public void eyebrowLeftReceived(float f) {
  println("eyebrow left: " + f);
  eyebrowLeft = f;

public void eyebrowRightReceived(float f) {
  println("eyebrow right: " + f);
  eyebrowRight = f;

public void jawReceived(float f) {
  println("jaw: " + f);
  jaw = f;

public void nostrilsReceived(float f) {
  println("nostrils: " + f);
  nostrils = f;

// all other OSC messages end up here
void oscEvent(OscMessage m) {
  /* print the address pattern and the typetag of the received OscMessage */
  println("#received an osc message");
  println("Complete message: "+m);
  println(" addrpattern: "+m.addrPattern());
  println(" typetag: "+m.typetag());
  println(" arguments: "+m.arguments()[0].toString());
  if(m.isPlugged() == false) {
    println("UNPLUGGED: " + m);

Ghost egg avatar clair

I wanted to create a simple avatar while learning how to  manipulate OSCface. I also wanted to manipulate how long the image stays on the screen. Heightening the movement of the mouth and eyebrows. was also one main goal. The expressions of my avatar don’t range too drastically but mostly show varying levels of anger intensity. This was really fun to make.



//ghost egg gonna fuck you up!!!!!!

import oscP5.*;
OscP5 oscP5;

// num faces found
int found;

// pose
float poseScale;
PVector posePosition = new PVector();
PVector poseOrientation = new PVector();

// gesture
float mouthHeight;
float mouthWidth;
float eyeLeft;
float eyeRight;
float eyebrowLeft;
float eyebrowRight;
float jaw;
float nostrils;

void setup() {
fill(0, 12);
rect(0, 0, width, height);
size(640, 480);

oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338);
oscP5.plug(this, “found”, “/found”);
oscP5.plug(this, “poseScale”, “/pose/scale”);
oscP5.plug(this, “posePosition”, “/pose/position”);
oscP5.plug(this, “poseOrientation”, “/pose/orientation”);
oscP5.plug(this, “mouthWidthReceived”, “/gesture/mouth/width”);
oscP5.plug(this, “mouthHeightReceived”, “/gesture/mouth/height”);
oscP5.plug(this, “eyeLeftReceived”, “/gesture/eye/left”);
oscP5.plug(this, “eyeRightReceived”, “/gesture/eye/right”);
oscP5.plug(this, “eyebrowLeftReceived”, “/gesture/eyebrow/left”);
oscP5.plug(this, “eyebrowRightReceived”, “/gesture/eyebrow/right”);
oscP5.plug(this, “jawReceived”, “/gesture/jaw”);
oscP5.plug(this, “nostrilsReceived”, “/gesture/nostrils”);
//ghost egg is gonna fuck you up

void draw() {
rect(0, 0, width*2, height*2);
if(found > 0) {
translate(posePosition.x, posePosition.y);
ellipse(-20, eyeLeft * -9, 10, 8);
ellipse(20, eyeRight * -9, 10, 8);
ellipse(0, 10, mouthWidth* 1.5, mouthHeight * 5);



public void found(int i) {
println(“found: ” + i);
found = i;

public void poseScale(float s) {
println(“scale: ” + s);
poseScale = s;

public void posePosition(float x, float y) {
println(“pose position\tX: ” + x + ” Y: ” + y );
posePosition.set(x, y, 0);

public void poseOrientation(float x, float y, float z) {
println(“pose orientation\tX: ” + x + ” Y: ” + y + ” Z: ” + z);
poseOrientation.set(x, y, z);

public void mouthWidthReceived(float w) {
println(“mouth Width: ” + w);
mouthWidth = w;

public void mouthHeightReceived(float h) {
println(“mouth height: ” + h);
mouthHeight = h;

public void eyeLeftReceived(float f) {
println(“eye left: ” + f);
eyeLeft = f;

public void eyeRightReceived(float f) {
println(“eye right: ” + f);
eyeRight = f;

public void eyebrowLeftReceived(float f) {
println(“eyebrow left: ” + f);
eyebrowLeft = f;

public void eyebrowRightReceived(float f) {
println(“eyebrow right: ” + f);
eyebrowRight = f;

public void jawReceived(float f) {
println(“jaw: ” + f);
jaw = f;

// all other OSC messages end up here
void oscEvent(OscMessage m) {

/* print the address pattern and the typetag of the received OscMessage */
println(“#received an osc message”);
println(“Complete message: “+m);
println(” addrpattern: “+m.addrPattern());
println(” typetag: “+m.typetag());
println(” arguments: “+m.arguments()[0].toString());

if(m.isPlugged() == false) {
println(“UNPLUGGED: ” + m);