Worm Clock
The longer this clock is open the more layers it will get. The top of the worm is one third of a millisecond, the bottom is a year, and everything else follows accordingly.
The longer this clock is open the more layers it will get. The top of the worm is one third of a millisecond, the bottom is a year, and everything else follows accordingly.
I made a clock where each division of time is one half period of a sin wave. From top to bottom there are milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours. I made it smoothly transition by fractional parts of a second. Originally I was going to modulate all of them together, but the time was not decipherable from the resulting wave.
clair chin target clock
each section of my target changes color within a range gradually here’s 12:29-12:31.
float secondHsbVal;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
void draw() {
float s = map(second(), 0, 60,178, 302);
float m = map(minute(), 0, 60, 61, 245);
float h = map(hour(), 0, 24, 310, 160);
ellipse(300,300, 400, 400);
ellipse(300, 300,200, 200);
This is a one-hour sample of a full 24 hour clock (because what even are arrays??? The way I know how, it would have taken me 300 lines HA). Each hour has a different artist/playlist corresponding with the time of day. The hours are divided only by the song and not the actual minutes and seconds.
void setup() {
size(600, 150);
void draw () {
background (0);
strokeWeight (3);
rect (50, 50, 200, 100);
//int S= ( (((hour()*60) +minute()) *60) +second() );
int S = second()+ 250;
println (S);
PFont font;
font = loadFont("OratorStd-Slanted-48.vlw");
fill (255);
if (S<=257) {
text("Beyoncé \"Pretty Hurts \"", 300, 75);
} else if (S<=626) {
text("Beyoncé \"Haunted \"", 300, 75);
} else if (S<= 1001) {
text("Beyoncé \"Drunk In Love (feat. Jay-Z) \"", 300, 75);
} else if (S<= 1504) {
text("Beyoncé \" Blow\"", 300, 75);
} else if (S<= 1895) {
text("Beyoncé \"Partition \"", 300, 75);
} else if (S<= 2273) {
text("Beyoncé \" Jealous\"", 300, 75);
} else if (S<= 2524) {
text("Beyoncé \"Mine(feat. Drake)\"", 300, 75);
} else if (S<= 2800) {
text("Beyoncé \" ***Flawless (feat. Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche)\"", 300, 75);
} else if (S<=3030 ) {
text("Beyoncé \"Superpower (feat. Frank Ocean) \"", 300, 75);
} else if (S<= 3296) {
text("Beyoncé \" Heaven\"", 150, 100);
} else if (S<=3600 ) {
text("Beyoncé \" Blue (feat. Blue Ivy)\"", 300, 75);
My clock concept underwent some serious changes as it progressed. At first, my plan was to have a city which built itself and then destroyed itself every 24 hours, as shown in the schematics below:
Using toxiclibs, I managed to create a class which would create a flat plane in 3D space. As time progressed, boxes would emerge from the plane and grow upwards to a predetermined stop height. The problem was that if the plane was slanted in any direction, the boxes would still go straight up. I spent roughly 12 hours trying to fix this, but without any specific plan or debugging methodology, I only managed to waste loads of time and create more errors with the box generation. I ditched the idea of boxes for lines, which were much less time consuming to deal with. In the end, I managed to create a class which would accept any mesh, and generate lines which grow out of the given mesh in a specific direction. Thus, when a mesh that looks like this:
is fed into the class, this is the result:
captured in motion:
I inserted a shape into a 3D environment:
Originally, I planned to make the lines simply grow in different directions based on the time of day, but that didn’t seem to involve the surrounding terrain at all. Instead, I raised the shape high above the land, and altered the topography:
The beam of light moves to predetermined points (the intersections of the crevices between hills) around the terrain once per minute. A sped up section of random movement is shown here:
While at these points, the light will distort the surface of the terrain in one of five ways:
The light pulls the land up toward it The light expands the land, making it grow outwards The light collapses the land down to a single point The light stirs the land around The light pushes the land away from itEvery hour, the mesh is reset. One can look at the mesh and, judging its degree of distortion, tell how far into the current hour one is. Implementing a way to tell which hour is the next step, but currently this is only a one hour clock.
Here is a timelapse of the clock in action:
import toxi.color.*;
import toxi.color.theory.*;
import toxi.physics2d.constraints.*;
import toxi.physics.*;
import toxi.physics.constraints.*;
import toxi.physics.behaviors.*;
import toxi.math.conversion.*;
import toxi.geom.*;
import toxi.math.*;
import toxi.util.datatypes.*;
import toxi.util.events.*;
import toxi.geom.mesh.subdiv.*;
import toxi.geom.mesh.*;
import toxi.math.waves.*;
import toxi.util.*;
import toxi.math.noise.*;
import java.util.*;
import toxi.processing.*;
import java.util.*;
import processing.opengl.*;
int timeChange;
Viewer v;
Mesh3D shape;
ToxiclibsSupport gfx;
SuperStructure struc;
VerletPhysics world;
Land land;
Agent3D zapPos;
int imginc, curMin, curHour;
void setup(){
v = new Viewer(-1280,-776,-1109, new Vec3D());
struc = new SuperStructure(0,-1000,0,(TriangleMesh)new AABB(20).toMesh(),new Vec3D(0,1,0),100,83,2000,1);
gfx = new ToxiclibsSupport(this);
world = new VerletPhysics();
land = new Land(0,50,0,new Vec3D());
imginc = 0;
timeChange = 0;
zapPos = new Agent3D(0,0,0,new Vec3D());
zapPos.maxSpeed = 15.0;
zapPos.maxForce = 5.0;
curMin = minute();
curHour = hour();
void draw(){
if(curMin != minute()){
curMin = minute();
if(curHour != hour()){
land.reconfiguring = true;
curHour = hour();
Vec3D lightPos = struc.interpolateTo(zapPos,0.8);
if(key == 'c'){
println(v.campos, v.direction);
class Agent3D extends VerletParticle{
Vec3D targ, direction;
TriangleMesh shape;
float maxSpeed, maxForce;
Agent3D(float x, float y, float z){
direction = null;
shape = new TriangleMesh();
targ = null;
maxSpeed = 5.0;
maxForce = 1.2;
Agent3D(float x, float y, float z, Vec3D rot){
direction = rot;
Agent3D(float x, float y, float z, Vec3D rot, TriangleMesh shape){
this.shape = shape;
void setSeekPt(Vec3D target){
targ = target;
void setDirectionToFace(Vec3D pt){
void seek(){
if(targ != null){
Vec3D c = this.sub(targ);
float m = map(c.magnitude(),0,100,0,maxSpeed);
c = c.normalizeTo(m);
Vec3D steer = this.getVelocity().sub(c);
steer = steer.limit(maxForce);
void display(ToxiclibsSupport tls){
shape = shape.pointTowards(direction);
tls.mesh((Mesh3D)shape, false);
tls.translate(new Vec3D().sub(this));
void run(ToxiclibsSupport tls){
class SuperStructure extends Agent3D{
int timeOfBirth, age, maxAge, maxBlocks;
Structure[] structs;
SuperStructure(float x, float y, float z, Mesh3D m, Vec3D dir, int lifespan, int blockNum, int blockH, int blockW){
maxBlocks = blockNum;
maxAge = lifespan;
shape = (TriangleMesh)new STLReader().loadBinary(sketchPath("god.stl"),STLReader.TRIANGLEMESH);
structs = new Structure[m.getFaces().size()];
for(int i = 0; i < structs.length; i++){
Face f = (Face)m.getFaces().toArray()[i];
structs[i] = new Structure(this.x,this.y,this.z,this.direction, blockH, maxAge, blockW, blockH, maxBlocks, f);
void zapPoint(Vec3D pt){
for(Structure s: structs){
void run(ToxiclibsSupport tls){
for(Structure s: structs){
if(s != null){
class Structure extends Agent3D{
float baseRadius, maxBlockWidth, maxBlockHeight, blockWidth, blockHeight;
int timeOfBirth, age, maxAge, maxBlockNum, blockSlot, lifeStage;
Block[] blocks;
Triangle3D base;
Structure(float x, float y, float z, Vec3D dir, float top, int lifespan, float wid, float hei, int blockNum, Face baseMake){
timeOfBirth = frameCount;
maxBlockWidth = wid;
blockSlot = 0;
maxBlockHeight = hei;
maxBlockNum = blockNum;
maxAge = lifespan;
blocks = new Block[maxBlockNum];
base = new Triangle3D((Vec3D)baseMake.a, (Vec3D)baseMake.b, (Vec3D)baseMake.c);
for(int i = 0; i < maxBlockNum; i++){
Vec3D newPoint = base.a.interpolateTo(base.b.interpolateTo(base.c,random(1)),random(1));
blocks[i] = new Block(newPoint.x,newPoint.y,newPoint.z,direction,maxBlockWidth,maxBlockHeight,(int)random(maxAge));
void setDirectionToFace(Vec3D pt){
direction = pt.sub(this).normalize();
Triangle3D buildBase(){
Vec3D[] corners = new Vec3D[3];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
//creates corners by making flat random vector and then rotating to match structures rotation
Vec3D newCorner = new Vec3D(random(-1,1)*baseRadius,0,random(-1,1)*baseRadius).rotateX(direction.x).rotateY(direction.y);
corners[i] = newCorner;
return new Triangle3D(corners[0],corners[1],corners[2]);
void grow(){
for(int i = 0; i < maxBlockNum; i++){
Block b = blocks[i];
if(frameCount-b.birth > b.maxAge){
Vec3D newPoint = base.a.interpolateTo(base.b.interpolateTo(base.c,random(1)),random(1));
blocks[i] = new Block(newPoint.x,newPoint.y,newPoint.z,direction,maxBlockWidth,maxBlockHeight,maxAge);
gfx.translate(new Vec3D().sub(this));
class Block extends Agent3D{
float wdth, hght;
int tone, birth, maxAge;
TColor col;
Vec3D up;
Vec3D box;
Block(float x,float y,float z,Vec3D rot, float wt, float ht,int maxAge){
birth = frameCount;
this.maxAge = maxAge;
wdth = wt;
hght = ht;
box = blockFace();
tone = int(noise(frameCount*0.03)*30);
Vec3D blockFace(){
return this.add(direction.normalizeTo((frameCount+1-birth)*1.0/maxAge*hght));
void grow(){
box = blockFace();
void display(ToxiclibsSupport tls){
class Viewer{
Vec3D direction, campos;
Viewer(float x, float y, float z, Vec3D dir) {
direction = dir;
campos = new Vec3D(x,y,z);
void run() {
// Change height of the camera with mouseY
camera(campos.x, campos.y, campos.z, // eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ
direction.x, direction.y, direction.z, // centerX, centerY, centerZ
0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // upX, upY, upZ
Vec3D dir = direction.copy();
class Land extends Agent3D{
TriangleMesh originalShape;
Terrain terrain;
ArrayList<Agent3D> marks;
int ruleNum;
boolean reconfiguring;
float reconfigRatio;
float xCenter = 5.2;
float zCenter = 5.2;
Land(float xx,float yy,float zz, Vec3D dir){
marks = new ArrayList();
int DIMS = 40;
reconfiguring = false;
reconfigRatio = 0.0;
terrain = new Terrain(DIMS,DIMS, 50);
float[] el = new float[DIMS*DIMS];
ruleNum = int(random(5));
for (int z = 0, i = 0; z < DIMS; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < DIMS; x++) {
el[i++] = noise(x * 0.12, z * 0.12) * 400/PApplet.max((PApplet.abs(xCenter - (x%10))*PApplet.abs(zCenter-(z%10))),4);
if((x+5)%10 == 0 && (z+5)%10 == 0){
IsectData3D sec = new IsectData3D();
sec = terrain.intersectAtPoint(x,z);
marks.add(new Agent3D(sec.pos.x()*50-1000,150,sec.pos.z()*50-1000,new Vec3D()));
// create mesh
shape = (TriangleMesh)terrain.toMesh();
originalShape = shape.copy();
void display(ToxiclibsSupport tls){
void run(ToxiclibsSupport tls){
if(reconfiguring) {
for(Agent3D mark: marks){
ArrayList<Vec3D> getVertexPoints(TriangleMesh s){
ArrayList<Vec3D> start = new ArrayList();
Iterator<Vertex> getter = shape.getVertices().iterator();
return start;
ArrayList<Vec3D> getCloseVertices(Vec3D pt){
ArrayList<Vec3D> result = new ArrayList();
Vec3D ptFlat = new Vec3D(pt.x,0,pt.z);
ListIterator<Vec3D> remover = getVertexPoints(shape).listIterator();
Vec3D f = (Vec3D)remover.next();
Vec3D flat = new Vec3D(f.x,0,f.z);
if(flat.distanceToSquared(ptFlat) < 10000){
return result;
Vec3D average(ArrayList<Vec3D> vecs){
Vec3D result = new Vec3D();
for(Vec3D v: vecs){
result = result.add(v);
return result.scale(1.0/vecs.size());
void reconfigure(){
shape = originalShape.copy();
reconfiguring = false;
void changeRule(int r){
ruleNum = r;
void alterTerrain(Agent3D cursor){
for(Agent3D mark: marks){
if(cursor.distanceToSquared(mark) < 4){
ArrayList<Vec3D> nearPts = getCloseVertices(cursor);
for(Vec3D pt: nearPts){
Vec3D rule = new Vec3D();
rule = pt.sub(average(nearPts));
rule = average(nearPts).sub(pt);
rule = new Vec3D(cos(second()*PI/30),sin(second()*PI/15),sin(second()*PI/30));
rule = new Vec3D(pt.sub(struc));
rule = new Vec3D(struc.sub(pt));
shape.updateVertex(pt, pt.add(rule.normalizeTo(2)));
Hello all, this is a (turns out) rather complicated clock program that I was inspired to create after I saw this a few months ago:
Here is my version, it changes 15 seconds before the turn of the minute.
int radius = 120;
int lineradius=radius/2-3;
int[] cX= new int[24];
int[] cY= new int[24];
float[] time1c1r1= new float[10];
float[] time2c1r1= new float[10];
float[] time1c1r2= new float[10];
float[] time2c1r2= new float[10];
float[] time1c1r3= new float[10];
float[] time2c1r3= new float[10];
float[] time1c2r1= new float[10];
float[] time2c2r1= new float[10];
float[] time1c2r2= new float[10];
float[] time2c2r2= new float[10];
float[] time1c2r3= new float[10];
float[] time2c2r3= new float[10];
int prevSec;
int prevMin;
int millisRolloverTime;
void setup() {
size(1280, 720);
for (int c=0; c<8; c++) {
for (int r=0; r<3; r++) {
int index = c+(8*r);
void draw() {
rect(width/2-radius/2, height/2-120, radius, radius*2);
ellipse(width/2, height/2-radius/2, radius/2.68, radius/2.68);
ellipse(width/2, height/2+radius/2, radius/2.68, radius/2.68);
for (int i=0; i<24; i++) {
ellipse(cX[i], cY[i], radius, radius);
if (minute()+1==60) {
println("Next min: 00");
} else {
println("Next min: "+(minute()+1));
if (hour()+1==24) {
println("Next hr: 00");
} else {
println("Next hr: "+(hour()+1));
float backwards(float num) {
float newnum = num;
if (num==0) {
newnum= 0;
if (num==90) {
newnum= 270;
if (num==135) {
newnum= 225;
if (num==180) {
newnum= 180;
if (num==270) {
newnum= 90;
return newnum;
void showTimeMove(int i) {
if (prevSec != second()) {
millisRolloverTime = millis();
prevSec = second();
int mils = millis() - millisRolloverTime;
float test = map(second() + mils/1000.0, 0, 60, 0, 360+(0));
line(width/2, height/2-radius/2, width/2+cos(radians(test))*20, (height/2-radius/2)+(sin(radians(test))*20));
line(width/2, height/2+radius/2, width/2+cos(radians(test))*20, (height/2+radius/2)+(sin(radians(test))*20));
float animate = 0;
int animationTime = 16;
if (second()>=(60-animationTime)) {
animate = (second()- (60-animationTime) + mils/1000.0);
} else {
animate = 0;
int start = 135;
int end = 225;
test = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*start, 360+end);
//line(radius, radius, radius+cos(radians(test))*lineradius, radius+sin(radians(test))*lineradius);
int digitH1=hour()/10;
int digitH2=hour()%10;
int digitM1=minute()/10;
int digitM2=minute()%10;
float coords;
float digitM1move;
int hour = hour();
int minute = minute();
if (i==0) {
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r1[digitH1], 1440+(time1c1r1[digitH1+1]));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r1[digitH1], 1440+(time1c1r1[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r1[digitH1], 1440+(time1c1r1[digitH1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r1[digitH1], 720+(backwards(time2c1r1[digitH1+1])));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r1[digitH1], 720+(backwards(time2c1r1[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r1[digitH1], 720+(backwards(time2c1r1[digitH1])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==1) {
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c2r1[digitH1], 720+(backwards(time1c2r1[digitH1+1])));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c2r1[digitH1], 720+(backwards(time1c2r1[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c2r1[digitH1], 720+(backwards(time1c2r1[digitH1])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c2r1[digitH1], 360+(backwards(time2c2r1[digitH1+1])));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c2r1[digitH1], 360+(backwards(time2c2r1[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c2r1[digitH1], 360+(backwards(time2c2r1[digitH1])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==8) {
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r2[digitH1], 360+(time1c1r2[digitH1+1]));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r2[digitH1], 360+(time1c1r2[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r2[digitH1], 360+(time1c1r2[digitH1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r2[digitH1], 720+(time2c1r2[digitH1+1]));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r2[digitH1], 720+(time2c1r2[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r2[digitH1], 720+(time2c1r2[digitH1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==9) {
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r2[digitH1], 720+(time1c2r2[digitH1+1]));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r2[digitH1], 720+(time1c2r2[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r2[digitH1], 720+(time1c2r2[digitH1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c2r2[digitH1], 1080+(backwards(time2c2r2[digitH1+1])));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c2r2[digitH1], 1080+(backwards(time2c2r2[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c2r2[digitH1], 1080+(backwards(time2c2r2[digitH1])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==16) {
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r3[digitH1], 720+(time1c1r3[digitH1+1]));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r3[digitH1], 720+(time1c1r3[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r3[digitH1], 720+(time1c1r3[digitH1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r3[digitH1], 720+(backwards(time2c1r3[digitH1+1])));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r3[digitH1], 720+(backwards(time2c1r3[digitH1+1])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r3[digitH1], 720+(backwards(time2c1r3[digitH1])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==17) {
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r3[digitH1], 720+(time1c2r3[digitH1+1]));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r3[digitH1], 720+(time1c2r3[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r3[digitH1], 720+(time1c2r3[digitH1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour==9 || hour==19) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r3[digitH1], 1080+(time2c2r3[digitH1+1]));
} else if (hour==23 && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r3[digitH1], 1080+(time2c2r3[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r3[digitH1], 1080+(time2c2r3[digitH1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==2) {
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r1[digitH2], 720+(time1c1r1[digitH2+1]));
} else if ((hour==23 || hour==19 || hour==9) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r1[digitH2], 720+(time1c1r1[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r1[digitH2], 720+(time1c1r1[digitH2]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r1[digitH2], 720+(backwards(time2c1r1[digitH2+1])));
} else if ((hour==23 || hour==19 || hour==9) && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r1[digitH2], 720+(backwards(time2c1r1[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r1[digitH2], 720+(backwards(time2c1r1[digitH2])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==3) {
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r1[digitH2], 720+(time1c2r1[digitH2+1]));
} else if ((hour==23 || hour==19 || hour==9) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r1[digitH2], 720+(time1c2r1[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r1[digitH2], 720+(time1c2r1[digitH2]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r1[digitH2], 1440+(time2c2r1[digitH2+1]));
} else if ((hour==23 || hour==19 || hour==9) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r1[digitH2], 1440+(time2c2r1[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r1[digitH2], 1440+(time2c2r1[digitH2]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==10) {
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r2[digitH2], 720+(time1c1r2[digitH2+1]));
} else if ((hour==23 || hour==19 || hour==9) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r2[digitH2], 720+(time1c1r2[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r2[digitH2], 720+(time1c1r2[digitH2]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r2[digitH2], 360+(time2c1r2[digitH2+1]));
} else if ((hour==23 || hour==19 || hour==9) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r2[digitH2], 360+(time2c1r2[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r2[digitH2], 360+(time2c1r2[digitH2]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==11) {
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r2[digitH2], 360+(time1c2r2[digitH2+1]));
} else if ((hour==23 || hour==19 || hour==9) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r2[digitH2], 360+(time1c2r2[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r2[digitH2], 360+(time1c2r2[digitH2]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c2r2[digitH2], 720+(backwards(time2c2r2[digitH2+1])));
} else if (digitH2==9 && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c2r2[digitH2], 720+(backwards(time2c2r2[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c2r2[digitH2], 720+(backwards(time2c2r2[digitH2])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==18) {
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c1r3[digitH2], 720+(backwards(time1c1r3[digitH2+1])));
} else if (digitH2==9 && minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c1r3[digitH2], 720+(backwards(time1c1r3[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c1r3[digitH2], 720+(backwards(time1c1r3[digitH2])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r3[digitH2], 1080+(time2c1r3[digitH2+1]));
} else if (digitH2==9 && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r3[digitH2], 1080+(time2c1r3[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r3[digitH2], 1080+(time2c1r3[digitH2]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==19) {
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r3[digitH2], 1080+(time1c2r3[digitH2+1]));
} else if ((hour==23 || hour==19 || hour==9) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r3[digitH2], 1080+(time1c2r3[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r3[digitH2], 1080+(time1c2r3[digitH2]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if ((hour!=9 && hour!=19 && hour!=23) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r3[digitH2], 720+(time2c2r3[digitH2+1]));
} else if ((hour==23 || hour==19 || hour==9) && minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r3[digitH2], 720+(time2c2r3[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r3[digitH2], 720+(time2c2r3[digitH2]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==4) {
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r1[digitM1], 720+(time1c1r1[digitM1+1]));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r1[digitM1], 720+(time1c1r1[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r1[digitM1], 720+(time1c1r1[digitM1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r1[digitM1], 1080+(backwards(time2c1r1[digitM1+1])));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r1[digitM1], 1080+(backwards(time2c1r1[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r1[digitM1], 1080+(backwards(time2c1r1[digitM1])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==5) {
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r1[digitM1], 720+(time1c2r1[digitM1+1]));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r1[digitM1], 720+(time1c2r1[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r1[digitM1], 720+(time1c2r1[digitM1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r1[digitM1], 360+(time2c2r1[digitM1+1]));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r1[digitM1], 360+(time2c2r1[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r1[digitM1], 360+(time2c2r1[digitM1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==12) {
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c1r2[digitM1], 1080+(backwards(time1c1r2[digitM1+1])));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c1r2[digitM1], 1080+(backwards(time1c1r2[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c1r2[digitM1], 1080+(backwards(time1c1r2[digitM1])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r2[digitM1], 720+(backwards(time2c1r2[digitM1+1])));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r2[digitM1], 720+(backwards(time2c1r2[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r2[digitM1], 720+(backwards(time2c1r2[digitM1])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==13) {
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c2r2[digitM1], 720+(backwards(time1c2r2[digitM1+1])));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c2r2[digitM1], 720+(backwards(time1c2r2[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c2r2[digitM1], 720+(backwards(time1c2r2[digitM1])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r2[digitM1], 720+(time2c2r2[digitM1+1]));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r2[digitM1], 720+(time2c2r2[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r2[digitM1], 720+(time2c2r2[digitM1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==20) {
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c1r3[digitM1], 720+(backwards(time1c1r3[digitM1+1])));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c1r3[digitM1], 720+(backwards(time1c1r3[0])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c1r3[digitM1], 720+(backwards(time1c1r3[digitM1])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r3[digitM1], 1080+(time2c1r3[digitM1+1]));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r3[digitM1], 1080+(time2c1r3[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r3[digitM1], 1080+(time2c1r3[digitM1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==21) {
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r3[digitM1], 360+(time1c2r3[digitM1+1]));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r3[digitM1], 360+(time1c2r3[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r3[digitM1], 360+(time1c2r3[digitM1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM1!=5 && digitM2==9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r3[digitM1], 720+(time2c2r3[digitM1+1]));
} else if (minute==59) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r3[digitM1], 720+(time2c2r3[0]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r3[digitM1], 720+(time2c2r3[digitM1]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==6) {
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r1[digitM2], 1440+(time1c1r1[digitM2+1]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r1[digitM2], 1440+(time1c1r1[0]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r1[digitM2], 720+(backwards(time2c1r1[digitM2+1])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c1r1[digitM2], 720+(backwards(time2c1r1[0])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==7) {
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r1[digitM2], 720+(time1c2r1[digitM2+1]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r1[digitM2], 720+(time1c2r1[0]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r1[digitM2], 360+(time2c2r1[digitM2+1]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r1[digitM2], 360+(time2c2r1[0]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==14) {
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r2[digitM2], 360+(time1c1r2[digitM2+1]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c1r2[digitM2], 360+(time1c1r2[0]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r2[digitM2], 720+(time2c1r2[digitM2+1]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r2[digitM2], 720+(time2c1r2[0]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==15) {
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c2r2[digitM2], 720+(backwards(time1c2r2[digitM2+1])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c2r2[digitM2], 720+(backwards(time1c2r2[0])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c2r2[digitM2], 360+(backwards(time2c2r2[digitM2+1])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time2c2r2[digitM2], 360+(backwards(time2c2r2[0])));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==22) {
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c1r3[digitM2], 360+(backwards(time1c1r3[digitM2+1])));
} else {
coords = -1*map(animate, 0, animationTime, -1*time1c1r3[digitM2], 360+(time1c1r3[0]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r3[digitM2], 720+(time2c1r3[digitM2+1]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c1r3[digitM2], 720+(time2c1r3[0]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (i==23) {
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r3[digitM2], 1080+(time1c2r3[digitM2+1]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time1c2r3[digitM2], 1080+(time1c2r3[0]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
if (digitM2!=9) {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r3[digitM2], 360+(time2c2r3[digitM2+1]));
} else {
coords = map(animate, 0, animationTime, time2c2r3[digitM2], 360+(time2c2r3[0]));
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(coords))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(coords))*lineradius);
void setTime() {
int d;
d=0;//SET TIME = 0
time1c1r1[d] = 0;
time2c1r1[d] = 90;
time1c1r2[d] = 270;
time2c1r2[d] = 90;
time1c1r3[d] = 270;
time2c1r3[d] = 0;
time1c2r1[d] = 180;
time2c2r1[d] = 90;
time1c2r2[d] = 270;
time2c2r2[d] = 90;
time1c2r3[d] = 270;
time2c2r3[d] = 180;
d=1;//SET TIME = 1
time1c1r1[d] = 135;
time2c1r1[d] = 135;
time1c1r2[d] = 135;
time2c1r2[d] = 135;
time1c1r3[d] = 135;
time2c1r3[d] = 135;
time1c2r1[d] = 90;
time2c2r1[d] = 90;
time1c2r2[d] = 270;
time2c2r2[d] = 90;
time1c2r3[d] = 270;
time2c2r3[d] = 270;
d=2;//SET TIME = 2
time1c1r1[d] = 0;
time2c1r1[d] = 0;
time1c1r2[d] = 0;
time2c1r2[d] = 90;
time1c1r3[d] = 270;
time2c1r3[d] = 0;
time1c2r1[d] = 180;
time2c2r1[d] = 90;
time1c2r2[d] = 270;
time2c2r2[d] = 180;
time1c2r3[d] = 180;
time2c2r3[d] = 180;
d=3;//SET TIME = 3
time1c1r1[d] = 0;
time2c1r1[d] = 0;
time1c1r2[d] = 0;
time2c1r2[d] = 0;
time1c1r3[d] = 0;
time2c1r3[d] = 0;
time1c2r1[d] = 180;
time2c2r1[d] = 90;
time1c2r2[d] = 270;
time2c2r2[d] = 180;
time1c2r3[d] = 270;
time2c2r3[d] = 180;
d=4;//SET TIME = 4
time1c1r1[d] = 90;
time2c1r1[d] = 90;
time1c1r2[d] = 270;
time2c1r2[d] = 0;
time1c1r3[d] = 135;
time2c1r3[d] = 135;
time1c2r1[d] = 90;
time2c2r1[d] = 90;
time1c2r2[d] = 270;
time2c2r2[d] = 90;
time1c2r3[d] = 270;
time2c2r3[d] = 270;
d=5;//SET TIME = 5
time1c1r1[d] = 0;
time2c1r1[d] = 90;
time1c1r2[d] = 270;
time2c1r2[d] = 0;
time1c1r3[d] = 0;
time2c1r3[d] = 0;
time1c2r1[d] = 180;
time2c2r1[d] = 180;
time1c2r2[d] = 180;
time2c2r2[d] = 90;
time1c2r3[d] = 270;
time2c2r3[d] = 180;
d=6;//SET TIME = 6
time1c1r1[d] = 0;
time2c1r1[d] = 90;
time1c1r2[d] = 270;
time2c1r2[d] = 90;
time1c1r3[d] = 270;
time2c1r3[d] = 0;
time1c2r1[d] = 180;
time2c2r1[d] = 180;
time1c2r2[d] = 180;
time2c2r2[d] = 90;
time1c2r3[d] = 270;
time2c2r3[d] = 180;
d=7;//SET TIME = 7
time1c1r1[d] = 0;
time2c1r1[d] = 0;
time1c1r2[d] = 135;
time2c1r2[d] = 135;
time1c1r3[d] = 135;
time2c1r3[d] = 135;
time1c2r1[d] = 180;
time2c2r1[d] = 90;
time1c2r2[d] = 270;
time2c2r2[d] = 90;
time1c2r3[d] = 270;
time2c2r3[d] = 270;
d=8;//SET TIME = 8
time1c1r1[d] = 0;
time2c1r1[d] = 90;
time1c1r2[d] = 270;
time2c1r2[d] = 0;
time1c1r3[d] = 270;
time2c1r3[d] = 0;
time1c2r1[d] = 180;
time2c2r1[d] = 90;
time1c2r2[d] = 270;
time2c2r2[d] = 180;
time1c2r3[d] = 270;
time2c2r3[d] = 180;
d=9;//SET TIME = 9
time1c1r1[d] = 0;
time2c1r1[d] = 90;
time1c1r2[d] = 270;
time2c1r2[d] = 0;
time1c1r3[d] = 135;
time2c1r3[d] = 135;
time1c2r1[d] = 180;
time2c2r1[d] = 90;
time1c2r2[d] = 270;
time2c2r2[d] = 90;
time1c2r3[d] = 270;
time2c2r3[d] = 270;
void showTimeTogether(int i) {
int digit=second()%10;
if (i%2!=0) {
if (i<8) {
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time1c2r1[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time1c2r1[digit]))*lineradius);
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time2c2r1[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time2c2r1[digit]))*lineradius);
} else if (i>=8 && i<16) {
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time1c2r2[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time1c2r2[digit]))*lineradius);
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time2c2r2[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time2c2r2[digit]))*lineradius);
} else {
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time1c2r3[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time1c2r3[digit]))*lineradius);
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time2c2r3[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time2c2r3[digit]))*lineradius);
} else {
if (i<8) {
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time1c1r1[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time1c1r1[digit]))*lineradius);
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time2c1r1[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time2c1r1[digit]))*lineradius);
} else if (i>=8 && i<16) {
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time1c1r2[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time1c1r2[digit]))*lineradius);
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time2c1r2[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time2c1r2[digit]))*lineradius);
} else {
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time1c1r3[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time1c1r3[digit]))*lineradius);
line(cX[i], cY[i], cX[i]+cos(radians(time2c1r3[digit]))*lineradius, cY[i]+sin(radians(time2c1r3[digit]))*lineradius);
This morning I, realized I had been spending way too much money. I began to relate my spending habits with the days of the week and realized that tracking the amount of money I had spent would be a perfect way for me to tell how far along into the week we are. Originally I aimed to make this in java processing, but python was much more receptive to the list structure I wanted to use, so I switched to python mode.
Here is a snapshot of September 24th at 4:44
And here is a snapshot of today, October 1st at 4:45
sun = []
mon = [10.56, 9.10, 19.68, 5.62, 7.39]
tue = [7.27, 6.75, 8.85, 7.39]
wed = [7.39, 7.39, 2.85]
thu = [2.00, 6.75, 13.75]
fri = [6.75, 9.08, 9.08]
sat = [7.27, 6.75, 8.85, 7.39]
sunTot = 0
monTot = 0
tueTot = 0
wedTot = 0
thuTot = 0
friTot = 0
satTot = 0
sunAvg = 0
monAvg = 0
tueAvg = 0
wedAvg = 0
thuAvg = 0
friAvg = 0
satAvg = 0
weekTot = 0
weekAvg = 0
sunLoss = 0
monLoss = 0
tueLoss = 0
wedLoss = 0
thuLoss = 0
friLoss = 0
satLoss = 0
lossList = []
todayTotal = 0
lossPerSecond = 0
dayLoss = 0
previousDayLoss = 0
startingCash = 0
totalLoss = 0
currentCash = 0
def setup():
startingCash = 240 #Dollars
previousDayLoss = cashUsed()
def initialize():
sunTot = total(sun)
monTot = total(mon)
tueTot = total(tue)
wedTot = total(wed)
thuTot = total(thu)
friTot = total(fri)
satTot = total(sat)
weekList = [sunTot, monTot, tueTot, wedTot, thuTot, friTot, satTot]
weekTot = total(weekList)
sunAvg = sunTot / weekTot
monAvg = monTot / weekTot
tueAvg = tueTot / weekTot
wedAvg = wedTot / weekTot
thuAvg = thuTot / weekTot
friAvg = friTot / weekTot
satAvg = satTot / weekTot
weekAvg = weekTot / 7.0
sunLoss = sunAvg * startingCash
monLoss = monAvg * startingCash
tueLoss = tueAvg * startingCash
wedLoss = wedAvg * startingCash
thuLoss = thuAvg * startingCash
friLoss = friAvg * startingCash
satLoss = satAvg * startingCash
lossList = [sunLoss, monLoss, tueLoss, wedLoss, thuLoss, friLoss, satLoss]
todayTotal = lossList[dayOfWeek()]
lossPerSecond = todayTotal / 86400
def draw():
dayLoss = ((((hour() * 60) + minute()) * 60) + second()) * lossPerSecond
totalLoss = previousDayLoss + dayLoss
currentCash = startingCash - totalLoss
def total(alist):
total = 0
for i in alist:
total += i
return total
def dayOfWeek():
# 5 is number of days into 2014 for sunday
daystotal = (365*(year() - 1)) + (int(floor((year()-1)/4))) -(int(floor((year() - 1)/100))) + (int(floor((year() - 1)/400))) + day()
return daystotal % 7
def week():
return month() * 4 + day() % 7
def cashUsed():
w = week()
d = dayOfWeek()
daysElapsed = (w % 2) * 7 + d - 1
loss = 0
for i in range(daysElapsed):
loss += lossList[i%7] / 2
return loss
def findBg():
return map(255.0 * ((((week() % 2) * 7) + dayOfWeek()) / 14.0),255,0,0,255) \
+ map(hour()+8,24,0,0,18)
def printCash():
cashLeft = "%f" % currentCash
textSize(width * .20)
lost = nfs(totalLoss,3,2)
text("$"+lost,width*.505, height*.71)
textSize(width * .20)
lost = nfs(totalLoss,3,2)
text("$"+lost,width*.5, height*.7)
My personal clock utilized layered rectangles traveling across two bars at the top of the screen. As a minute goes by, the bars will meet in the middle and continue across the screen in a wave-like motion. The minutes of the hour are represented by a lighter rectangle that moves across each bar in a similar fashion. The hour is not specifically shown. However, the lamp will be displayed lighter in the daytime and darker as nighttime approaches.
//Will Taylor
//EMS clock
float tintR = 100;
float tintG = 100;
float tintB = 100;
void setup(){
PImage bg = loadImage("bridgeLight.jpg");
size(bg.width, bg.height);
void draw(){
float s = second();
float m = minute();
float h = hour();
float sec = map(s,0,59, 0,width);
float sec2 = map(s,0,59, width,0);
float min = map(m,0,59, 0,width);
float min2 = map(m,0,59, width,0);
float alphaS = 2;
float alphaM = 1;
if (s%2 == 0) {
fill(#C2BCDB, alphaM);
} else {
fill(#FF05C5, alphaM);
rect(min, width/13 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(min, width/23 + 5, width/30,50);
rect(min2, width/7 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(min2, width/6 + 14, width/30,50);
if (s%2 == 0) {
fill(#FC08D4, alphaS);
} else {
fill(#08C9FC, alphaS);
if (s >=30){
alphaS = 6;
float secX = 0; float secY = width/13;
rect(sec, width/13 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(sec, width/23 + 5, width/30,50);
rect(sec2, width/13 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(sec2, width/23 + 5, width/30,50);
if (s%2 == 0) {
fill(#08C9FC, alphaS);
} else {
fill(#FC08D4, alphaS);
rect(sec, width/7 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(sec, width/6 + 14, width/30,50);
rect(sec2, width/7 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(sec2, width/6 + 14, width/30,50);
if (second()== 0){
void drawClock() {
float h = hour();
float alpha = 40;
float hour = 24 - h;
float opacity = 0; //controls darkness of lamp
float hourAlpha = (255/24) * hour ;
if (hour() < 12){ // gets brighter from midnight to noon
opacity = hourAlpha;
} else {
opacity = 255 - hourAlpha; // gets darker from noon to midnight
PImage bg = loadImage("bridgeLight.jpg");
float m = minute();
float min = map(m,0,59,0,width);
fill(0, opacity);
println(hour, "*");
rect(0,width/3, width, height);
fill(0, 150);
rect(0, width/23, width,100); //second bar
rect(0, width/7, width,100); //min bar
A screen shot taken around midday.
The work day in Amsterdam’s Red Light District runs from about 7pm till 3am. This is a sped-up render of a visual clock representing that work period across the world. The image consists of 24 bars, that can be turning on, on or off. Each bar represents a time zone, and there is a small cross on the bar that shares the time zone of the clock (in this case the US east coast). It’s intended as a reminder of what is currently happening across the world, either near or far, and the stories of the people involved. This is a rendering of the change across time sped up:
//The Whoring Hours. This might belong in a sports bar.
// function that handles the drawing of the light. Could be kept
// within the bar class
void drawBar( int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, float dx,
color lowC, color highC){
int lr = int(red(lowC));
int lg = int(green(lowC));
int lb = int(blue(lowC));
int dr = int(red(highC)) - lr;
int dg = int(green(highC)) - lg;
int db = int(blue(highC)) - lb;
stroke(lr,lg,lb, int(100*dx));
stroke(lr + dr/3,lg + dg/3,lb + db/3, int(150*dx));
stroke(lr + int(dx*2*dr/3),lg + int(dx*2*dg/3),
lb + int(dx*2*db/3),int(200*dx));
stroke(lr + int(dr*dx*dx),lg + int(dg*dx*dx),
lb + int(db*dx*dx),int(255*dx*dx));
//class for each of the light bars that represent a time zone
class Light {
String name;
int diff;
int sStart;
int hStart;
int sEnd;
int hEnd;
int x;
int y;
//int alpha;
//int r;
float dl;
Light( String tempName, int tempDiff, int tempSS, int tempHS,
int tempSE, int tempHE, int tempX, int tempY){
name = tempName;
diff = tempDiff;
sStart = tempSS;
hStart = tempHS;
sEnd = tempSE;
hEnd = tempHE;
x = tempX;
y = tempY;
dl = 0.0;
//gets the relative brightness (dh) based on time of day and
//time difference
void update(int h, float dh){
int nh = (h + diff) % 24;
if ((nh >= hEnd) && (nh < sStart)){
dl = 0.0;
else if (nh >= hStart || nh < sEnd){
dl = 1.0;
else if (nh == sStart){
dl = dh;
else {
dl = 1-dh;
void display(){
drawBar( x,y,x,y+200, dl, color(255,0,0),color(255,255,255));
ArrayList<Light> lights;
void setup(){
lights = new ArrayList<Light>();
for( int i = -4; i<20; i ++){
lights.add(new Light("", i, 19,20, 2,3, (i+5)*width/25,50));
void draw(){
int s = second();
int m = minute();
int h = hour();
float dh = float(m)/60 + float(s)/(60*60);
for (int i = lights.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
Light light = lights.get(i);
text("The Whoring Hours:",15,30);