Waves of light, over a light, reflected off a pool of water.
My personal clock utilized layered rectangles traveling across two bars at the top of the screen. As a minute goes by, the bars will meet in the middle and continue across the screen in a wave-like motion. The minutes of the hour are represented by a lighter rectangle that moves across each bar in a similar fashion. The hour is not specifically shown. However, the lamp will be displayed lighter in the daytime and darker as nighttime approaches.
//Will Taylor
//EMS clock
float tintR = 100;
float tintG = 100;
float tintB = 100;
void setup(){
PImage bg = loadImage("bridgeLight.jpg");
size(bg.width, bg.height);
void draw(){
float s = second();
float m = minute();
float h = hour();
float sec = map(s,0,59, 0,width);
float sec2 = map(s,0,59, width,0);
float min = map(m,0,59, 0,width);
float min2 = map(m,0,59, width,0);
float alphaS = 2;
float alphaM = 1;
if (s%2 == 0) {
fill(#C2BCDB, alphaM);
} else {
fill(#FF05C5, alphaM);
rect(min, width/13 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(min, width/23 + 5, width/30,50);
rect(min2, width/7 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(min2, width/6 + 14, width/30,50);
if (s%2 == 0) {
fill(#FC08D4, alphaS);
} else {
fill(#08C9FC, alphaS);
if (s >=30){
alphaS = 6;
float secX = 0; float secY = width/13;
rect(sec, width/13 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(sec, width/23 + 5, width/30,50);
rect(sec2, width/13 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(sec2, width/23 + 5, width/30,50);
if (s%2 == 0) {
fill(#08C9FC, alphaS);
} else {
fill(#FC08D4, alphaS);
rect(sec, width/7 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(sec, width/6 + 14, width/30,50);
rect(sec2, width/7 + 5, width/30, 50);
rect(sec2, width/6 + 14, width/30,50);
if (second()== 0){
void drawClock() {
float h = hour();
float alpha = 40;
float hour = 24 - h;
float opacity = 0; //controls darkness of lamp
float hourAlpha = (255/24) * hour ;
if (hour() < 12){ // gets brighter from midnight to noon
opacity = hourAlpha;
} else {
opacity = 255 - hourAlpha; // gets darker from noon to midnight
PImage bg = loadImage("bridgeLight.jpg");
float m = minute();
float min = map(m,0,59,0,width);
fill(0, opacity);
println(hour, "*");
rect(0,width/3, width, height);
fill(0, 150);
rect(0, width/23, width,100); //second bar
rect(0, width/7, width,100); //min bar