Hours by the Pigeons





This is a 24-hour clock that allows one to tell the time by counting how many pigeons are on the roof (The gifs above are sped-up versions of the clock). The location that the pigeons fly in from and out to are randomized, in addition to the pigeon’s sizes and colors. A big thanks to Golan Levin and John Choi for tirelessly explaining the inner workings of classes to me.

To improve on this project, I’d implement behavior that would allow the pigeons to shuffle around the rooftop after landing. I’d also add some visible wings to the pigeons when they fly on and off of the screen.

 //Miranda Jacoby
//EMS Interactivity Section A
//Copyright Miranda Jacoby 2014

//A big thanks o John Choi for walking me through OOP.

//Implement personal space
 //for i 
 //if px[i] becomes a high or low value
//Implement hour spawn/despawn
//Implement nice movement for pigeon entering/leaving screen

//Initialize pigeon
Pigeon[] pigeonArray = new Pigeon[24];//22? at 0 o'ckloc there is no pigeon.
int hours = hour();//second()% 24;
int pigeonCount = hours;
float detailOffset = width/20;
int newvar = 0;
int oldvar = 0;
boolean deleted = true;
int delay = 0;

void setup(){
  size(600, 400);

  for (int i =0; i < pigeonCount; i ++){
      pigeonArray[i] = new Pigeon(i);

void draw(){
  background(50, 130, 230);
  hours = hour();//second()% 24;
  //Function calls!
  //draw pigeons first so that they are layered under the building
     newvar = hours;
    if (oldvar != newvar){
         if (oldvar == 23 && newvar == 0){
           delay = 10;
           deleted = false;
         else if (delay <= 0){
    oldvar = newvar;
    delay = delay - 1;
    if(deleted == false && delay <= 0){
      pigeonArray = new Pigeon[24];
      pigeonCount = 0;
      deleted = true;
    for (int i =0; i < pigeonCount; i ++){

void createPigeon(){
  pigeonArray[pigeonCount] = new Pigeon(hours);
  pigeonCount = pigeonCount + 1;

void flyAllAway(){
  for (int i =0; i < pigeonCount; i ++){       pigeonArray[i].isFlyingAway = true;   } }  class Pigeon {    //Final position    float fpx, fpy;    //Starting position    float spx = random(0, 600), spy = -30;    //Current position    float cpx, cpy;    //Fly away position    float rpx, rpy;    int hour;    float pdiam = random (12, 16);//14;    float colorPicker = random (0, 5);    float spacing = 20;    float velx = 0.1, vely = 0.1;    boolean isFlyingAway = false;    //Work on personal space    boolean isLanded = false;           //Constructor: draw the pigeon, initialize variables    Pigeon (int hour){         fpx = (hour * spacing) + 50;         fpy = 285;//height - height/3.5;         cpx = spx;         cpy = spy;         rpx = random(0, 600);//random (-600, 1200);         rpy = random (-200, -300);             }        void update(){      if (isFlyingAway == true){        flyAway();      }            if (isFlyingAway == false){        move();      }      display(cpx, cpy, colorPicker);    }        void display(float px, float py, float colPicker){            //draws individual pigeon, does not increment        noStroke();     //body      bodyColor(colPicker);      ellipse(px, py + pdiam/2, pdiam * 1.5, pdiam * 1.5);      fill(192, 190, 214);      ellipse(px, py + pdiam/1.5, pdiam * 1.2, pdiam * 1.2);     //neck     //for (colPicker >= 0){
     ellipse(px, py, pdiam, pdiam * 1.2);
     fill(227, 121, 34);
    //left eye
     ellipse(px - pdiam/3, py - (pdiam - pdiam/2.7), pdiam/8, pdiam/8 );
    //right eye
     ellipse(px + pdiam/3, py - (pdiam - pdiam/2.7), pdiam/8, pdiam/8 );
     ellipse(px, py - (pdiam - pdiam/2.5), pdiam/2, pdiam/2);
     line(px - 1, py - (pdiam - pdiam/2.5), px - 1 + (pdiam/10), py - (pdiam - pdiam/2.5) );
     ellipse(px, py - (pdiam - pdiam/2.7), pdiam/10, pdiam/10 );
 void move(){

   //Move pigeons between positions with easing
   cpx = cpx + velx * (fpx - cpx);
   cpy = cpy + vely * (fpy - cpy);
    //Move pigeons between positions withouy easing
    //cpx = fpx;
    //cpy = fpy;
 void flyAway(){
   //Move pigeons between positions with easing
   cpx = cpx + velx * (rpx - cpx);
   cpy = cpy + vely * (rpy - cpy);
   //Move pigeons between positions without easing
   //cpx = rpx;
   //cpy = rpy;

void bodyColor(float colPicker){
          if ((colPicker == 0) || (colPicker < 1)){
            fill(132, 95, 137);
        else if ((colPicker == 1) || (colPicker < 2)){
            fill(118, 145, 158);
        else if ((colPicker == 2) || (colPicker < 3)){
            fill(118, 122, 131);
        else if ((colPicker == 3) || (colPicker < 3.5)){
            fill(147, 107, 93);
          //fill(137, 91, 73);
//        else if ((colPicker == 4) || (colPicker < 5)){
//            fill(245, 235, 225);
//        }
        else {
            fill(115, 101, 131);
void drawBuilding(){
  detailOffset = width/40;
    //Orange Rect
  fill(211, 135, 58);
  rect(width/8, height - height/4, width - width/4, height - height/4);
  //White trapezoid
  fill(247, 225, 202);
  quad(width/10 - detailOffset          , height - height/4, 
       width - width/10  + detailOffset , height - height/4,
       width - width/10  - detailOffset , height - height/8,
       width/10 + detailOffset          , height - height/8);

  //Offwhite detail
  stroke(219, 190, 161);
   //Middle line
  line(width/10        , height - height/5.75, 
       width - width/10, height - height/5.75);
  //Bottom line    
  line(width/10 + detailOffset        , height - height/8, 
       width - width/10 - detailOffset, height - height/8);
  //Top line
   line(width/10 - detailOffset        , height - height/4.30, 
        width - width/10 + detailOffset, height - height/4.30);
   //Middle line white detail    
   stroke(247, 225, 202);
   line(width/10        , height - height/5.75, 
        width - width/10, height - height/5.75);   

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