A Bear of Similar Size I came into this life sticky, and that's how I intend to leave. Twitter: @GuydeBree Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user22258876 Posts Duress 22 September 2014 blink(1): Deceleration 10 September 2014 Face Drawing 10 September 2014 Mondrian 10 September 2014 GDB-LookingOutwards-3 9 September 2014 Instructional Drawing: Inactive Time 3 September 2014 Sol Lewitt’s Trapezium 3 September 2014 IFTTT: Pretend Timewasting 2 September 2014 4D space in 3D environments 31 August 2014 GDB-LookingOutwards-2 31 August 2014 Older posts Newer posts