// Clair Sijing Sun
// Copyright (c) 2018 ml5
// This software is released under the MIT License.
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
let video;
let poseNet;
let poses = [];
var r=20;
var posy;
var posx;
var timer = 0;
var dim;
// var colorR = 252;
// var colorG = 238;
// var colorB = 213;
var colorR = 250;
var colorG = 210;
var moving = 1;
var hairp1x = 301;
var hairp1y = 136-40;
var hairp2x = 297;
var hairp2y = 129-40;
var hairp3x = 303;
var hairp3y = 118-40;
var hairp4x = 299;
var hairp4y = 115-40;
var right = 1;
var left = 1;
var radius;
var blushl = 59;
var frames = [];
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
dim = width/2;
posx = width/2;
radius = width/6;
//colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100);
posy = height/2-40;
video = createCapture(VIDEO);
video.size(width, height);
// Create a new poseNet method with a single detection
poseNet = ml5.poseNet(video, modelReady);
// This sets up an event that fills the global variable "poses"
// with an array every time new poses are detected
poseNet.on('pose', function(results) {
poses = results;
// Hide the video element, and just show the canvas
function preload(){
function modelReady() {
function draw() {
timer +=1;
//background face
if (poses.length > 0){
posx = random(width/2-moving,width/2+moving);
moving = randomGaussian (-poses.length,poses.length);
if (poses.length < 5){
drawGradient(posx, posy);
//the eyewhite
fill(252,238, 213);
if (poses.length < 5){ ellipse(posx,posy,20,20); } fill(0); drawKeypoints(); stroke(4); pop(); //blushing push(); noStroke(); if (poses.length == 1){ if (blushl > 55.6){
blushl -= 0.2;
} if (blushl < 55.6){ blushl += 0.2; } }if (poses.length == 2){ if (blushl > 50){
blushl -= 0.2;
} if (blushl < 50){ blushl += 0.2; } }if (poses.length == 3){ if (blushl > 38){
blushl -= 0.2;
}if (blushl < 38){ blushl += 0.2; } }if (poses.length == 4){ if (blushl > 16){
blushl -= 0.2;
}if (blushl < 16){
blushl += 0.2;
if (poses.length < 5){ ellipse(posx+blushl, 240, 10, 6); ellipse(posx-blushl, 240, 10, 6); } pop(); //hair drawHair(); image(frames[0], width/2-190, height/2+50, 400, 200); } function drawHair() { stroke(1); noFill(); beginShape(); if (timer%10 == 0){ right *= -1; } if (timer%15 == 0){ left *= -1; } hairp1x = posx - 19; hairp2x +=right; hairp3x -=left*0.5; hairp4x +=right; if (poses.length == 0){ if (hairp1y > 95){
hairp1y = hairp1y - 0.2;
hairp2y = hairp2y - 0.2;
hairp3y = hairp3y - 0.2;
hairp4y = hairp4y - 0.2;
if (poses.length == 1){
if (hairp1y < 101){ hairp1y = hairp1y + 0.2; hairp2y = hairp2y + 0.2; hairp3y = hairp3y + 0.2; hairp4y = hairp4y + 0.2; }if (hairp1y > 101){
hairp1y = hairp1y - 0.2;
hairp2y = hairp2y - 0.2;
hairp3y = hairp3y - 0.2;
hairp4y = hairp4y - 0.2;
}if (poses.length == 2){
if (hairp1y < 111){ hairp1y = hairp1y + 0.2; hairp2y = hairp2y + 0.2; hairp3y = hairp3y + 0.2; hairp4y = hairp4y + 0.2; }if (hairp1y > 111){
hairp1y = hairp1y - 0.2;
hairp2y = hairp2y - 0.2;
hairp3y = hairp3y - 0.2;
hairp4y = hairp4y - 0.2;
}if (poses.length == 3){
if (hairp1y < 131){ hairp1y = hairp1y + 0.2; hairp2y = hairp2y + 0.2; hairp3y = hairp3y + 0.2; hairp4y = hairp4y + 0.2; }if (hairp1y > 131){
hairp1y = hairp1y - 0.2;
hairp2y = hairp2y - 0.2;
hairp3y = hairp3y - 0.2;
hairp4y = hairp4y - 0.2;
}if (poses.length == 4){
if (hairp1y < 171){ hairp1y = hairp1y + 0.2; hairp2y = hairp2y + 0.2; hairp3y = hairp3y + 0.2; hairp4y = hairp4y + 0.2; }if (hairp1y > 171){
hairp1y = hairp1y - 0.2;
hairp2y = hairp2y - 0.2;
hairp3y = hairp3y - 0.2;
hairp4y = hairp4y - 0.2;
if (poses.length < 5){
curveVertex(hairp1x, hairp1y);
curveVertex(hairp1x, hairp1y);
curveVertex(hairp2x, hairp2y);
curveVertex(hairp3x, hairp3y);
curveVertex(hairp4x, hairp4y);
curveVertex(hairp4x, hairp4y);
curveVertex(hairp1x+20, hairp1y);
curveVertex(hairp1x+20, hairp1y);
curveVertex(hairp2x+20, hairp2y);
curveVertex(hairp3x+20, hairp3y);
curveVertex(hairp4x+20, hairp4y);
curveVertex(hairp4x+20, hairp4y);
curveVertex(hairp1x+40, hairp1y);
curveVertex(hairp1x+40, hairp1y);
curveVertex(hairp2x+40, hairp2y);
curveVertex(hairp3x+40, hairp3y);
curveVertex(hairp4x+40, hairp4y);
curveVertex(hairp4x+40, hairp4y);
// A function to draw ellipses over the detected keypoints
function drawKeypoints() {
// Loop through all the poses detected
if (poses.length == 1){
for (let i = 0; i < poses.length; i++) {
// For each pose detected, loop through all the keypoints
let pose = poses[i].pose;
for (let j = 0; j < pose.keypoints.length; j++) {
// A keypoint is an object describing a body part (like rightArm or leftShoulder)
let keypoint = pose.keypoints[j];
let noseP = pose.keypoints[0]
// Only draw an ellipse is the pose probability is bigger than 0.2
var fx = map(noseP.position.x, 0, width, -1, 1);
var fy = map(noseP.position.y, 0, height, -1, 1);
var mx = map(posx, 0, width, -1, 1);
var my = map(posy, 0, height, -1, 1);
var dir = atan2((fy - my), (fx - mx));
var amp = 10;
if (dist(posx, posy, noseP.position.x, noseP.position.y) <= 12){
amp = dist(posx, posy, noseP.position.x, noseP.position.y);
translate(posx + amp * cos(dir), posy + amp * sin(dir));
var c = constrain(dist(posx, posy, noseP.position.x, noseP.position.y), 0, 12);
var distshape = map(c, 0, 30, 1, 0.9);
ellipse(0, 0, 5 * distshape, 5);
ellipse(posx, posy, 5, 5);
function drawGradient(x, y) {
var h = 255;
if (poses.length == 0){
if (radius < 106.6){ radius = radius + 0.2; } } if (poses.length == 1){ if (radius > 100){
radius = radius - 0.2;
if (radius <= 100){ radius = radius + 0.2; } }if (poses.length ==2){ if (radius > 90){
radius = radius - 0.2;
if (radius <= 90){ radius = radius + 0.2; } }if (poses.length ==3){ if (radius > 70){
radius = radius - 0.2;
if (radius <= 70){ radius = radius + 0.2; } }if (poses.length ==4){ if (radius > 30){
radius = radius - 0.2;
if (radius <= 30){ radius = radius + 0.2; } }if (poses.length ==5){ if (radius > 10){
radius = radius - 0.2;
if (radius <= 10){ radius = radius + 0.2; } } for (var r = radius; r > 0; --r) {
if (poses.length == 0){
colorR = 250;
colorG = 210;
} if (poses.length == 1){
if (colorG > 188){
colorG -= 0.01;
}if (colorG < 188){ colorG += 0.01; } } if (poses.length == 2){ if (colorG > 148){
colorG -= 0.01;
fill(colorR, colorG-r/3.5, 0);
ellipse(x, y, r, r);
function setup() {
createCanvas(710, 400);
function draw() {
drawGradient(width/2, height/2);
function drawGradient(x, y) {
var h = 255;
var radius = width/6;
for (var r = radius; r > 0; --r) {
fill(250, 166-r/3.5, 0);
ellipse(x, y, r, r);
*/ |