Active KKK groups in the United States

USKKKMAP1 For this assignment, I wanted my face to be used for data visualization. Initially, I was thinking I could change the characteristics of the figure to illustrate certain statistics like the example shown to us in class. However, when I tried to implement this technique in the design, the results weren’t very effective.

Instead I decided to use my face as a graphic to create a visualization of today’s active KKK groups in the United States.



//Chernoff faces

void setup(){
PImage img = loadImage("confederate.jpg");


void draw(){
PImage img = loadImage("confederate.jpg");
float cx = width/2; float cy = height/2 + 20;
float eyeWidth = 5;
float eyeHeight = 3;
float bot = cy + 100;
float top = cy - 50;
float skullX0 = cx - 50;
float skullX1 = cx + 50;
float skullY = cy - 20;
float jawX0 = cx - 70;
float jawX1 = cx + 70;
float jawY = cy + 30;

if (mousePressed){
image(img, 140,200);
ellipse(cx, height+20, random(300,400),random(150,200));
eyeWidth = random(25,30);
eyeHeight = random(35,50);
bot = cy + random(200,240);
top = cy - random(100, 150);
skullX0 = cx - random(width/6, width/10);
skullX1 = cx + random(width/5, width/8);
skullY = cy + random(width/2, width/5);
jawX0 = cx - random(width/6, width/10);
jawX1 = cx + random(width/6, width/10);
jawY = cy + random(width/3,width/5);
bezier(cx, top, skullX0,skullY,jawX0, jawY,cx,bot);
bezier(cx, bot, jawX1, jawY, skullX1, skullY, cx, top);
point(cx + eyeWidth, cy + 2*eyeHeight);
point(cx - eyeWidth, cy + 2*eyeHeight);


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