emoticon face generator

For whatever reason I had a lot of trouble getting this to do things that actually looked interesting and good when I started randomizing them so I ended up settling for something really simple, even though I’m not very happy about it.


I ended up spending so long trying to get the face to actually look skin-colored most of the time (which, as you can see, tanked miserably), and ran out of time to properly address the other things I wanted to add, like hair. And noses. And other necessary facial features, y’know. But at least it makes half-hearted reaction images?


//electronic media studio: interactivity

//variable list
float faceradius = 200;
float faceR = 232;
float faceG = 150; 
float faceB = 150;
float rEye = 50;
float gEye = 75;
float bEye = 225;
float eyeSize = 40;
float vertA1 =100;
float vertA2 =100;
float vertB1= 120;
float vertB2C2 =200;
float vertC1 = 180;
float vertD1 = 200;
float vertD2 = 100;

void setup(){

void draw(){
  fill(faceR, faceG, faceB);
  ellipse (width/2, height/2, faceradius, faceradius);
  float eyeLX = width/2 - faceradius*0.3;
  float eyeRX = width/2 + faceradius*0.3;
   ellipse (eyeLX, height/2, eyeSize, eyeSize); 
   ellipse (eyeRX, height/2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
   strokeWeight (5);
   curve(vertA1,vertA2, vertB1,vertB2C2, vertC1,vertB2C2, vertD1,vertD2);

void mousePressed(){
  eyeSize    = random (10,  30); 
  faceradius = random (100, 200); 
  rEye = random (150, 255);
  gEye = random (150, 255);
  bEye = random (150, 255);
  faceR = random (165, 210);
  faceG = random (120, 210);
  faceB = random (90, 190);
  vertA1 = random (100,200);
  vertA2 = random (80, 250);
  vertB1 = random (100, 140);
  vertB2C2 = random (150,210);
  vertC1 = random (160, 220);
  vertD1 = random (200,300);
  vertD2 = random (80,250);
  if (faceradius<150){
    vertB2C2 = random(150,175);


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