1000 Lines: The Red Sea

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A sea that is sometimes red, but not often.

this is an ocean build of undulating lines, that slowly change colour with time. Introducing the mouse causes these lines to move, shifting against the movement of the mouse, letting the controller mark their own light trails in the ‘water’.


//The Red Sea. I want to see The Red Sea on a wall.

//class of each light bar that appears onscreen
class Bar{
  int ix;
  int iy;
  int sx;
  int sy;
  int ex;
  int ey;
  color c;
  Bar(int tempix, int tempiy, int tempsx, int tempsy, int tempex, 
      int tempey, color tempc){
    int rx = int(random(-20,20));
    int ry = int(random(-10,10));
    ix = tempix;
    iy = tempiy;
    sx = tempsx + rx;
    sy = tempsy + ry;
    ex = tempex + rx;
    ey = tempey + ry;
    c = tempc;
  //colours are based off of noise and realtive position, so each
  //colurs shift in slight uinson.
  void update(float t){
    c = color(255*noise(ix/20.0,iy/20.0, t/2.0),
              255*noise(ix/20.0 + 5,iy/20.0 + 5, t/20.0 + 5),
              255*noise(ix/20.0 + 10,iy/20.0 + 10, t/400.0 + 10));
  //draws with mouse accounted for. Some trig is used to make the
  void display(float t){
    int sx2 = sx - (mouseX - sx)/4;
    int sy2 = sy - (mouseY - sy)/5; 
    int ex2 = ex - (mouseX - ex)/5; 
    int ey2 = ey - (mouseY - ey)/6;  
    line(sx2 + 4*cos(ix/10.0+iy/10.0-t),
         sy2 + 10*sin(ix/10.0+iy/10.0-t),
         ex2 + 2*cos(ix/10.0+iy/10.0-t),
         ey2 + 10*sin(ix/10.0+iy/10.0-t));

ArrayList<Bar> bars;

//creates the bars semi-randomly
void setup(){
  bars = new ArrayList<Bar>();
  int dw = width/100;
  int dh = height/10;
  for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++){
    for(int y = 0; y < 10; y++){
       bars.add(new Bar(x,y,
                dw*(x)+int(50*(noise(x/20.0 + 10,y/20.0 + 10)-0.5)), 
                dh*(y)+int(50*(noise(x/20.0 + 5,y/20.0 + 5)-0.5)),
                dw*(x)+5+int(50*noise(x/20.0,y/20.0) - 0.5),
                dh*(y)+50+int(50*noise(x/20.0 - 5,y/20.0 - 5)-0.5),

//draws with low-alpha background, to allow for blur, and adds any 
//time-based trig movement and mouse movement
void draw(){
  //background(0,0,0, 200);
  float t = millis()/1000.0;
  for (int i = bars.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    Bar bar = bars.get(i);


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