1 Line: Blowout
Two shots of a starting generation.
This is a simple test piece involving the reaction of a single line to the mouse. The line in randomly generated, and the points used to construct the curve will move away from the mouse to warp the shape they create.
//Blowout. When you're swirly and you're curly, then you're kitsch
int[] points;
int[] mpoints;
//generates the points used to make the base curve, as well as define
//the static edge cases for the rendered lines
void setup(){
points = new int[24];
points[0] = 0;
points[1] = 0;
points[22] = width;
points[23] = height;
for(int i = 0; i < 10;i++){
points[2*(i+1)] = int(width * noise((2*i)/1.0));
points[(2*(i+1)+1)] = int(height * noise((2*i + 20)/1.0));
for(int i = 0;i<12;i++){
println("point "+i+": "+points[2*i]+", "+points[(2*i)+1]);
mpoints = new int[24];
mpoints[0] = 0;
mpoints[1] = 0;
mpoints[22] = width;
mpoints[23] = height;
//adjusts the rendered point based on the position of the mouse.
int[] adjust( int x, int y, int px, int py){
int[] result = new int[2];
float dist = sqrt(sq(px-x) + sq(py-y))/60.0;
if(dist == 0.0){ dist = 0.1;}
result[0] = int(px + (px - x)/dist);
result[1] = int(py + (py - y)/dist);
return result;
int[] pair;
//creates an updated version of each point based on the original
//generation and the position of the mouse, then draws the line
void draw(){
int x = mouseX;
int y = mouseY;
for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++){
pair = adjust(x, y, points[2*(i+1)], points[(2*(i+1))+1]);
mpoints[2*(i+1)] = pair[0];
mpoints[(2*(i+1))+1] = pair[1];
curve(mpoints[0],mpoints[1], mpoints[0],mpoints[1],
mpoints[2],mpoints[3], mpoints[4],mpoints[5]);
for(int i = 0;i<9;i++){
curve(mpoints[2*i],mpoints[2*i+1], mpoints[2*i+2],mpoints[2*i+3],
curve(mpoints[18],mpoints[19], mpoints[20],mpoints[21],
mpoints[22],mpoints[23], mpoints[22],mpoints[23]);