Ten Line


My initial idea of ten lines was that the lines would move in a line according to the mouse movement and when the mouse stops moving the lines would spread out in circle and turn. However, I couldn’t figure out the way for the lines to follow the path that mouse had moved. So I changed my original idea of the ten lines following the path of mouse and just made the ten lines follow mouse similar to that of one line assignment.


float x;
float y;
float easing = 0.05;

void setup(){
    size(600, 600);

void draw(){

void follow(){
    float followX = mouseX;
    float distanceX = followX - x;
    float followY = mouseY;
    float distanceY = followY - y;
  if(abs(distanceX)<=1 && abs(distanceY)<=1){
    float cx = mouseX;
    float cy = mouseY;
    int r = 40; 
    float t = millis()/4000.0f;

    for (int i = 1 ; i <= 10; i++) {         t = t + 120;         int x = (int)(cx + r * cos(t));         int y = (int)(cy + r * sin(t));         line(cx, cy, x, y);     }   }   else{     if(abs(distanceX) > 1) {
      x += distanceX * easing;
    if(abs(distanceY) > 1) {
      y += distanceY * easing;
    for (int i = 1; i<=10; i++){
       line(x-15+i*3, y-20, x-15+i*3, y+20);


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