Alex Face Changer

Face Changer

This was the assignment I decided to start out with. It was quite a challenge and more of an experience/ experimental piece. Fun fact: I figured out how to randomize the color on my own before we were taught it in class. so, that was a very proud accomplishment of mine, which is kind of sad. My second modification was adding a mouth to the example face. For this used a triangle to stick to the simple geometric shape aesthetic. I then continued to have the mouth shape randomize. My third modification was adding pupils and getting the position of the eye and pupils to move with ever frame.

float eyeSize = 20; 
float eyePlace = height/2;
float faceWidth = 100; 
float faceHeight = 120; 
float mouthWidth = 50;
float mouthHeight = 200;
int red=255;
int blue=255;
int green=255;

void setup(){
 frameRate (2); 
void draw(){
  float clampedX = constrain(mouseX, faceWidth, faceWidth);
  fill(red, green, blue);
    ellipse (width/2, height/2, faceWidth, faceHeight); 
 fill(red/2,green/2, blue/2);
  float eyeLX = width/2 - faceWidth*0.25;
  float eyeRX = width/2 + faceWidth*0.25;
  ellipse (eyeLX, eyePlace, eyeSize, eyeSize); 
  ellipse (eyeRX, eyePlace, eyeSize, eyeSize);
   float mouthLX = width/2 - faceWidth*0.25;
  float mouthRX = width/2 + faceWidth*0.25;
  float mouthHX = mouthHeight + faceHeight*0.25;
  triangle (mouthLX/2,170, mouthRX+70, 170, width/2+70, mouthHX);
  ellipse (eyeLX, eyePlace, eyeSize/2, eyeSize/2); 
  ellipse (eyeRX, eyePlace, eyeSize/2, eyeSize/2);
   faceWidth  = random (75,  150); 
  faceHeight = random (100, 200); 
  eyeSize    = random (10,  30); 
  mouthWidth = random (25, mouthHeight);
  mouthHeight = random (150, 225);
  eyePlace = random (100, 150);
void mousePressed(){
  red = int(random(0,256));
  blue = int(random(0,256));
  green = int(random(0,256));

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