Balls and Legs
“Everyone you know someday will die” – The Flaming Lips
No matter how strong a relationship or how durable a material is, the passage of time will erode it. The blobs and the legs fall down as each minute passes, each trying to bounce or twitch its way back up top, but it will never achieve its old position ever again. We too can struggle against the flow of time, but we cannot win.
I like the organic feel of the blob, but I feel like it could be more irregular to look even weirder. I also wanted the legs to represent something, such as the hours, but since my clock resets every 12 hours, 12 legs is not enough. They also look weird without being attached to a ball so I just attached them randomly to balls.
int square_width = 15;
Ball[] balls;
Leg[] legs;
int past_second = -1;
PImage leg_img;
class Ball{
int x, y, diameter, stop_point;
float speed, acceleration;
int dx, dy, dd;
Ball(int a, int b, int d)
x = a;
y = b;
diameter = d;
speed = 0.0;
acceleration = 0.0;
stop_point = (int)random(-30, 30);
dx = (int)random(-3,3);
dy = (int)random(-3,3);
// delta diameter
dd = (int)random(5,15);
if(random(-1,1) < 0.0)
dd *= -1.0;
* drops the ball
void drop()
acceleration = 0.9;
void draw_ball()
// make the ball fall
if(y < height - 40 + stop_point || (speed < 0.0))
y += speed;
speed += acceleration;
else if(abs(speed) > 3.5)
speed *= -0.4;
float percent = (millis() % 1000.0)/1000.0;
if(percent > 0.5)
percent = 1.0 - percent;
stroke(200, 50 + diameter);
fill(20, 50 + diameter);
ellipse(x+percent*dx, y+percent*dy, diameter+percent*dd, diameter+percent*dd);
class Leg{
float direction;
float theta, leg_scale, dtheta;
Ball ball;
Leg(Ball ba)
ball = ba;
leg_scale = random(0.8, 1.2);
theta = random(-0.5, 0.5);
direction = 1.0;
if(random(-1,1) < 0.0)
direction *= -1;
void draw_leg()
float percent = (millis() % 1000.0)/1000.0;
if(percent > 0.5)
percent = 1.0 - percent;
translate(ball.x, ball.y);
if(ball.x > width/2)
if(0.0 < ball.speed && ball.speed < 0.1)
percent = 1.0 + 0.03*percent;
float on_ground = 0.0;
float speed = 1.0;
if(ball.acceleration != 0.0)
on_ground = 0.006*ball.y;
speed = ball.speed;
image(leg_img, 0, 0);
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
leg_img = loadImage("leg.png");
* initializes the clock to current time
void set_to_current_time()
int minute_passed = 60*hour() + minute();
for(int i = 0; i < minute_passed; i++)
int r = (int)random(0,720);
Ball random_ball = balls[r];
// select a ball that hasnt already fallen
while(random_ball.speed != 0.0)
r = (int)random(0,720);
random_ball = balls[r];
* allocate the ball objects
void initialize_balls(){
balls = new Ball[720];
int i = 0;
while(i < balls.length)
int x = 0;
int y = 20;
while((x < width/2 && y > 2*x/3 + random(-10,10)) ||
(x > width/2 && y > 2*(width - x)/3 + random(-10,10))
x = (int)random(20, width-20);
y = (int)random(5, height/3);
int s = (int)random(20, 50);
balls[i] = new Ball(x, y, s);
* allocate the leg objects
void initialize_legs()
legs = new Leg[20];
for(int i = 0; i < legs.length; i++)
Ball b = balls[(int)random(0,720)];
while(!(b.x < 200 || b.x > 300))
b = balls[(int)random(0,720)];
legs[i] = new Leg(b);
* draw the gradient for the background
void draw_background(){
for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
stroke(100-i/7, 50-i/12, 70-i/10);
line(0, i, width, i);
void draw() {
// resets the clock every 12 hours
if(hour() % 12 == 0 && minute() % 60 == 0 && millis() % 1000.0 < 100.0)
// selects random ball to drop every minute
if(second() == 0 && past_second != second())
int r = (int)random(0,720);
Ball random_ball = balls[r];
// select a ball that hasnt already fallen
while(random_ball.speed != 0.0)
r = (int)random(0,720);
random_ball = balls[r];
past_second = second();
// draw the balls
for(int i = 0; i < balls.length; i++)
Ball b = balls[i];
// draw the legs
for(int i = 0; i < legs.length; i++)
Leg l = legs[i];
this title sounds too intentional to not be intentional
I couldnt think of a name so I just described what I made in the shortest way I can think of…