bumble_b – LoopResearch


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A post shared by Dave Whyte (@davebeesbombs)

This loop from Bees and Bombs really struck me because of how red and blue squares form for a few seconds and really stand out  in the rotation.


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A post shared by Dave Whyte (@davebeesbombs)

This one also really stuck out to me because the small squares form into bigger squares that turn out to actually be those very small squares when zoomed out and looped! It hurt my brain; I loved it.

I really like this gif from Cindy Suen because of the importance of the pizzas in creating the loop. The text itself has a very definitive start and end (when it leaves the screen), but since the pizzas continue to rotate, it looks like it goes on forever.

This next video from Andreas Wannerstedt was one out of a great set called Oddly Satisfying Vol. 6. I couldn’t choose which I liked best out of all of them, but I think the plunking noise and the unexpected softness of the planks really drew me to this one.

bumble_b – LoopReading

There were a few moments that really stuck out to me in Lena Groeger’s presentation. She explained the mere-exposure effect which says we like things we’ve been exposed to before; we find comfort in the predictability. This effect is a fundamental aspect of humans, evident as early as in our childhood development, like when we were obsessed with the same storybook and made our parents read it over and over again or how we picked up patterns to help us learn shapes, vocabulary, and everything foundational to our learning. It reminded me of how I was absolutely obsessed with Cinderella 2 and would literally watch it over and over again, back-to-back multiple times in a day.

Something else that I found so fascinating was the speech-to-melody effect seen in Diana Deutsche’s speech:

I literally have it stuck in my head as I’m writing this.

In all, I think humans are deeply fascinated with loops. On Tik Tok, any video that somehow has a loop that seamlessly connects its beginning and end makes everyone go crazy in the comments!

YoungLee – LoopsResearch

Subway GIF – Cindy Suen

Cindy Suen’s Subway GIF was most interesting to me because the sandwich that is being chopped seems like an infinitely long sandwich instead of a video that is just looped over and over again.

Google CES Diorama – Andreas Wannerstedt

Watching animated cityscapes is one of my favorite things. The moving train, cars, signs, etc. is so fascinating to me because it feels like worldbuilding. I also like his style of highly rendering all the objects in his artworks.

Bees and Bombs (David Whyte)

Even though the GIF is composed of shapes and lines, it is still interesting/hypnotizing to look at and feels like an animation.

YoungLee – LoopReading

In watching Groeger’s presentation, I learned how powerful a tool GIFs can be. Before watching the vid, I thought it was used to spread funny memes, etc., but it can actually be useful in a variety of contexts. Groeger cites a lot of examples like the expansion of US territories, how the NY subway expanded overtime, etc. Side by side, the expansion of US territory is hard to understand, but by looping it in one GIF, it becomes easier to visualize it.


The example Groeger uses in her presentation:


Cindy Suen


This image is a great example of dynamic motion and morphing. The image is chaotic and has so much going on that its looping nature is hard to notice.


David Whyte


I am most interested in this piece because of its visual simplicity when compared to the rest of his body of work. Yet the change being made is super noticeable.

Andreas Wannerstedt


I like this mainly for the materiality and what it shares with reality while being so distant from reality.


shrugbread- LoopReading

Video link

I found particularly interesting in this specific moment she talks about how in the presence of repeated exposure to music, people will often try to focus on a different part of the song to pay attention to. This is a mechanism that helps us stay engaged with the same material, and is also an indicator of our internal craving for stimulus as well as things that are safe and consistent. This small instance of understanding human tendencies and psychology has a massive payoff in looping/repeating media.


Reading/Viewing: Loops as Visualizations


What really interested me in Lena’s presentation was the music illustration to explain repetition and looping. It was describing how we begin to repeat song lyrics or melodies because we are exposed to it so many times. Our brains then continue repeating the lyrics so that we can recall the next few words. Elements of a song such as a melody, rhythm, beat, and pitch helps us to remember the lyrics. These musical loops harness the power to teach. Loops have power.


(I read the article.)

What stuck out to me while reading was the passage on how repetition functions in music, and how that relates to gifs. I’m a musician so I’ve grown to be aware of how repetition functions within composing, within listening and engaging with music, et cetera–but here, that same sort of logic is presented as a tenet of gif design/usage. As she noted, there is tremendous learning capability from having an infinite loop there to 1) show information (Visuals helping mental organization) 2) show the order that tasks should/can be completed in 3) provide this information in a fun and accessible way. It’s a brilliant tool that helps our silly brains.

(And as a small additional note, the section regarding Diana Deutsche’s research into vocal tonality and how repetition can transform how we hear something was very cool. It reminds me also of Charles Cornell’s meme arrangements. Here is one of my favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCQM4efUUUI)


As always, WordPress refuses to reveal how I embed. Here is the link to the project from David Whyte that interests me: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf_6xPKBDbH/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

This interested me because the swirling patterns reminded me of celtic knots, and the movement across the composition provided a similarly smooth transition between shapes and form.

For Cindy Suen, this piece caught my eye: https://cindysuen.tumblr.com/post/142270190310/snapcat

The colors of the background are limited, which lets the kitty really pop with its brightness-this to me, helps the loop function in a visually appealing way.

Each iteration of “colorful sphere moves through rugged/precarious terrain” in this Andreas Wannerstedt piece really caught my eye, I’m a sucker for natural scenery and these looped very smoothly.  https://andreaswannerstedt.se/eternal-installations