





When I thought about a place that has meaning to me I’ll be honest, Mcdonald’s didn’t come to mind. In fact, I’m not a huge fan of their food apart from the ice cream. So I started thinking about people that I cared for. Memories from the past usually corresponded to my family and very visual interactions with them. I vaguely remembered one place that my mom used to take me and my sister, Mcdonald’s. This was a routine spot during my childhood and I wondered why things that were once habitual stop happening. Besides the fact that this Mcdonald’s got torn down, I realized that interests change in adolescence which lead to new habits and routines. The real treasure of this place is not the food or location, but the people who were with me.

I used only two photographs, plus my memory, to fabricate this building fromthe Unity building tools.




I appreciated the way that Phazero explained her process and also responded to the audience. In her walkthrough, Phazero shared what kinds of skills she had to learn and how she implemented these into her game. For viewers of this talk that are interested in game design, her detailed descriptions of her process will help them understand the levels of trial and error she went through.

Phazero said it is “more important for me that people understand my work and play it, which is probably more controversial in the art world actually than the game world.” This shows me that the role of the viewer or player was important to her.


teachable machine project 

Youtube demo Link

These are the ringtones that my sister, whom I share a room with, annoyingly uses for all of her alarms. I can wake up with ease from my alarms and I even wake up naturally on time. However, my older sister is the opposite. She needs over 10 alarms and she tends to sleep through them all. It’s pretty annoying when you sleep 10 feet away from her. As a result, these two alarm sounds TRIGGER me. When I was playing these to annoy her, she told me to just wake her up when they go off, because she can’t do it herself. So I created this system that alerts me to wake her up when it hears any of these two alarms. I used my iPhone to play the sounds directly into my airpod microphone.  The first alarm was clearly distinguishable to teachablemachine but the second alarm, called Slow Rise, was jumping around from all three categories. After evaluation, it seems like Slow Rise sounds too much like Constellation. I might need to insert a different alarm sound or continue to record different audio samples.  I think this project could take it a step further with some coding.





[video-to-gif output image]

^gif of how I transferred the ringtones to teachablemachine. (ps. I’m not mad)

code in progress

[video-to-gif output image]

I’m trying to put this project into p5js so I can make a visual alert to wake up my sister.


In an alternate life, I would have grown up in Mongolia, spending my summers in the grassland in our summer traditional home(a ger). I would wake up to the beautiful clear blue skies of Mongolia and smell the mixture of livestock and fresh grass in the air. The wind blows through my hair and I thank God for creating me in this land. If I didn’t come to America, this would be a possible reality.


First, I recorded several videos. My original idea was to make this short film of me doing “daily tasks” that would be a reality in Mongolia. However, I didn’t anticipate the amount of time it would take me to draw the background and foreground, the quality of the video/my drawing skills, and all the steps it takes to make one ebsynth production. I stuck to one keyframe and one short clip and with some more time (and more keyframes) I could complete my original idea. The final product is very rough because there are sections of the video that couldn’t register the style I drew.

“don’t spend more than 2 hours on this”  a h a h a….. I had trouble working ebsynth. I ran into trouble because I made the keyframe separately on procreate and this messed up the resolution of the keyframe from the rest of the frames. As a result, ebsynth wouldn’t render the output. I figured out how to do this by redrawing the keyframe using the png from procreate. Luckily I separated the layers so this was possible.

minniebzrg-Talk to Transformer (GPT-2)

  1. So this morning I went to the gym and grabbed some lunch afterward with my friend but the weird thing is that I got to the gym and a man came in right when I did. I was the only person in the building so I thought, oh good, the gym is empty. So he walks in with me. He then turns to the locker I was about to use and asks if he can have the locker next to mine. I was stunned, but said sure. So we take our things in and I walk him to the other locker and then he gets in front of me. He’s about 50 but is muscular, and his head is a nice fit in his neck. I walk off to go lift weights and he follows me

2. My friend applied to Carnegie Mellon University and she got accepted. She wants to accept their offer but is worried about her future in the United States after Donald Trump became the president of the United States of America. Donald Trump’s politics and his derogatory statements against illegal immigrants has motivated her to move to Canada. She fears for the safety of her family because Donald Trump vowed to send all illegals to be deported. This is why she is scared to accept the offer from Carnegie Mellon University. My friend believes that if she were to accept the offer from a place like Carnegie Mellon.


I was surprised to read the second generated text because I realized that even machine learning could produce politically or racially biased text. I found it kind of funny because my friend recently moved to the States even though she is a U.S. citizen and people would see her as an immigrant. Right now, she is in Mongolia but is coming back to the U.S. to study. Although Trump is no longer the President, I thought this was pretty funny but biased.  The first prompt was pretty creepy, to be honest. I didn’t like how this tool could create a scenario like that. It makes me think that it could trigger people if they were testing it out. Overall, I wonder what kind of barriers these machine learning tools have.


  1. It was sort of alarming that clearview.ai gathered over 3 billion images from public databases such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to use for their facial recognition program. This means photographs from when I was a reckless teenager posting all of my daily activities are probably in their database.
  2.  Algorithmic bias exists even in the judicial system. For example, a judge could decide how long an individual be imprisoned for based on machine learning.
  3. Instead of changing society or people, the better answer would be to go back and rewire the foundations of programming to remove any biases. It also matters whose hands these programs fall into.

minniebzrg-Looking Outwards: AI + Art

Visualizing High-Dimensional Spaces

by Daniel Smilkov, Fernanda Viégas, Martin Wattenberg & the Big Picture team

In high-dimensional spaces, this project visualizes data sets. In order to organize a variety of characteristics about people, objects, words, and more, machine learning converts these into data points that are organized in a high-dimensional space. I found this project interesting because it is an applicable and foundational program that could be used for people beyond the art and science fields. A variety of data sets can be explored using this system. The program utilizes pixel recognition which is then clustered by the machine. I find it interesting that the machine is learning something about each item or object that is then used for others to learn.