If game window isn't working or Unity is crashing, edit Player Settings, Project Settings, and/or Edit>Graphics Emulation and select lowest/oldest shader model and shader hardware tier. May need to repeat upon reopening.
1. importing
QWERT hot keys for navigation tools. Hold right-click and use WASD to move. Alt or Alt-Shift + mouse buttons.
hold v to snap corner
dope sheets vs curves
Starting from here, started from progress scene in exercise files because I couldn't import the character correctly(maybe because different unity version and linux editor?)
Turn the audio volume WAY down.
Careful of real-time option during editing to. May put strain on unity editor.
Use for chimney smoke.
I didn't get around to the other tutorials. Since I did this late anyway, I focused on the ones immediately helpful to the part of the project I was about to work on.