Instuctional Drawing Reversed


  1. Use a ruler for steps 1-8
  2. Draw a large X on one corner of your paper. So that it is made up of four 90 degrees angles
  3. Look at one 90 degrees angle. Draw another 90 degrees angle opposite of it so that it forms a rectangle with four 90 degrees angles but different lengths.
  4. Inside this rectangle draw another X formed with four 90 degrees angles. The middle of the X should NOT be the middle of the square. Likewise, the ends of the X do not need to meet the corners of the rectangle.
  5.  Using this X, draw a series of lines that are perpendicular to the lines used to form the X or perpendicular to the square around it. These lines can be long and lead off the square or be short and stay in the square.  Make sure you draw at least 25 lines in each square.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 until the whole X that was originally drawn is covered
  7. Now repeat steps 2-6 so that another large X appears on your page. You are welcome to go over your previous X
  8. Repeat step seven as much as you want.



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