epileptic clock

Here’s the link to the program. I won’t embed it since the already existing embeds are causing unwanted lag on the site… For the most fluid animation, check the clock when your minutes are between 0 and 30. Otherwise there will be wacky framerate on web browsers.

I wanted to make an unstable rippling clock that would bear similarities with uncertain waters. Kind of like a nervous clock that would remind you every time time passes by as we slowly die by the second, minute, hour, etc. Most people check the clock obsessively so here’s to making you even more nervous. Or calmed, I don’t really know what my clock would do to other people; I know I can’t look at the clock for a prolonged period of time. I also have a thing for hidden messages, so I had to put in a mousePressed action somewhere, sorry. And jokey texts at intervals. Maryyann’s GIF project inspired the colors and circular movements, so thanks Mann. I think I achieved the fluidity of time well and succeeded at the transience of the visuals. There are some buggy elements though whenever I ran it, like the visuals always appearing at the origin (which is the reason for the frame), and a lot of lag on web browsers. I believe this lag is due to my inefficient code of using 2D arrays and many for-loops for excessive operations. Maybe I should’ve made a class. Oh well, it runs fine on my computer…

Here’s how the clock works at various time intervals:

Ticha-Creature designs

bud thing



forest spirit


Sorry for the photo spam – I just wanted to create a separate post for documenting the initial designs for my FaceOSC creature/character. While these aren’t exactly faces, they can still be viewed as ‘avatars’ whose movements correspond to the user’s facial expressions.

A disgruntled llama:

como se llama


Multiuser Sketchpad | Ricardo Cabello

Multi-user sketch pad is just what the the title suggests – a sketchpad that can be drawn on my multiple, anonymous users around the world. I see this as a different kind of generativity. A kind where the code facilitates rather than creates the product. Similar to Aaron Koblin’s sheep market, but this is an open market. What makes this project most exciting to me though is the ability to use it as a screen-saver. I love the idea of a screensaver that reflects something real, happening live in the world. Similar to – http://pcheese.net/software/soundstream/

.Float | Krzysztof Goliński

.Float uses a living organism as an input into an algorithm which then generates a 3d form. Similar to the Mutliuser sketchpad but in this case the organism(s) are unaware of their involvement the creation of the final product.

Drawing faces | Matthew Plummer-Fernandez

Drawing faces is interesting because it uses a human as the tool to draw. As the human starts to draw a face, the algorithm decides whether the line that has just been drawn makes the drawing more or less face-like. If it is less, the stroke is erased. If it is more, the stroke stays. The resultant drawing will be facelike but ultimately random.

Sunflower Time

Sooooo I fixed the green leaves! Sort of. I found out that, when creating arc shapes in Java, the fill turns out differently in Js. So I just used ellipses instead.

My inspiration for this was a pendulum. I wanted to do a cat tail, but I went with sunflower stems instead. Shoutout to Golan for teaching me the concatenated rotations!

Anyways, the stalks sway every second. The petals of the sunflowers appear every minute. (There are two rows of petals, one light yellow and one yellow orange. Each row holds 30 petals max.) The petals just appear. They don’t grow or anything. I need to work on that. The hours were also tricky, and could use a lot of room for improvement. My original plan was to have a flower pop up every hour, but I didn’t know how to do that with my weird for loops. So I decided to have the center of the sunflower have lines for every hour on a 0-24 hour clock.

Sooooo there you have it.

Here are some screenshots followed by my code:

Screen Shot 2013-09-26 at 5.05.01 PM

Screen Shot 2013-09-26 at 5.10.52 PM

Screen Shot 2013-09-26 at 5.13.11 PM

color[] blues={#D7F4F6};
color[] browns={#4A3000,#A64500};
color[] greens={#679B00,#89CB12,#DBE86A,#4F5F03,#C2E656};
color[] petals={#FFC700,#F79E00,#FFFF00,#FFCF00};
void setup(){
void draw(){
void drawGroups(color stemCol,int direction,int shortness,int margin){
  float xSpacing=width/7.0;
  for(int i=1;i< =6;i++){
void drawFlower(color stemCol,int direction){
  float len=40;
  float speed=0.001;
  float t=map(sin(millis()*TWO_PI*speed),-1,1,-2,2);
  for(int i=0;i<12;i++){
void drawPetals(color c,int margin,int len,int time){
  float min=360/(minute()+1);
  for(int i=0;i<=minute()-time;i++){
void drawHead(){
  float hr=360/(hour()+1);
  for(int i=0;i<=hour();i++){
void drawLeaves(color c,int num){
    //arc(0, 0, 60, 60, 0, PI/2.0, OPEN);
void backdrop(color c1, color c2){
  for(int i=0;i<=height;i++){
      float inter=map(i,0,height,0,1);
      color c=lerpColor(c1,c2,inter);


While the human body itself has made a number of useful contributions to humanity (e.g. procreation), it was never regarded as a tool that can be used for common, day-to-day purposes (e.g. telling time). Although for many people the word ‘tool’ is not the most desirable adjective to use when concerning the human body, it could be argued that it is not justified to be so offended by the notion while readily accepting the capitalization on other organisms’ bodies to make utilitarian and/or decorative objects. Bearskin rugs, cowhide shoes, and alligator leather watches are some examples of this.

Nevertheless, this clock is not meant to be an animal rights statement – but simply a means to offer a non-conventional perspective on the function of a human body. Additionally, it provides the juxtapositional image of using something as volatile and unpredictable as a body to construct a device that requires utmost precision.

I believe that this simple clock communicates my idea to some extent – but more attention should be given to the design/functionality for it to be even more effective. I do plan to possibly tweak the clock further to add more useful features (such as making the stomach glow during mealtimes) and do some touch-ups on the drawings.

EDIT: Shortened the code so that it’s not as repetitive (thanks for the suggestions Dave!) and played with sine waves to make the heart beat less regularly after talking to Golan. It’s still not behaving the way I would like it to, so if I were to make any future revisions I would definitely try to find some reliable equations that model heart beats. It would also be interesting to extend the project further by creating a ‘human clock’ of sorts, as a means to more strongly represent the biorhythmic nature of our bodies.

(A side note: It appears that the screen flashes white occasionally for some reason – not completely sure why. Also, part of the image will be cut off unless you zoom in.)

PImage heart;
PImage heart;
PImage lungs;
PImage bg;

ArrayList oxyleft;
ArrayList oxyright;

void setup() {
  heart = loadImage("heart.png");
  lungs = loadImage("lungs.png");
  bg = loadImage("organsBG.png");
  oxyleft = new ArrayList();
  oxyright = new ArrayList();

void draw() {
  image(bg, 0,0);
  for(int i = 0; i < hour(); i++) {
    oxyleft.add(new Oxy(56,288, 171,407));
  for(int i = 0; i < minute(); i++) {
    oxyright.add(new Oxy(424,630, 160,430));
  //beats once per second
  float x = millis()/1000.0;
  float c01 = cos(2*x);
  float c02 = cos(1+5*x);
  float c03 = 1+((c01+c02)/6);
  float heartPulse = pow(c03,5.0);
  float heartH = map(heartPulse, 0, 3,  320,345);
  image(heart, 200, 130, 279, heartH);
  for(int i = 0; i < hour(); i++) {
    Oxy l = (Oxy) oxyleft.get(i);
    l.run(288,56, 407,171);
  for(int i = 0; i < minute(); i++) {
    Oxy l = (Oxy) oxyright.get(i);
    l.run(630,424, 430,160);

//oxygen molecules
class Oxy {
  float posX;
  float posY;
  float size;
  float xspeed;
  float yspeed;
  Oxy(float loX, float hiX, float loY, float hiY) {
    posX = random(loX,hiX);
    posY = random(loY,hiY);
    xspeed = random(-1,1);
    yspeed = random(-2,0);
  void run(float hiX, float loX, float hiY, float loY) {
    posX = posX + xspeed;
    if(hiX < posX || posX < loX) {
      xspeed *= -1;
    posY = posY + yspeed;
    if(hiY < posY || posY < loY) {
      yspeed *= -1;
  void display() {
    fill(#b10c0c, 220);
    ellipse(posX, posY, 5,5);

Time Flowing By (Abstract Clock)

Processing Sketch



// Credit to Golan Levin for time boilerplate and Daniel Shiffman for Sine Wave Example

int prevSecond; 
int lastRolloverTime; 
int mils;

int h;
int m;
int s;

Wave secondsWave;
ArrayList minutesWaves;
ArrayList hoursWaves;
float baseWaveHeight;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
  baseWaveHeight = height/8;


  // initialize objects
  hoursWaves = createHoursWaves();
  minutesWaves = createMinutesWaves();
  secondsWave = createSecondsWave();

  lastRolloverTime = 0; 

void draw() {

  // uncommen the line below to draw time as text for debugging
  // drawTime();

  // int hShift = mils();
  translate(0, height/2); // work relative to horizontal venter at middle

  float periodInSeconds = 60.0; 
  float periodInMilliseconds = periodInSeconds * 1000.0; 
  float timeBasedSinusoidallyVaryingQuantity = sin(TWO_PI * millis()/periodInMilliseconds);

  /* calculate and update seconds waves */
  float secondsVShift = map(timeBasedSinusoidallyVaryingQuantity, -1, 1, height/2, (height/3));
  secondsWave.verticalShift = secondsVShift;

  float millisToCrossScreen = 1000.0;
  float secondsHShift = getCurrentHShift(millisToCrossScreen);

  secondsWave.horizontalShift = secondsHShift;

  if (m != 0) {
    Wave bottomMinutesWave = minutesWaves.get(0);
    float mergeDegree = millis()/periodInMilliseconds;
    secondsWave.mergeWaves(bottomMinutesWave, mergeDegree);


  /* calculate and update minutes wave */
  millisToCrossScreen = 3 * 1000.0;
  int minutesPerWave = 5;
  for (int i = 0; i < minutesWaves.size(); i+=minutesPerWave) {
    Wave minutesWave = minutesWaves.get(i);
    float minutesHShift = getCurrentHShift(millisToCrossScreen);
    minutesWave.horizontalShift = minutesHShift;

  /* calculate and update hours wave */ 
  millisToCrossScreen = 30.0 * 1000.0;
  float hoursHShift = getCurrentHShift(millisToCrossScreen);
  for (int i = 0; i < hoursWaves.size(); i++) {
    Wave hWave = hoursWaves.get(i);
    // hWave.horizontalShift = hoursHShift*(i/3);

float getCurrentHShift(float millisToCrossScreen) {
  float hShift = millis()/millisToCrossScreen;
  return hShift;

Wave createSecondsWave() {
  float amp = baseWaveHeight*1.1;
  float freq = 0.75;
  // arguments for Wave constructor are (amplitude, frequency, horizontalShift, verticalShift, pointSpacing)
  Wave sWave = new Wave(amp, freq, 0, 0, 5);
  return sWave;

ArrayList createMinutesWaves() {
  ArrayList minutesWaves= new ArrayList();
  println("m " + m);

  if (m != 0) {
    for (int i=0; i < m; i++) {
      println("i " + i);
      float amplitude = baseWaveHeight/3;
      float frequency = 1.5;
      int pointSpacing = 5;
      float allShift = 1*(height/10);
      float perWaveOffset = i*(baseWaveHeight/30);
      float vShift = allShift + perWaveOffset;
      float hShift = i*(width/20);
      Wave mWave = new Wave(amplitude, frequency, hShift, vShift, pointSpacing);
  return minutesWaves;

ArrayList createHoursWaves() {
  ArrayList hoursWaves= new ArrayList();
  // for every hour but the current one, draw a very slow moving wave at the top of the screen
  if (h != 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {       // arguments for Wave constructor are (amplitude, frequency, horizontalShift, verticalShift, pointSpacing)       float amplitude = baseWaveHeight/4;       float frequency = 1;       float perWaveOffset = (i*(baseWaveHeight/4));       float allShiftUp = -1*(height/2);        float vShift = allShiftUp + perWaveOffset;       int pointSpacing = 5;       int hShift = 0; // (i/3)       Wave hWave = new Wave(amplitude, frequency, hShift, vShift, pointSpacing);       hoursWaves.add(hWave);       }   }   return hoursWaves; } void setupGlobalTimes() {   // Fetch the components of the time (hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds).   // Incidentally, you can also get day(), month(), year(), etc.    h = 15;//hour();    m = 7;///minute();    s = 30;// second();  } void setMils(){   // The millis() are not synchronized with the clock time.    // Instead, the millis() represent the time since the program started. Grrr.    // To approximate the "clock millis", we have to check when the seconds roll over.    if (s != prevSecond){      lastRolloverTime = millis();    }   mils = millis() - lastRolloverTime;   prevSecond = s; } // just here to help develop and debug void drawTime() {   setMils();   //-------------------------------------------------   // Assemble a string to display the time conventionally.   String hourStr   = nf(((h > 12)? h-12:h), 2); // format String with 2 digits
  String minuteStr = nf(m, 2); // format String with 2 digits
  String secondStr = nf(s, 2); // format String with 2 digits
  String ampmStr   = (h < 12) ? "AM" : "PM"; 
  String milsStr   = nf(mils, 3); 
  String theTimeString = hourStr + ":" + minuteStr + ":" + secondStr; 
  theTimeString += "." + milsStr + " " + ampmStr; 

  fill (0); 
  text (theTimeString, width/5, 10); 

Wave Class

class Wave {
  float amplitude;
  float frequency;
  float horizontalShift;
  float verticalShift;
  int pointSpacing;
  ArrayList points;

  Wave(float thisAmplitude, float thisFrequency, float thisHorizontalShift, float thisVerticalShift, int thisPointSpacing) {
   amplitude = thisAmplitude;
   frequency = thisFrequency;
   horizontalShift = thisHorizontalShift;
   verticalShift = thisVerticalShift;
   pointSpacing = thisPointSpacing;
   points = new ArrayList();

  // gets the y value for a given x position on this wave
  float getY(float xAngle) {
    float y = amplitude * sin((frequency * xAngle) - horizontalShift) + verticalShift;
    return y;

  // calculate and store positions for each point that's a part of this wave
  void update() {
    // for each x position across the window, get the y outputted by the wave function
    for (int x=0; x < width; x++) {
      float xAngle = map(x, 0, width, 0, TWO_PI);
      PVector xyPoint = new PVector(x, getY(xAngle));

  // take this wave and make it gradually more similar with another wave
  void mergeWaves(Wave anotherWave, float degree) {
    ArrayList newPoints = new ArrayList();
    // average points along this wave and the other wave's path to the degree
    // passed into the function
    for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
      if (i < anotherWave.points.size()) {
        PVector thisPoint = points.get(i);
        PVector thatPoint = anotherWave.points.get(i);
        float mergeX = lerp(thisPoint.x, thatPoint.x, degree);
        float mergeY = lerp(thisPoint.y, thatPoint.y, degree);
        PVector mergePoint = new PVector(mergeX, mergeY);
    points = newPoints;

  void display() {
    // setup drawing settings
    // println("points.size() = " + points.size()); 

    // draw points that make up the curve
    for (int pointNum = 0; pointNum < points.size(); pointNum++) {
      PVector point = points.get(pointNum);
      vertex(point.x, point.y);

Most up-to-date code: https://github.com/juliat/abstract-clock


For this project I had two things in mind. First, I wanted to create a clock that I’d actually want to look at, something that I could have on my desk that would give me a sense of the time and also be pleasurable to look at every once in a while. Second, I wanted to create a clock that would say something about how time feels. For me, that meant creating a clock with waves flowing at different paces. Seconds pass quickly, like waves on the sand, while hours are more like the waves you see as you look at the horizon—almost solid, stately.

I like how this sketch has come out so far—the overall feel is going in the direction that I want it to. Still, there are many things I would like to improve and polish about it. For example:

  • Making the waves fade more smoothly into one another (a better version of what the seconds wave does with the minutes wave right now)
  • Explore readability of the clock—making it easier to actually tell the time using the clock.
  • Giving more attention to the transitions between hours and minutes over the course of a day. Right now, waves just appear or disappear suddenly. They should really fade or merge into one another or something.

All/Other Ideas for This Project

1. Water and Fishes

Abstract Clock Sketches Page 1

2. Abstract Waves, 3. Circles

Abstract Clock Sketch Page 2

Waves – Texture and Pattern Research

Color/circle grid inspiration.

4. Slices of Sun and Moon

Abstract Clock Sketches





The text in this was meant to be generated from a list of adjective, nouns, prepositions and verbs to create poetry. Unfortunately I had trouble working with strings and was unable to get the poems to wrap in the circles. I settled instead for the interesting looking artefacts that were created when text started overlapping itself.

Looking Outwards : assigment 4

Looking outwards:

For this assigment, I stumbled across a huge variety in things I like and things I didn’t. Here is the first thing I didn’t like:

This particular artist took common everyday objects and distorted them using 3D software. Unfortunately his finished products are exceptionally useless: For example, if he scanned a watering can or a vase in, the end result will not be functional as either a vase or as a watering can, or for anything else for that matter. The reason this irritates me (as his forms are indeed beautiful) is that 3D printing is an exceptionally precise, controllable art! There is nothing preventing the artist from taking his design one step further. Perhaps he felt that by creating a functional object his art would no longer be considered art?

Next, here’s a project which has a lot of potential but I don’t consider a veritable success:

Soundmachines from The Product on Vimeo.

The idea is to sproduce a much more visual connection between sound and physical records, in this case. The reason I found this project somewhat uninteresting is very similar to the first: The sounds simply aren’t that interesting! As a prototype this device works fabulously, and I condone The Project for showing how devices like records work. At the end of the day, however, I would have like to have a slightly better result.

Finally: Something (or somethings I liked):
The Creative Applications Network: What is there NOT to like? Every project I’ve found by them is incredible. My favorite has unfortunately already been taken by Miles, but I liked it so much I’m going to mention it anyway. The project where the memory taken from your computer is used to weave a tapestry — which I think is a great demonstration of (1) just how reliable we have become on computers (a generic statement, I know) and just how interchangeable our memories and those of our computers are, and (2) how it is important to have a constant reminder of your memories around you. Tapestries are made for display, and textiles are undoubtedly one of the more “useful” art forms. You are but the product of your memories and experiences.

Fragmented Memory Process (Edited for Wired 2013) from Phillip Stearns on Vimeo.

Jun – Wallpaper


I wanted to make something inspired by snowflakes, but it just turned out looking like bathroom tiles instead… I originally wanted to somehow incorporate recursion into it, but didn’t figure out where/how it would fit in. Maybe I’ll try to incorporate recursion later.

Looking Outwards 2

BLADE RUNNER revisited >3.6 gigapixels – François Vautier

BLADE RUNNER revisited >3.6 gigapixels from françois vautier on Vimeo.

In his installation for WORLD EXPO Shanghai 2010, François Vautier composites all 167,819 frames of Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner into a colossal 3.5 gigapixel image. Since it is impossible to show in detail on a single display, Vautier employs a virtual camera – represented by a glowing cube – to pan across the image. This creates a zootrope effect that echoes early projectors, as Vautier explains in the description of the video. Insofar as there is no visual indication of a continuous image, the artwork’s premise diverges its visual impact. There is tension between the proposed concept – a continuous image – and the way in which the eye interprets the succession of what appear to be separate frames. We have to take on faith that there really is a single image, since this fact is unknowable from the visual evidence alone. The conceptual layer of the artwork alienates and deconstructs its visceral draw.

Mickey Mouse Club – Matthew Plummer-Fernandez

“Blurring images has become both a widely recognised cultural aesthetic and also used to obscure the identity of persons photographed or filmed. After recent clashes with 3D printers over IP concerns I’ve chosen to disguise my latest derivative of Mickey Mouse and to explore this smoothed 3D aesthetic that is counter to the popularity and push for highly detailed 3D printing.” – Matthew Plummer-Fernandez

Plummer-Fernandez appropriates and deforms Mickey Mouse in “Mickey Mouse Club”, a wry response to recent concerns about the impact of 3D printers on intellectual property. As explained in a Creative Applications post, Plummer-Fernandez’s process is straightforward; he smoothes the Mickey Mouse mesh in Processing (akin to blurring a 2D image) before 3D printing the output. Although the final mouse is unrecognizable as Mickey, one can conceive of an intermediary stage in the blurring at which time the iconic mouse is recognizable, yet somehow perverted. This raises an interesting question: at what point in the smoothing of the mesh does it cease to be Disney’s property?  And by extension, how does a corporation like Disney react to the widespread remixing of objects? I anticipate artists will continue to critique institutions and mass culture in coming years, leveraging generative and/or digital fabrication techniques in innovative ways.

InfObjects – Johannes Tsopanides

Tsopanides’ “InfObjects” are data visualizations in physical form. The design of each cup, bowl or plate depends on the energy cost and price of the food to which it corresponds. In addition to mapping one signal to another (I recall Campbell’s prescient Formula for Computer Art), there is a functional and symbolic dimension to Tsopanides’ objects; their usefulness as dinnerware is determined by the CO² quotient of the dish in question, which in turn determines the number of holes in the object. So the plate generated by butter (517 g of CO²)  is less usable than the tomato plate (315g CO²), which calls into question the relative merits of butter. The important point is that through generative design, Tsopanides makes tangible and even humorous the grave threat of greenhouse gasses. He furthers an environmental agenda by challenging our assumptions about the function of everyday objects. In doing so, InfObjects exemplifies art as activism: art making in the service of a social good.