Maryyann-Around the Sun
The gif above is just a little preview. I thought that the tails that the “planets” left were very beautiful. I wish that I was able to make the larger solar system a gif too, but unfortunately, the outer planets rotated too slowly and produced too many frames.
I wanted to express the idea of planets rotating around the sun while being able to see the path each planet takes. If I were to change my code, I would attach particulates to each planet as they rotated around the sun.
You can see it here!
float merpercent, vp, ep, mp;
float merradius, vr, er, mr;
float rotatingAngle;
float merx, mery, vx, vy, ex, ey,mx,my;
float frames;
color[] bcolor = {#10163C,#2A4550,#164E64,#291664,#0A343E};
int colr;
if(all the circles aren't at their initial points) saveFrame(blalsjdflkw);
else if (all the circles are at their initial points) exit();
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
merpercent = vp = ep = mp = 0;
merradius = 155;
vr = 165;
er = 195;
mr = 210;
frames = 0;
colr = (#2A4550);
void draw() {
if (frames % 1000 == 0){
int index = int(random(0,bcolor.length));
colr = bcolor[index];
fill(colr, 10);
rect(0, 0, 800, 800);
ellipse(width/2, height/2, 150, 150); //sun
rotatingAngle = merpercent/20 * TWO_PI;
merx = width/2 + merradius * cos(rotatingAngle);
mery = height/2 + merradius * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(merx, mery, 5, 5); // mercury
merpercent ++;
if (merpercent % 20 == 0) {
merpercent = 0;
rotatingAngle = vp/40 * TWO_PI;
vx = width/2 + vr * cos(rotatingAngle);
vy = height/2 + vr * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(vx, vy, 10, 10); // venus
vp ++;
if (vp % 40 == 0) {
vp = 0;
rotatingAngle = ep/40 * TWO_PI;
ex = width/2 + er * cos(rotatingAngle);
ey = height/2 + er * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(ex, ey, 13, 13); // earth
ep ++;
if (ep % 40 == 0) {
ep = 0;
rotatingAngle = mp/40 * TWO_PI;
mx = width/2 + mr * cos(rotatingAngle);
my = height/2 + mr * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(mx, my, 10, 10); // mars
mp ++;
if (mp % 40 == 0) {
mp = 0;
if (mp == 39){
if (!(merpercent==0 && vp==0 && ep==0 && mp==0))
else exit();
float merpercent, vp, ep, mp, jp, sp, up,np;
float merradius, vr, er, mr, jr, sr, ur,nr;
float rotatingAngle;
float merx, mery, vx, vy, ex, ey, mx, my, jx, jy, sx, sy, ux, uy,nx,ny;
float frames;
color[] bcolor = {#10163C,#2A4550,#164E64,#291664,#0A343E};
int colr;
if(all the circles aren't at their initial points) saveFrame(blalsjdflkw);
else if (all the circles are at their initial points) exit();
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
merpercent = vp = ep = mp = jp = sp = up = np = 0;
merradius = 155;
vr = 165;
er = 195;
mr = 210;
jr = 250;
sr = 290;
ur = 330;
nr = 360;
frames = 0;
colr = #2A4550;
void draw() {
if (frames % 1000 == 0){
int index = int(random(0,bcolor.length));
colr = bcolor[index];
fill(colr, 10);
rect(0, 0, 800, 800);
ellipse(width/2, height/2, 150, 150); //sun
rotatingAngle = merpercent/88 * TWO_PI;
merx = width/2 + merradius * cos(rotatingAngle);
mery = height/2 + merradius * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(merx, mery, 5, 5); // mercury
merpercent ++;
if (merpercent % 88 == 0) {
merpercent = 0;
rotatingAngle = vp/224.7 * TWO_PI;
vx = width/2 + vr * cos(rotatingAngle);
vy = height/2 + vr * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(vx, vy, 10, 10); // venus
vp ++;
if (vp % 224.7 == 0) {
vp = 0;
rotatingAngle = ep/365 * TWO_PI;
ex = width/2 + er * cos(rotatingAngle);
ey = height/2 + er * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(ex, ey, 13, 13); // earth
ep ++;
if (ep % 365 == 0) {
ep = 0;
rotatingAngle = mp/687 * TWO_PI;
mx = width/2 + mr * cos(rotatingAngle);
my = height/2 + mr * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(mx, my, 10, 10); // mars
mp ++;
if (mp % 687 == 0) {
mp = 0;
rotatingAngle = jp/4015 * TWO_PI;
jx = width/2 + jr * cos(rotatingAngle);
jy = height/2 + jr * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(jx, jy, 30, 30); // jupitar
jp ++;
if (jp % 4015 == 0) {
jp = 0;
rotatingAngle = sp/10585 * TWO_PI;
sx = width/2 + sr * cos(rotatingAngle);
sy = height/2 + sr * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(sx, sy, 25, 25); // saturn
sp ++;
if (sp % 10585 == 0) {
sp = 0;
rotatingAngle = up/30660 * TWO_PI;
ux = width/2 + ur * cos(rotatingAngle);
uy = height/2 + ur * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(ux, uy, 20, 20); // uranus
up ++;
if (up % 30660 == 0) {
up = 0;
rotatingAngle = np/59860 * TWO_PI;
nx = width/2 + nr * cos(rotatingAngle);
ny = height/2 + nr * sin(rotatingAngle);
ellipse(nx, ny, 17, 17); // neptune
np ++;
if (np % 59860 == 0) {
np = 0;
// if (!(merpercent==0 && vp==0 && ep==0 && mp==0))
// saveFrame("frames/####.png");
// else exit();