Maryyann-Looking Outwards-1

“Discuss one project that you admire profoundly (why?)”


The interactive App piece created by Johnny Kelly and produced by Nexus Interactive Arts, called Memory Palace explores the possibilities of the combination of technology and audience. He was commissioned to create a piece about a story where the main character is allowed to provide the future generations with one of his memories. Johnny’s piece invites viewers to draw their most precious memories onto a tablet and digitally send them onto a viewing board, which is then printed into a poster after the board is filled. I found it extremely admirable that through the sharing of memories, people of many cultural backgrounds and ages are brought together to share their most valued thoughts with strangers. It is really a beautiful and magical display. The ability of the project to create a new bound between strangers is very phenomenal, seeing how memories are such important to being human. One aspect I think that could have made the project more successful or just more playful was to also create a animated version of the board, where some drawings slightly moved. That would almost bring the long past memories back to life.

“one project that surprised you (why?)”

Corona Perspectives – JWT Spain


With the help of JWT, a global advertising and marketing agency in New York City and support from the development studio Espada y Santa Cruz, Corona Perspectives was born. This program allows a tennis match to be recorded, played back through a 360 degree perspective, as well as represent ball distance and where the ball touched the ground. This creation not only allows the audience to experience the game in a whole new level, but also will be very useful for tennis coaches or tennis players since it captures tiny details of the ball. The project can be related to the US Open Tennis Real-Time Data Visualization project. Presented by the US Open Pointstream, this project explores the statistical data generated during a tennis match in 3D. I found the heat-mapping of the ball, which allows the viewer to accurately distinguish the landing of the ball on the court and the trajectory filters most impressive because they will not only create a playback effect, but as contribute to the tennis world as training guides. I think another touch that could have been successful was a playback option of the match, so that the viewer can see the trajectories in action. I was really surprised and amazed by the ability softwares can have through the combination of design and computer programming.

“one project that could have been great, but disappointed you (why?).”


“My Life Aquatic” is an interactive game by David Leibovic, Ricardo Sanchez, and Sunah Suh that involves a fish of a randomized color and size which follows the mouse slightly when the user moves the cursor. Food is then displayed on the screen by ones, which the user can feed the fish. At first glance, the interactive exhibition seems very interesting, combining the color choice and the music, along with the natural movement of the fish. However, after several minutes, the motion becomes too repetitive to capture any further interest. I found the fluid movement of the fish to be very eye catching. One improvement I would have made was to add more creatures in the background or to interact with. Furthermore, the user would have been more involved if there was some progress in the interactions. Ricardo Sanchez possesses his own website which is littered with little animated designs present in this project.


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