
my Sol Lewitt piece.

I actually found myself enjoying the work–untangling Lewitt’s instructions was fun, like solving a puzzle. I was lucky enough to have a ruler with me while working on this, so I found myself doing a lot of measuring to get precise halfway points. I initially set up a framework for myself by dividing the drawing space into equal quadrants, which made figuring out some of the points referenced a lot easier. I also threw the instructions into Photoshop and found myself hiding parts of the instructions I wasn’t working on and highlighting different smaller tasks within each instruction.

I really enjoyed this piece and would love to experience and construct more instruction-based work. It’s very much like programming an extremely advanced computer, intentionally leaving points of ambiguity or technical absurdity (the equidistant instruction comes to mind) seemed to produce delightful variations on each work as people worked to come up with ways to correct the original text.

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