The Hoarder is a recipe that searches the lost+found section of craigslist for posts title “found”. When one appears it posts a tweet ” Lost {{title}} ” .
Ideally I would have liked to have been able to create a “lost” craigslisting every time an item was “found”
I see it as a kind of opportunistic hoarderding algorythim – helping the user to get anything thing that they can get their hands on.
The hoarder recipe turns wrong:
This recipe is essential for tweens and teens – whenever the temperature rises above 22celsius (metric, not imperial) a facebook status is updated ” #ilovemylife ” with an image of jovial people on the beach.
IFTTT is interesting because it democratises api’s. Anyone can now take advantage of them. It allows us to experiment with different content and medium. We can deliver specific weather information to ourselves through text, or schedule reminders to ourselves through text. I feel like there is a difference between receiving a text message reminding me to do something over just setting a reminder on my calander app. I have been primed through habit to respond to each differently. Jer Thorpe discusses the merging of meaningful data streams and mediums of delivery. I think that computers and the content on them need to be more human, more relevant. Open APIs allow to explore this. Jim Campbell’s formula is accurate. The ability to synthesise input, algorithm and output is becoming easier each day. This highlights the need to exercise a degree of criticality (in the same way that we need to with digital fabrication) when using these technologies. So as not to numb our audience.