
Instructions: Click on the screen to build a creature that eats the dot. Work with your opponent, who has a different dot but is controlling the same creature.


Summary: An interactive game in which players are forced to work together to reach their goals.

Within my game, players must try to eat the dots placed around the canvas. While each players' dots are in different locations, they are all navigating using the same springular blob. Therefore, they have to work together to ensure everyone eats their dots. This project was an extension of past spring explorations that I've done. I really like the interactive twist though because it forces a sort of collaboration that people aren't always used to. Even though everyone has separate goals, they have to work together to collectively reach them. Based on the nature of the game, it is best played when the two players on are in the same room. If this isn't possible, the game could also be played with players talking on the phone or texting one another.