Although this pretty much turned out as an elaborate loading bar, I enjoyed making this piece. I'm partial to animation and using an easing technique was a good way to hone that skill. One part of this that I struggled with was color balance. It took me a while to experiment with black on white, white on black, and other colors until I finally settled on this combination. An element that I didn't fully resolve was the relationship between the spiral and the canvas. Making it too small made it feel like it was floating in space, but when it was too big it fit oddly in it.
// This is a template for creating a looping animation in p5.js (JavaScript). // When you press the 'F' key, this program will export a series of images into // your default Downloads folder. These can then be made into an animated gif. // This code is known to work with p5.js version 0.6.0 // Prof. Golan Levin, 28 January 2018 // INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXPORTING FRAMES (from which to make a GIF): // 1. Run a local server, using instructions from here: // // 2. Set the bEnableExport variable to true. // 3. Set the myNickname variable to your name. // 4. Run the program from Chrome, press 'f'. // Look in your 'Downloads' folder for the generated frames. // 5. Note: Retina screens may export frames at twice the resolution. //=================================================== // User-modifiable global variables. var myNickname = "nickname"; var nFramesInLoop = 120; var bEnableExport = true; var dots = []; var radius = 1200; var dotSize = 45; var worms = []; var numWorms = 5 var colors = [[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [0, 0, 255]] var curColor = [255, 0, 0] var curColorInd = 0; // Other global variables you don't need to touch. var nElapsedFrames; var bRecording; var theCanvas; //=================================================== function setup() { theCanvas = createCanvas(640, 640); bRecording = false; nElapsedFrames = 0; angleMode(DEGREES) for(j = 0; j <= numWorms; j++){ var r = lerp(243, 0, (j)/(numWorms)); var g = lerp(206, 0, (j)/(numWorms)); var b = lerp(80, 0, (j)/(numWorms)); var color = [r, g, b] var worm = new Worm(color) worm.setup() worms.push(worm) } } //=================================================== function keyTyped() { if (bEnableExport) { if ((key === 'f') || (key === 'F')) { bRecording = true; nElapsedFrames = 0; } } } //=================================================== function draw() { // Compute a percentage (0...1) representing where we are in the loop. var percentCompleteFraction = 0; if (bRecording) { percentCompleteFraction = float(nElapsedFrames) / float(nFramesInLoop); } else { percentCompleteFraction = float(frameCount % nFramesInLoop) / float(nFramesInLoop); } // Render the design, based on that percentage. // This function renderMyDesign() is the one for you to change. renderMyDesign(percentCompleteFraction); // If we're recording the output, save the frame to a file. // Note that the output images may be 2x large if you have a Retina mac. // You can compile these frames into an animated GIF using a tool like: if (bRecording && bEnableExport) { var frameOutputFilename = myNickname + "_frame_" + nf(nElapsedFrames, 4) + ".png"; print("Saving output image: " + frameOutputFilename); saveCanvas(theCanvas, frameOutputFilename, 'png'); nElapsedFrames++; if (nElapsedFrames >= nFramesInLoop) { bRecording = false; } } } //=================================================== function renderMyDesign (percent) { // // THIS IS WHERE YOUR ART GOES. // This is an example of a function that renders a temporally looping design. // It takes a "percent", between 0 and 1, indicating where we are in the loop. // Use, modify, or delete whatever you prefer from this example. // This example uses several different graphical techniques. // Remember to SKETCH FIRST! //---------------------- // here, I set the background and some other graphical properties background(0); smooth(); stroke(0, 0, 0); strokeWeight(2); // if(percent == 0.75){ // curColorInd +=1; // curColorInd = curColorInd % colors.length; // curColor = colors[curColorInd]; // } print(percent) for(j = 0; j < worms.length; j++){ var r = lerp(curColor[0], 0, (j)/(numWorms)); var g = lerp(curColor[1], 0, (j)/(numWorms)); var b = lerp(curColor[2], 0, (j)/(numWorms)); var color = [r, g, b]; var worm = worms[j]; worm.col = color worm.update((percent + .04 *j)%1, j); } } function Worm(c){ this.dots = [] this.col = c this.setup = function(){ for(i = 0; i< 60; i++){ dots.push(new Dot(i * .003)) } } this.update = function(percent, sizeOff){ for(i = 0; i < dots.length; i++){ d = dots[i]; d.calculatePos(percent); d.draw(this.col, sizeOff); } } } function Dot(off){ this.offset = off this.x = 0 this.y = 0 this.radius = map(this.offset, 0, 1, 0, radius) this.angle = 0 this.eased = 0 this.calculatePos = function(percent){ this.eased = quadraticInOut((percent + this.offset)%1); this.eased = (this.eased - 0.25)%1.0; // shifted by a half-loop, for fun this.angle = map(this.eased, 0, 1, 0, 360); this.x = cos(this.angle)*this.radius + width/2; this.y = sin(this.angle)*this.radius + height/2; } this.draw = function(color, sizeOff){ fill(color); noStroke(); ellipse(this.x, this.y, dotSize + sizeOff*2, dotSize + sizeOff*2); } } // symmetric double-element sigmoid function (a is slope) // See // From: //=================================================== function gompertz(_x, _a){ if(!_a) _a = 0.25; // default var min_param_a = 0.0 + Number.EPSILON; _a = max(_a, min_param_a); var b = -8.0; var c = 0 - _a*16.0; var _y = exp( b * exp(c * _x)); var maxVal = exp(b * exp(c)); var minVal = exp(b); _y = map(_y, minVal, maxVal, 0, 1); return(_y); } function quadraticInOut(_x) { if(_x < 0.5) { return(8 * _x * _x * _x * _x); } else { var _v = (_x - 1); return(-8 * _v * _v * _v * _v + 1); } } function sineOut(_x) { return(sin(_x * HALF_PI)); } function cubicIn(_x) { return(_x * _x * _x); } |