
Perry and I let this project grow organically. We didn't create any sort of pre-formed idea or plan, but instead let our explorations at The Center for Creative Reuse and the other available resources guide our process.  We returned from the shopping trip with a bag of intriguing junk that we knew had potential to become some sort of disturbing creation, and got to work putting it all together in a way that would be both unsettling and aesthetically pleasing.

We collaborated on coming up with weird ways to use the materials we had on hand, and as Perry is more familiar with what the Arduino can do, he set up most of the physical computing and code. My role was in design, aesthetic input, and documentation.

An interesting note about this project is that because we didn't start with a concept, it was almost ludicrous how it all came together in the end.  One of the random objects we got from The Center of Creative Reuse was a stack of old religious booklets and fliers. When flipping through them near the project's completion, we found out one of the booklets was about a girl named Margaret who had a backstory that had uncanny resemblance to the situation we had put our doll in. And so, accidentally but fittingly, a our project happened upon a narrative.