Perhaps it isn't worthy of a title, but I would like to informally dub it "A Cursory Moment."
The Process:
Some sketches:
I was going to follow up the idea of the mouse and pop signs by making the mouse "click" on a place and then bounce off it, like the force of the click sent it flying. I got as far as making it move in the right physics-like snapping motion with the elastic function, but I didn't get the mouse to rotate, so I decided to play with contrast and repetition to make it look more interesting instead.
This was actually where I was going to stop:
I thought it looked like the James Bond opening, so I wanted to rotate the finger to make it a finger gun. I ended up with the rotated lines of circles lining up on accident and with some tweaking, I got all circles to line up. I thought it looked more interesting that way.
I felt like this work definitely turned out a lot better than expected(although I expected very little at that point). I like the way the repetition and the appearance of the hand go with the elastic movement. It's kind of rhythmic.
It definitely lacks a lot of the mathematical complexity that I would have liked to explore. The black and white was partially an aesthetic choice and mostly a practical one. The elastic movement is rather sloppy. Overall it's very simple. Way back in the beginning I had hoped to made something more along the lines of, well, lines, and I was really disappointed I couldn't manage to incorporate that at all. I think that with more time however, I definitely could have expanded on the concept or at least made the final product smoother.
I later went back and tweaked it a bit more:
Code (easing function from p5.func):
// based on p5.func examples - easing3_animation // the sound is from the example // I<3DM rld var ease = new p5.Ease(); var speed = 0.02; var t = 0.; var doclear; var x, y, tx, ty, x1, y1; var osc, rev; var pause = 0; var pauseTime = 60; var fc=0; var padding = 20; var ex1,ey1,ex2,ey2,ex3,ey3,ex4,ey4; var left,right; var phase; var startx,starty; var radius, mr; var debug = false; function setup() { frameRate(70); createCanvas(640, 640); radius = 120; mr = radius*0.1; ex1 = left; ey1 = height/5; ex2 = right; ey2 = height/3 + height/6; ex3 = left; ey3 = ey2 + height/; ey4 = 700; left = width/4; right = 3*left; phase = 0; background(255); startx = left; starty = -radius; x = startx; y = starty; tx = startx; ty = starty; } function draw() { background(0); drawTheThing(); if (debug){ push(); background(255); stroke(255); text(frameCount, 20,20); pop(); } if (frameCount > 30 && frameCount < 100 && (frameCount%4 ==0)){ var filename = "myZoetrope_" + nf(frameCount,2) + ".png"; saveCanvas(filename, 'png'); } } function doPhase(){ switch(phase){ case 0: ty = starty; tx = left; phase++; break; case 1: ty = ey1; tx = left; phase++; break; case 2: ty = ey2; tx = right; phase++; break; case 3: ty = ey3; tx = left; phase++; break; case 4: ty = ey4; tx = right; phase=0; phase++; break; default: ty += height/6; if (tx==left) tx=right; else if(tx==right) tx=left; else tx = left; phase=0; redraw(); break; } } function drawTheThing(){ var func = "elasticOut"; var q = ease[func](t*2.5); var diff = frameCount - fc; if (diff > pauseTime){ doPhase(); t = 0.; fc = frameCount; } else if (phase==0) doPhase(); x1 = map(q, 0., 1., x, tx); y1 = map(q, 0., 1., y, ty); fill(255); stroke(0); ellipse(x1, y1, radius,radius); ellipse(x1+left, y1, radius,radius); ellipse(x1-left, y1, radius,radius); drawMouse(width-x1, height-y1, mr); drawMouse(width-x1+left, height-y1, mr); drawMouse(width-x1-left, height-y1, mr); t+=speed; if(t>1.) { t=1.; x = tx; y = ty; } } function drawMouse(y,x,s) { push(); stroke(255); noFill(); strokeWeight(10); ellipse(x,y, 9*s,9*s); stroke(0); strokeWeight(5); translate(-1.5*s,0,5); rect(x,y,4*s,3*s,5); rect(x,y-3.5*s,s,3.5*s,5,5,0,0); rect(x+s,y-s,s,s,5,5,0,0); rect(x+2*s,y-s,s,s,5,5,0,0); rect(x+3*s,y-s,s,s,5,5,0,0); rect(x-s,y,s,2*s,5); pop(); }