I liked the contrast between skin color and mouth one very much and wanted to make a work using it. Then, I remembered the proverb "Out of the mouth comes evil". This proverb is used in the same meaning as "Be careful what you say." in Japan. (Everyone knows this proverb in Japan, but I heard that people in the US are not familiar with it, so I explained it.) In this work, I expressed the trouble that happens when you speak. The trigger that will bring trouble is the action opening your mouth, and the effect of screen break is used the algorithm of Voronoi.
var ctracker; var videoInput; var VideoGraphics, Graphics, FinalGraphics; var shader, program, randomPoints, fade; var startTime = 0; var openMouth = false; function setup() { deb = Date.now(); // setup camera capture videoInput = createCapture(); videoInput.size(800, 600); videoInput.hide(); VideoGraphics = createGraphics(600, 600); // setup canvas var cnv = createCanvas(800, 600); cnv.position(0, 0); // setup tracker ctracker = new clm.tracker(); ctracker.init(pModel); ctracker.start(videoInput.elt); noStroke(); Graphics = createGraphics(800, 600); FinalGraphics = createGraphics(600, 600); //shader shader = createGraphics(600, 600, WEBGL); program = shader.createShader(vert, frag); shader.noStroke(); //voronoi randomPoints = createGraphics(30, 30); randomPoints.noStroke(); randomPoints.fill(255, 0, 0); randomPoints.rect(0, 0, randomPoints.width, randomPoints.height); randomPoints.loadPixels(); var d = randomPoints.pixelDensity(); var size = 4 * (randomPoints.width * d) * (randomPoints.height * d); for (var i = 0; i < size; i += 4) { randomPoints.pixels[i] = random(0, 255); randomPoints.pixels[i + 1] = random(0, 255); randomPoints.pixels[i + 2] = 0;//blue(c); randomPoints.pixels[i + 3] = 255; } randomPoints.updatePixels(); fade = 1; } function draw() { clear(); var positions = ctracker.getCurrentPosition(); //debug // image(videoInput, 600, 0, 800, 600); // filter('GRAY'); //mono image VideoGraphics.image(videoInput, -100, 0, 800, 600); VideoGraphics.filter('GRAY'); Graphics.image(VideoGraphics, 0, 0, 800, 600); Graphics.filter('GRAY'); //upper lip Graphics.stroke(180, 0, 0); Graphics.fill(120, 0, 0); Graphics.beginShape(); for(var i=0; i<=upperLip.length; i++){ if(upperLip[i] < positions.length){ var index = upperLip[i]; Graphics.curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); if(i == 0 || i == upperLip.length-1) Graphics.curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); } } Graphics.endShape(); //lower lip Graphics.beginShape(); for(var i=0; i<=lowerLip.length; i++){ if(lowerLip[i] < positions.length){ var index = lowerLip[i]; Graphics.curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); if(i == 0 || i == lowerLip.length-1) Graphics.curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); } } Graphics.endShape(); FinalGraphics.push(); FinalGraphics.image(Graphics, -100, 0); FinalGraphics.pop(); //image(FinalGraphics,0,0); //draw shader shader.background(0); shader.fill(255); shader.shader(program); program.setUniform('resolution', [shader.width, shader.height]); program.setUniform('time', millis()); program.setUniform('image0', FinalGraphics); program.setUniform('image1', VideoGraphics); program.setUniform('randomPoints', randomPoints); program.setUniform('fade', fade); program.setUniform('noise', [noise(millis()), random()]); shader.rect(-shader.width/2 ,-shader.height/2, shader.width, shader.height); image(shader, 0, 0); drawFace(positions); //open the mouth or not if(positions.length > 60){ var l = positions[57][1] - positions[60][1]; if(l > 15){ if(!openMouth){ openMouth = true; startTime = Date.now(); } var threshold = 1000; var fadeTime = 4000; var nt = Date.now() - startTime; if(nt > threshold){ //if 1 seconds passed with opening mouth var f = (float)(nt - threshold)/fadeTime; fade = 1 - max(min(f, 1),0); } } else{ openMouth = false; fade = 1; } } } function drawFace(positions){ //view face noFill(); var sc; if(fade > 0.3) sc = 1; else if(fade > 0.1) sc = (fade-0.1) * 5; else sc = 0; stroke(255, 255, 255, 255*sc); push(); translate(-100, 0); //mouth beginShape(); for(var i=0; i<=upperLip.length; i++){ if(upperLip[i] < positions.length){ var index = upperLip[i]; curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); if(i == 0 || i == upperLip.length-1) curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); } } endShape(); beginShape(); for(var i=0; i<=lowerLip.length; i++){ if(lowerLip[i] < positions.length){ var index = lowerLip[i]; curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); if(i == 0 || i == lowerLip.length-1) curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); } } endShape(); /* //eye noFill(); beginShape(); for(var i=0; i<=rightEye.length; i++){ if(rightEye[i] < positions.length){ var index = rightEye[i]; curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); if(i == 0 || i == rightEye.length-1) curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); } } endShape(); beginShape(); for(var i=0; i<=leftEye.length; i++){ if(leftEye[i] < positions.length){ var index = leftEye[i]; curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); if(i == 0 || i == leftEye.length-1) curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); } } endShape(); //nose beginShape(); for(var i=0; i<=nose.length; i++){ if(nose[i] < positions.length){ var index = nose[i]; curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); if(i == 0 || i == nose.length-1) curveVertex(positions[index][0], positions[index][1]); } } endShape(); */ pop(); } var upperLip = [44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 59, 60, 61, 44]; var lowerLip = [44, 56, 57, 58, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 44]; var nose = [33, 41, 62, 34, 35, 36, 42, 37, 43, 38, 39, 40]; var rightEye = [23, 63, 24, 64, 25, 65, 26, 66, 23]; var leftEye = [30, 68, 29, 67, 28, 70, 31, 69, 30]; var vert = ` #ifdef GL_ES precision highp float; precision highp int; #endif // attributes, in attribute vec3 aPosition; attribute vec3 aNormal; attribute vec2 aTexCoord; attribute vec4 aVertexColor; // attributes, out varying vec3 var_vertPos; varying vec4 var_vertCol; varying vec3 var_vertNormal; varying vec2 var_vertTexCoord; // matrices uniform mat4 uModelViewMatrix; uniform mat4 uProjectionMatrix; //uniform mat3 uNormalMatrix; void main() { gl_Position = uProjectionMatrix * uModelViewMatrix * vec4(aPosition, 1.0); // var_vertPos = aPosition; // var_vertCol = aVertexColor; // var_vertNormal = aNormal; var_vertTexCoord = aTexCoord; }`; var frag = ` precision highp float; #define PI 3.14159265359 varying vec2 var_vertTexCoord; uniform vec2 resolution; uniform float time; uniform sampler2D image0; uniform sampler2D image1; uniform sampler2D randomPoints; uniform float fade; uniform vec2 noise; void main(void) { vec2 uv = var_vertTexCoord; float _noise = noise.x; float _random = 2.0 * noise.y - 1.0; vec2 st = 2.0*uv - 1.0; vec4 tex_color = texture2D(image0, uv); vec4 color = vec4(1.0); float dist = 1e10; float num = 30.0; for(int y=0; y<30; y++){ for(int x=0; x<30; x++){ vec2 index = vec2(float(x)/num, float(y)/num); vec4 c = texture2D(randomPoints, index); float i = float(x+int(num)*y)/(num*num); float newdist = distance(c.xy, uv); if(newdist < dist){ vec3 tc = texture2D(image0, c.xy).rgb; if (dist - newdist < 0.01) { float d = dist - newdist; color.rgb = mix(vec3(0.0), tc, d/0.01); }else{ color.rgb = tc; } vec2 nc = c.xy * vec2(2.0) - vec2(1.0); float r = atan(nc.y, nc.x); r *= (5.0*cos(r*PI)+sin(r)) * PI; float len = length(nc)/sqrt(2.0); len += 0.05*sin(r); len = max(0.0, min(1.0,len)); if( len < fade){ // color.rgb = vec3(0.7); // color.rgb = tex_color.rgb; color.rgb = texture2D(image1, uv).rgb; } dist = newdist; } } } gl_FragColor = color; }`; |