This project was very frustrating for me. I had an initial idea of a monster that would grow parts every second, and by the end of each day would be a total mess of limbs. However, I couldn't figure out a good/efficient way to do that, so I simplified my idea to faces. I also wanted there to be a calendar mode in which you could see characters from previous days/hours/minutes. I spent a long time trying to get the calendar to work, but for some reason it kept breaking in different ways.
Anyway, the final result that I do have is not very satisfying to me. It doesn't really have any personality, and each minute is hardly unique. Maybe next time things will turn out better.
var seed; var ear; var eye; var eyeIris; var mouthLip; var mouthJaw; var mouthTongue; var noseFront; var noseBack; var t = new Date(); var currentMin = -1; var face = []; function setup() { createCanvas(600, 360); colorMode(HSB, 1); ear = loadImage("") eye = loadImage("") eyeIris = loadImage("") mouthLip = loadImage("") mouthJaw = loadImage("") noseFront = loadImage("") noseBack = loadImage("") } function realRand() { for (var i = 0; i < seed; i++) { random(); } } function draw() { t = new Date(); if (currentMin != t.getMinutes()) { bgCol = color(random(0,1),random(0.3,0.8),random(0.7,1)); newFace(seed); currentMin = t.getMinutes(); } background(0,0,1); for (var s = 0; s <= t.getSeconds(); s++) { drawFeature(face[s]); } blendMode(MULTIPLY); background(bgCol); blendMode(BLEND); } function newFace() { var order = randomSixtyList(); print(order); for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) { var X = order[i] % 10; var Y = floor(order[i] / 10); //face format: [x,y,featureType,phaseShift,rotation, scale] face.push([X*60,Y*60,random(0,1),random(0,1),random(-PI,PI), random(0.5,1.5)]); } } function drawFeature(feature) { push(); translate(feature[0]+30,feature[1]+30); scale(feature[5]); if (feature[2] < 1/4){drawMouth(feature);} else if (feature[2] < 2/4){drawNose(feature);} else if (feature[2] < 3/4){drawEye(feature);} else {drawEar(feature);} pop(); } function drawEar(feat) { phase = feat[3] rot = feat[4] xOff = mouseX - feat[0]; yOff = mouseY - feat[1]; push() rotate(rot); scale(1 + 0.02*sin((millis()/1000+phase)*2*PI), 1) image(ear, -20, -30, 60, 60); pop() } function drawEye(feat) { phase = feat[3] rot = feat[4] xOff = mouseX - feat[0] - 30; yOff = mouseY - feat[1] - 30; push() translate(xOff/50,yOff/50) rotate(rot); image(eyeIris, -30, -25, 60, 60); pop() push() rotate(rot); image(eye, -30, -30, 60, 60); pop() } function drawNose(feat) { phase = feat[3] rot = feat[4] xOff = mouseX - feat[0]; yOff = mouseY - feat[1]; push() translate(0,0); rotate(rot); image(noseBack, -30, -30, 60, 60); pop() push() translate(xOff/100,yOff/100) rotate(rot); scale(1.2); image(noseFront, -30, -31, 60, 60); pop() } function drawMouth(feat) { phase = feat[3] rot = feat[4] xOff = mouseX - feat[0]; yOff = mouseY - feat[1]; push() translate(-xOff/100,-yOff/100) rotate(rot); translate(0,0 * (1 + sin((millis()/1000+phase)*2*PI))) scale(0.8) image(mouthJaw, -30, -20, 60, 60); pop() push() translate(xOff/300,yOff/300) rotate(rot); image(mouthLip, -30, -30, 60, 60); pop() } function randomSixtyList() { var out = []; for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) { out.push(i); } for (var j = 0; j < 60; j++) { var swap = floor(random(0,60)); var J = out[j]; out[j] = out[swap]; out[swap] = J; } return out; } |