For this project, I wanted to make something using just geometry made in processing and try to give it a hypnotic quality. I also wanted to play with 2D and 3D shapes and try and find ways to create illusions with their combinations. I experimented a bit and decided on making a set of triangles which merge into a square, which then becomes a pyramid viewed above, which then becomes a triangular hole. After creating this, I wasn't really getting the hypnotic quality I was going for so I added a ball for your eye to follow around the screen, also playing with the physics of the ball and how it interacts with the shapes, in addition to some random movement to give the illusion of air resistance. When coding the loop, the most helpful function, by far, was the map function. I used this to control how every movement is played and the amount of time that each takes as a percentage of the total time. In addition, I added the double exponential sigmoid function to liven up the movements. I liked the way that it gives the transitions a snappy feel. I'm fairly happy with the result, but I think the loop could be reworked towards the end to create a cleverer transition to the beginning, which is much more interesting.
Code is formatted incorrectly by wordpress, the original file is on GitHub
// looping template by // Prof. Golan Levin, January 2018 // Global variables. String myNickname = "nickname"; int nFramesInLoop = 260; int nElapsedFrames; boolean bRecording; float myScale = 0.01; float radius = 100.0; void setup() { size (640, 640, P3D); bRecording = false; nElapsedFrames = 0; frameRate(40); } void keyPressed() { if ((key == 'f') || (key == 'F')) { bRecording = true; nElapsedFrames = 0; } } void draw() { // Compute a percentage (0...1) representing where we are in the loop. float percentCompleteFraction = 0; if (bRecording) { percentCompleteFraction = (float) nElapsedFrames / (float)nFramesInLoop; } else { percentCompleteFraction = (float) (frameCount % nFramesInLoop) / (float)nFramesInLoop; } // Render the design, based on that percentage. renderMyDesign (percentCompleteFraction); // If we're recording the output, save the frame to a file. if (bRecording) { saveFrame("frames/" + myNickname + "_frame_" + nf(nElapsedFrames, 4) + ".png"); nElapsedFrames++; if (nElapsedFrames >= nFramesInLoop) { bRecording = false; } } } void renderMyDesign (float percent) { smooth(); // create a rounded percent for easy positioning within the loop int roundedPercent = round(percent * 100); pushMatrix(); if (roundedPercent >= 0 && roundedPercent <= 33){ background(201, 197, 209); noStroke(); // triangles moving in from edges to center float eased = function_DoubleExponentialSigmoid(map(percent, 0, 0.34, 0, 1), 0.8); fill(112, 88, 124); triangle(0, height, width, height, width/2, map(eased, 0, 1, height, height/2 )); fill( 57, 43, 88); triangle(0, 0, 0, height, width/2 * map(eased, 0, 1, 0, 1), height/2); fill(45, 3, 32); triangle(0, 0, width, 0, width/2, height/2 * map(eased, 0, 1, 0, 1)); fill(108, 150, 157); triangle(width, 0, width, height, map(eased, 0, 1, width, width/2), height/2); // rectangle in center shrinking float rectWidth = map(eased, 0, 1, width, 0); float rectHeight = map(eased, 0,1, height, 0); fill(219, 216, 224); rect((width- rectWidth)/2, (height - rectHeight)/2, rectWidth, rectHeight); } else if (roundedPercent > 33 && roundedPercent <= 66) { pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, height/2, 0); ortho(-width/2, width/2, -height/2, height/2); float eased = function_DoubleExponentialSigmoid(map(percent, 0.33, 0.67, 0, 1), 0.9); // Move from above to side, rotate 45 deg as well rotateX(PI/map(eased, 0, 1, 1200, 2)); rotateZ(PI/map(eased, 0, 1, 1200, 2)); background(201, 197, 209); // 3D Triangle fill(45, 3, 32); beginShape(); scale(map(percent, 0.33, 0.66, 3.6, 1.8), map(percent, 0.33, 0.66, 3.6, 1.8), map(percent, 0.33, 0.66, 3.6, 1.8)); vertex(-100, -100, -100); vertex( 100, -100, -100); vertex( 0, 0, 100); endShape(); fill(108, 150, 157); beginShape(); vertex( 100, -100, -100); vertex( 100, 100, -100); vertex( 0, 0, 100); endShape(); fill(112, 88, 124); beginShape(); vertex( 100, 100, -100); vertex(-100, 100, -100); vertex( 0, 0, 100); endShape(); fill( 57, 43, 88); beginShape(); vertex(-100, 100, -100); vertex(-100, -100, -100); vertex( 0, 0, 100); endShape(); popMatrix(); } else if (roundedPercent > 66) { float eased = function_DoubleExponentialSigmoid(map(percent, 0.66, 1, 0, 1), 0.9); // transition from pale blue to dark purple color start = color(108, 150, 157); color end = color(102, 71, 92); color lerpedCol = lerpColor(start, end, eased); if (roundedPercent < 83){ background(201, 197, 209); fill(lerpedCol); translate(0,0); // replace 3D triangle with 2D triangle (nasty specific values) triangle(map(eased, 0, 1, 140, -140), map(eased, 0, 1, 500, 700), map(eased, 0, 1, 500, 700), map(eased, 0, 1, 500, 700), map(eased, 0, 1, 320, 320), map(eased, 0, 1, 140, -140)); } else { // square move in from center to complete loop float eased2 = function_DoubleExponentialSigmoid(map(percent, 0.82, 1, 0, 1), 0.5); background(lerpedCol); float rectWidth = map(eased2, 0, 1, 0, width); float rectHeight = map(eased2, 0, 1, 0, height); fill(219, 216, 224); rect((width- rectWidth)/2, (height - rectHeight)/2, rectWidth, rectHeight); } } popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); renderBall(percent, roundedPercent); popMatrix(); } // weird bouncing ball shenanigans void renderBall(float percent, int roundedPercent) { // make nose map that gives ball a little random sway int currStep = frameCount % nFramesInLoop; float t = map(currStep, 0, nFramesInLoop, 0, TWO_PI); float px = width/2.0 + radius * cos(t); float py = width/2.0 + radius * sin(t); float noiseAtLoc = height - 100.0 * noise(myScale*px, myScale*py); float noiseAdjusted = map(noiseAtLoc, 570, 620, -15, 15); float xDrift = noiseAdjusted; float yDrift = noiseAdjusted; if (roundedPercent <= 25){ // ball moves towards bottom, larger float x = lerp(width/2, width/2 + 100, map(percent, 0, 0.25, 0, 1)); float y = lerp(height/2, height - 200, map(percent, 0, 0.25, 0, 1)); float scale = lerp(5, 75, map(percent, 0, 0.25, 0, 1)); translate(x + xDrift, y + yDrift, 400); fill(map(scale, 85, 5, 255,50)); sphere(scale); } else if (roundedPercent > 25 && roundedPercent <= 55) { // ball moves towards center, smaller float x = lerp(width/2 + 100, width/2, map(percent, 0.25, 0.55, 0, 1)); float y = lerp(height - 200, height/2, map(percent, 0.25, 0.55, 0, 1)); float scale = lerp(75, 2, map(percent, 0.25, 0.55, 0, 1)); translate(x + xDrift, y + yDrift, 400); fill(map(scale, 85, 5, 255, 50)); sphere(scale); } else if (roundedPercent > 55 && roundedPercent <= 60) { // ball moves to side float x = lerp(width/2, 15, map(percent, 0.55, 0.6, 0, 1)); float y = lerp(height/2, height/2, map(percent, 0.55, 0.6, 0, 1)); float scale = lerp(5, 25, map(percent, 0.55, 0.6, 0, 1)); translate(x + xDrift, y + yDrift, 400); fill(map(scale, 75, 5, 255, 50)); sphere(scale); } else if (roundedPercent > 60 && roundedPercent <= 66) { // ball goes right float x = lerp(15, width/4, map(percent, 0.6, 0.66, 0, 1)); float y = lerp(height/2, height/3 * 2, map(percent, 0.6, 0.66, 0, 1)); //float scale = lerp(5, 25, map(percent, 0.6, 0.6, 0.66, 1)); translate(x + xDrift, y + yDrift, 400); fill(map(25, 75, 5, 255, 50)); sphere(25); } else if (roundedPercent > 66 && roundedPercent <= 85) { // ball gets smaller, towards center float x = lerp(width/4, width/2, map(percent, 0.6, 0.85, 0, 1)); float y = lerp(height/3 * 2, height/2, map(percent, 0.6, 0.85, 0, 1)); float easedx = function_DoubleExponentialSigmoid(map(x, width/4, width/2, 0, 1), 0.8); float easedy = function_DoubleExponentialSigmoid(map(y, height/3 * 2, height/2, 0, 1), 0.8); float scale = lerp(25, 15, map(percent, 0.66, 0.85, 0, 1)); translate(map(easedx, 0, 1, width/4, width/2) + xDrift, map(easedy, 0, 1, height/3 * 2, height/2) + yDrift, 400); fill(map(scale, 75, 5, 255, 50)); sphere(scale); } else if (roundedPercent > 85 && roundedPercent <= 100) { // ball gets larger float scale = lerp(15, 5, map(percent, 0.85, 1, 0, 1)); translate(width/2 + xDrift, height/2 + yDrift, 400); fill(map(scale, 75, 5, 255, 50)); sphere(scale); } } // float function_DoubleExponentialSigmoid (float x, float a) { // functionName = "Double-Exponential Sigmoid"; float min_param_a = 0.0 + EPSILON; float max_param_a = 1.0 - EPSILON; a = constrain(a, min_param_a, max_param_a); a = 1-a; float y = 0; if (x<=0.5) { y = (pow(2.0*x, 1.0/a))/2.0; } else { y = 1.0 - (pow(2.0*(1.0-x), 1.0/a))/2.0; } return y; } |