Link to google drive:
"Recipes for the Mad..." is a recipe book that requires one to bring out their inner madness.
My initial inspiration for this project was from the bouba/kiki effect, in which people generally tend to link sharper sounds with more jagged shapes and softer sounds with more curvy shapes. (more information here: Bouba/kiki effect) I wanted to somehow split different ingredients into their "softness" category, for example, jelly would be soft and peppercorn would be sharp. I ended up changing my idea slightly so that, even though I had a mapping similar to that, it was based on the sweetness levels of an ingredient. Dream whip would be sweet and ghost pepper would be spicy.
With the grammar, I started off with very tame and mild sentences like "chop the pepper and stir it in a bowl" but I ended up getting super carried away with it. Sentences like "Lick the pepper and blend into the shape of a komodo dragon" or "Listen to the jelly and challenge it to battle until it becomes evil" became common sentences and I really enjoyed seeing what other funny responses it created. I created different arrays of different spiciness level ingredients and counted the net spiciness level of the overall product. I tried using that to create the relevant titles and color palette, but I ran out of time for it to work properly. I also wish that I made the generated patterns inside the pot more complex, like using the sandpiles tutorial from Dan Shiffman. At the end of the instructions, I wish there was more of a linking sentence like "now put all the ingredients together and boil in a pot."
Overall, however, I think this was one of the most fun projects I've worked on and I ended up fixing the color palettes/title based on sweet/spiciness after the book was due. Here are some pictures of recipes from my revised code:
Sweet example recipe:
Spicy example recipe:
import processing.pdf.*; import rita.*; PFont font; int count = 0; RiGrammar rg1; RiGrammar rg2; RiGrammar rg3; float speed; String[] numerics = { "1 and a half ", "2 ", "2 and a half ", "3 ", "3 and a half ", "4 ", "4 and a half ", "5 ", "5 and a half ", "6 ", "6 and a half ", "50 ", "100 ", "1000 ", "500 ", "5000 ", "10 and a half ", "50 and a half ", "A quarter ", "A third " }; String[] measurement = { "tablespoons of", "teaspoons of", "grams of", "liters of", "kilograms of", "fluid ounces of", "cups of", "pints of", "quarts of", "gallons of" }; void setup() { font = createFont("AlexandriaFLF.ttf", 12); textFont(font); size(432, 648, PDF, "chaine.pdf"); //6 x 9 fill(0); } void draw() { PGraphicsPDF pdf = (PGraphicsPDF) g; PGraphics maskImage; PGraphics sourceImage; StringList all_ingredients; all_ingredients = new StringList(); int num_ingredients = int(random(4, 9)); int count2; String final_string = ""; String title = ""; //int count3; for (count2 = 0; count2 < num_ingredients; count2++) { rg1 = new RiGrammar(); rg1 = rg1.loadFrom("recipes.json", this); rg2 = new RiGrammar(); rg2 = rg2.loadFrom("recipes2.json", this); rg3 = new RiGrammar(); rg3 = rg3.loadFrom("recipetitle.json", this); String var1 = rg1.expand(); String var11 = rg2.expand(); String var111 = rg3.expand(); String ingred = " "; int rand_ing = int(random(0, 5)); if (rand_ing == 0) { ingred = ultra_soft_ingredients[int(random(0, ultra_soft_ingredients.length))]; } else if (rand_ing == 1) { ingred = soft_ingredients[int(random(0, soft_ingredients.length))]; } else if (rand_ing == 2) { ingred = neutral_ingredients[int(random(0, neutral_ingredients.length))]; } else if (rand_ing == 3) { ingred = sharp_ingredients[int(random(0, sharp_ingredients.length))]; } else if (rand_ing == 4) { ingred = ultra_sharp_ingredients[int(random(0, ultra_sharp_ingredients.length))]; } int rand_ing2 = int(random(0, numerics.length)); int rand_ing3 = int(random(0, measurement.length)); String list_ing; list_ing = numerics[rand_ing2] + measurement[rand_ing3] + ingred; all_ingredients.append(list_ing); RiString var2; RiString var22; RiString var3; RiString var33; var2 = new RiString(var1); var22 = new RiString(var11); var3 = new RiString(ingred); var33 = new RiString(var111); var2 = var2.concat(var3); var2 = var2.concat(var22); final_string = final_string + " " + var2.text(); title = var33.text(); } int store1 = 8; int store2 = 8; PGraphics[] pgs = new PGraphics[store1]; PGraphics[] pgs2 = new PGraphics[store2]; if (count <= 16) { pgs[store1-1] = createGraphics(width,height); //PGraphics sourceImage; for (int i = 0; i < store1; i++) { pgs[i] = createGraphics(width,height); pgs2[i] = createGraphics(width, height); pgs[i].beginDraw(); pgs2[i].beginDraw(); pgs[i].noStroke(); pgs2[i].noStroke(); pgs[i].fill(int(random(0,255)),int(random(0,255)),int(random(0,255)), 30); pgs[i].ellipse(int(random(141, 291)), int(random(249, 399)), int(random(150, 300)), int(random(150, 300))); if (i == 0) { pgs2[i].fill(int(random(0,255)),int(random(0,255)),int(random(0,255)), 20); pgs2[i].ellipse(int(random(141, 291)), int(random(249, 399)), int(random(20, 50)), int(random(20, 50))); pgs[i].image(pgs2[i],0,0); pgs[i].endDraw(); } else { pgs[i].image(pgs[i-1],0,0); pgs2[i].fill(int(random(0,255)),int(random(0,255)),int(random(0,255)), 20); pgs2[i].ellipse(int(random(141, 291)), int(random(249, 399)), int(random(20, 50)), int(random(20, 50))); pgs[i].image(pgs2[i],0,0); pgs[i].endDraw(); } } maskImage = createGraphics(width, height); maskImage.beginDraw(); maskImage.ellipse(width/2, height/2, 150, 150); maskImage.endDraw(); pgs[store1-1].mask(maskImage); image(pgs[store1-1],0,0); noFill(); strokeWeight(20); stroke(0); ellipse(width/2, height/2, 160, 160); strokeWeight(10); stroke(100,100,100); ellipse(width/2, height/2, 170, 170); textSize(18); textAlign(LEFT); text(title, 60, 65); textSize(12); text("Ingredients:", 60, 100); textSize(10); for (int i = 0; i < all_ingredients.size(); i++) { text(all_ingredients.get(i), 70, 110 + (i * 13), 400, 600); } textSize(12); final_string = final_string.substring(1); text(final_string, 60, 470, 312, 628); } //432 648 if (count == 0) { background(255); textAlign(CENTER); textSize(32); text("Recipes for the Mad...", 250, 291); textSize(12); text("by chaine", 250, 321); } if (frameCount == 16) { exit(); } else { pdf.nextPage(); } count += 1; } |