Face Face Revolution
(sadly the "levels" label disappears!!)
// // a template for receiving face tracking osc messages from // Kyle McDonald's FaceOSC https://github.com/kylemcdonald/ofxFaceTracker // // 2012 Dan Wilcox danomatika.com // for the IACD Spring 2012 class at the CMU School of Art // // adapted from from Greg Borenstein's 2011 example // http://www.gregborenstein.com/ // https://gist.github.com/1603230 // import oscP5.*; OscP5 oscP5; PFont intersect50; PFont intersect25; //game bools boolean pressplay =false; boolean gameOver = false; int level; // num faces found int found; // pose float poseScale; PVector posePosition = new PVector(); PVector poseOrientation = new PVector(); // gesture float mouthHeight; float mouthWidth; float eyeLeft; float eyeRight; float eyebrowLeft; float eyebrowRight; float jaw; float nostrils; //mouth, left eye, right eye, nose String[] parts = {"mouth", "left eye", "right eye","nose"}; int partsActive; // grid variables int[][] grid = new int[10][10]; int gridNum = 2; int gridSize = 700; int margin = 100; int sqSize; int randX; int randY; int points; //timer int time; int wait = 8000; float countdown; void setup() { // Uncomment the following two lines to see the available fonts //String[] fontList = PFont.list(); //printArray(fontList); //String[] fontList = PFont.list(); //for (int i =300;i<700; i++) { // println(fontList[i]); //} intersect50 = createFont("IntersectB44Solid", 120); intersect25 = createFont("IntersectB24", 30); translate(0,0); size(700,700); frameRate(30); oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338); oscP5.plug(this, "found", "/found"); oscP5.plug(this, "poseScale", "/pose/scale"); oscP5.plug(this, "posePosition", "/pose/position"); oscP5.plug(this, "poseOrientation", "/pose/orientation"); oscP5.plug(this, "mouthWidthReceived", "/gesture/mouth/width"); oscP5.plug(this, "mouthHeightReceived", "/gesture/mouth/height"); oscP5.plug(this, "eyeLeftReceived", "/gesture/eye/left"); oscP5.plug(this, "eyeRightReceived", "/gesture/eye/right"); oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowLeftReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/left"); oscP5.plug(this, "eyebrowRightReceived", "/gesture/eyebrow/right"); oscP5.plug(this, "jawReceived", "/gesture/jaw"); oscP5.plug(this, "nostrilsReceived", "/gesture/nostrils"); points = 0; getNewRand(); //timer time = millis();//store the current time println("time", time); //game level =1; partsActive = int(random(4)); } void draw() { if (!pressplay && !gameOver) { gameStart(); } else if (pressplay && !gameOver){ game(); } else if (pressplay && gameOver) { gameend(); } } void gameStart(){ background(1, 34, 160); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textFont(intersect50); fill(133,242,231); text("face", width/2-3,height/2-100); text("face", width/2-3, height/2); fill(0,222,190); text("face", width/2, height/2-100+3); text("face", width/2, height/2+3); textFont(intersect25); int passedMillis = millis() - time; // calculates passed milliseconds if(passedMillis >= 300){ time = millis(); fill(1, 34, 160); // if more than 215 milliseconds passed set fill color to red } else { fill (0,222,190); } text("free play", width/2, 490); if (keyPressed) { if (key=='p' || key=='P') { pressplay = true; } } } void gameend() { background(1, 34, 160); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textFont(intersect50); fill(133,242,231); text("game", width/2-3,height/2-100); text("over", width/2-3, height/2); fill(0,222,190); text("game", width/2, height/2-100+3); text("over", width/2, height/2+3); textFont(intersect25); int passedMillis = millis() - time; // calculates passed milliseconds if(passedMillis >= 300){ time = millis(); fill(1, 34, 160); // if more than 215 milliseconds passed set fill color to red } else { fill (0,222,190); } text("good bye", width/2, 490); if (keyPressed) { if (key=='s' || key=='S') { gameOver =false; pressplay = false; //level =0; //points =0; setup(); } } } void game() { if (points<40) { level =1; } else if (points<70) { level =2; } else if (points<100) { level =3; } else if (points<130) { level =4; } else { level =5; } pushMatrix(); background(0); translate(sqSize/2,sqSize/2); fill(0); gridNum=level+1; sqSize = (gridSize-margin*2)/gridNum; //500/3 // println(sqSize); for (int i=0; i<gridNum; i++) { for (int j=0; j<gridNum; j++) { //size/ grid size stroke(133,242,231); //noFill();222 //println(i, j, sqSize, sqSize*j+margin); rect(sqSize*j+margin, sqSize*i+margin, sqSize, sqSize); } } textFont(intersect25); fill (0,222,190); textAlign(LEFT); text("level "+str(level), -50,-50); fill(133,242,231); rect(sqSize*randX+margin, sqSize*randY+margin, sqSize, sqSize); fill(0); rect(sqSize*randX+margin, sqSize*randY+margin, sqSize-20, sqSize-20); fill(133,242,231); rect(sqSize*randX+margin, sqSize*randY+margin, sqSize-40, sqSize-40); //rect(300,300,40,40); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); textFont(intersect25,40); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); fill(0); text(parts[partsActive], sqSize*randX+margin+sqSize/2, sqSize*randY+margin+sqSize/2); popMatrix(); //write points count fill(133,242,231); textSize(60); //println(points); text(str(points), 350, 630); //timer if(millis() - time >= wait){ gameOver = true; //also update the stored time } else { countdown = (millis()-time); //println("wait", wait); //println("test", millis()-time); countdown = countdown/wait; //println("countdown", countdown); } //println((3*PI)/2, ((3*PI)/2)*countdown); pushMatrix(); noFill(); stroke(133,242,231); strokeWeight(7); arc(600, 70, 30,30, 3*(PI/2)*countdown, 3*(PI/2), OPEN); popMatrix(); strokeWeight(1); //translate(width,0); // scale(-1,1); //facial data if(found > 0) { pushMatrix(); translate(posePosition.x, posePosition.y); scale(poseScale); noFill(); ellipse(-20, eyeLeft * -9, 7, 7); ellipse(20, eyeRight * -9, 7, 7); ellipse(0, 20, 7, 7); ellipse(0, nostrils * -1, 7, 7); rectMode(CENTER); fill(0); rect(-20, eyebrowLeft * -5, 25, 5); rect(20, eyebrowRight * -5, 25, 5); popMatrix(); //gamify your LEFT eye float realMouthX = (posePosition.x); float realMouthY = posePosition.y+((eyeLeft*7)*poseScale); //gamify your LEFT eye float realLeftEyeX = (posePosition.x-(20*poseScale)); float realLeftEyeY = posePosition.y+((eyeLeft*-9)*poseScale); //gamify your RIGHT eye float realRightEyeX = (posePosition.x+(20*poseScale)); float realRightEyeY = posePosition.y+((eyeLeft*-9)*poseScale); //gamify your NOOOSE float realNoseX = (posePosition.x); float realNoseY = posePosition.y+((eyeLeft*-1)*poseScale); //translate(125,125); stroke(255,0,0); //MOUTH POINTS if (partsActive==0) { ellipse(realMouthX, realMouthY, 20,20); if (realMouthX >= sqSize*randX+margin && realMouthX <= sqSize*randX+sqSize+margin && realMouthY>= sqSize*randY+margin && realMouthY<= sqSize*randY+sqSize+margin) { //println("hello"); points+=10; getNewRand(); } } //LEFT EYE POINTS if (partsActive==1) { ellipse(realLeftEyeX, realLeftEyeY, 20,20); if (realLeftEyeX >= sqSize*randX+margin && realLeftEyeX <= sqSize*randX+sqSize+margin && realLeftEyeY>= sqSize*randY+margin && realLeftEyeY<= sqSize*randY+sqSize+margin) { //println("hello"); points+=10; getNewRand(); } } //RIGHT EYE POINTS if (partsActive==2) { ellipse(realRightEyeX, realRightEyeY, 20,20); if (realRightEyeX >= sqSize*randX+margin && realRightEyeX <= sqSize*randX+sqSize+margin && realRightEyeY>= sqSize*randY+margin && realRightEyeY<= sqSize*randY+sqSize+margin) { //println("hello"); points+=10; getNewRand(); } } if (partsActive==3) { ellipse(realNoseX, realNoseY, 20,20); if (realNoseX >= sqSize*randX+margin && realNoseX <= sqSize*randX+sqSize+margin && realNoseY>= sqSize*randY+margin && realNoseY<= sqSize*randY+sqSize+margin) { //println("hello"); points+=10; getNewRand(); } } } } void getNewRand() { randX = int(random(0,gridNum)); randY = int(random(0,gridNum)); partsActive = int(random(4)); time = millis(); } void mouseClicked() { randX = int(random(0,gridNum)); randY = int(random(0,gridNum)); partsActive = int(random(4)); time = millis(); } // OSC CALLBACK FUNCTIONS public void found(int i) { //println("found: " + i); found = i; } public void poseScale(float s) { //println("scale: " + s); poseScale = s; } public void posePosition(float x, float y) { //println("pose position\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y ); posePosition.set(x, y, 0); } public void poseOrientation(float x, float y, float z) { //println("pose orientation\tX: " + x + " Y: " + y + " Z: " + z); poseOrientation.set(x, y, z); } public void mouthWidthReceived(float w) { //println("mouth Width: " + w); mouthWidth = w; } public void mouthHeightReceived(float h) { //println("mouth height: " + h); mouthHeight = h; } public void eyeLeftReceived(float f) { //println("eye left: " + f); eyeLeft = f; } public void eyeRightReceived(float f) { //println("eye right: " + f); eyeRight = f; } public void eyebrowLeftReceived(float f) { //println("eyebrow left: " + f); eyebrowLeft = f; } public void eyebrowRightReceived(float f) { //println("eyebrow right: " + f); eyebrowRight = f; } public void jawReceived(float f) { //println("jaw: " + f); jaw = f; } public void nostrilsReceived(float f) { //println("nostrils: " + f); nostrils = f; } // all other OSC messages end up here void oscEvent(OscMessage m) { if(m.isPlugged() == false) { println("UNPLUGGED: " + m); } } |