let row = 8; let col = 8; let pressed = false; function setup() { createCanvas(600, 600); rectMode(CENTER); noStroke(); noLoop(); background(255, 204, 0); } function draw() { if (pressed == false){ makeShapes(); } } function mousePressed(){ pressed = true; background(255, 204, 0); makeShapes(); } function makeShapes(){ for (var i = 1; i < row; i++){ for (var j = 1; j < col; j++){ let probability = int(random(0,12)); if (probability == 0){ fill(0,0,255); ellipse(100 + 50*i, 100 + 50*j, 30); } else { fill(255,0,0); rect(100 + 50*i, 100 + 50*j, 30, 30); } } } } |
Author: nixel
- The Critical Engineer recognizes that each work of engineering engineers its user, proportional to that user's dependency upon it.
This tenet of the Manifesto talks about how people are influenced by 'works' and programs. The more you use something, the more you are being changed by it, and the more unaware you are of this, the more likely it is that you are being controlled by the thing than you are controlling it. Your life and your identity is shaped by the systems, objects, and ideas you are accustomed to using. The people who make these systems, objects, and ideas are in the end, able to decide how their users function in the world. Being aware that your life revolves around things that you consciously or unconsciously give power is important.
I think this is interesting since it is so obvious and prevalent in our everyday lives. Some examples would be the feedback system on social media sites, including likes, comments, followers, subscribers, etc. More examples would be dependency on autofill to remember passwords, cloud based storage, and auto-sync between devices and accounts.
One interactive/computational project that I found to be interesting, appealing, and relevant to my interests is this:
https://vimeo.com/239407215 by Eran Hilleli.
It's a 3D animation program that you interact with using a MIDI controller. The base code is credited to the original creator, Keijiro Takahashi who made this:
Both are visually appealing, with smooth and interesting animations and populated with shapes, lights, and sounds that work well together to create a cohesive experience. I believe that both people made these projects by themselves, and I'm not sure how long it took either of them.
I love what Hilleli did with the source code by connecting it to character animation. Although the end result is slightly unsettling, I think it's a playful interactive project that has a lot of potential to be made into cool things in the future. We see how there are so many options in using the MIDI board to control and blend different visual and audio effects, and relating to my personal interests, I think it's possible to use this tech to make very dynamic and interesting stories. Perhaps stories that change and grow in real time, in response to audience reactions.