CMU School of Art, Fall 2018 • Prof. Golan Levin / TA: Char Stiles
Speculation: Facing the disputed value of digital, and the decaying matter, it actively plays with the digital detritus to investigate something new in the currency of the 21st century.
Spectacle: Seeing the decaying matter, it hates digital entropy and tries to escape it by building stable ground for value and profit.
"Text Rain" by Camille Utterback, in my opinion, is an example of Spectacle. I heard about this work when I was first introduced to Interactive Art. In my impression, "Text Rain" was considered as a representative of this stream of art. Therefore, I think it fulfills this idea of breaking through the stable ground which exists before it. In Warburton's term at 9'08'', I feel like this work lies nearer towards, acceleration, visibility, art, function. For surplus and waste, I am not really sure about its position.