For this project, I was inspired by one of my most used action, swiping messages on my phone. Because I interacted with it a lot, not only the time displayed on the top centre of the screen reminds me the time, the time marked on each messages, and the changes of the remaining battery all indicates the pass of time. Therefore, I wanted to create a representation of my interaction with time. In the work, the hand swiping the messages represents second. When a new minute comes, the screen will go to the starting mode with hour, minute, date, and weekday on it. Moreover, the abstract feed at the background emphasize my continuous interaction with my phone (walking while swiping). This time, I reflected on the problem of how my drawing may not go well with the vector drawing in p5js,. Therefore, I first implemented my drawing (demonstration shown below), and then changed to vector drawing for consistency.

// Clair Sijing Sun // Clock Project // 60-212 // Sep 20, 2018 var prevSec; var millisRolloverTime; var frames = []; var secondH ; var counter = 0; var weekdayNames = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] var monthNames = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']; var listofApps = ['WEIBO', 'WECHAT', 'GROUPME', 'GMAIL', 'LINKEDIN', 'FACEBOOK', 'STUDENT', 'SOUNDCLOUD']; var appL ; var randomN ; var batteryR ; var batteryG ; var batteryB ; var batteryL = 25; var backrockX = 50; var backrockY = 0; var barH = 72; var handM1 = 383; var handM2 = 369; var finger = []; var skin = []; var feetH ; var feetH2 ; //-------------------------- function setup() { createCanvas(600, 600); millisRolloverTime = 0; feetH = height; feetH2 = height + 100; } //-------------------------- function preload(){ frames.push(loadImage("https://i.imgur.com/6LcHHng.png")); //frames.push(loadImage("https://i.imgur.com/od1uGbs.png")); frames.push(loadImage("https://i.imgur.com/gHs88Af.png")); finger.push(loadImage("https://i.imgur.com/QfwFtyL.png")); finger.push(loadImage("https://i.imgur.com/WFPnTt3.png")); skin.push(loadImage("https://i.imgur.com/vXlzYE7.png")); skin.push(loadImage("https://i.imgur.com/KFbFtYv.png")); } //-------------------------- function draw() { background(144, 173, 189); push(); fill(0, 10); if (backrockY < height || backrockY == height){ backrockY = backrockY + 1; }else{backrockY = 0} for (i = 0; i < 20; i++){ ellipse(backrockX * i, backrockY+i*10, 4, 120); } pop(); appL = listofApps.length; push(); fill(232,158,78); rect(190,40,210,408, 20); pop(); // Fetch the current time var H = hour(); var Min = minute(); var S = second(); var D = day(); var M = month(); var week = new Date().getDay(); // Reckon the current millisecond, // particularly if the second has rolled over. // Note that this is more correct than using millis()%1000; if (prevSec != S) { millisRolloverTime = millis(); } prevSec = S; var mils = floor(millis() - millisRolloverTime); noStroke(); fill('black'); var currTimeString = "Time: " + (H%12) + ":" + nf(M,2) + ":" + nf(S,2) + ((H>12) ? "pm":"am"); var hourBarWidth = map(H, 0, 23, 0, width); var minuteBarWidth = map(Min, 0, 59, 0, width); var secondBarWidth = map(S, 0, 59, 0, width); var secondsWithFraction = S + (mils / 1000.0); var secondsWithNoFraction = S; var secondBarHeightChunky = map(secondsWithNoFraction, 0, 60, 0, width); //for displaying the moving hand if (mils < 500){ counter = 0; }else{ counter = 1; } //draw the feet push(); fill(0); strokeWeight(4); stroke(0); if (mils < 500){ feetH = map(mils, 0, 500, height+100, height); feetH2= map(mils, 0, 500, height, height+100); } else { feetH = map(mils, 500, 1000, height, height+100); feetH2 = map(mils, 500, 1000, height+100, height); } ellipse(width/4, feetH, 140, 200); ellipse(width/4+300, feetH2, 140, 200); fill(255, 100); arc(width/4, feetH-50, 100, 90, PI, 2*PI, CHORD); pop(); //draw the top bar push(); fill(255, 100); rect(185, 45, 220, 25, 20); pop(); //controlling the movement of seconds var secondBarHeightSmooth = height; if (mils < 300) { secondBarHeightSmooth = map(mils, 0, 300, 420, 228); }else if (mils >= 300 && mils < 700){ secondBarHeightSmooth = 228; }else{secondBarHeightSmooth = map(mils, 700, 1000, 228, 39); } //changing background for seconds push(); textSize(20); fill(255, 150); if ((''+S).length == 1){ S = '0'+ S; } rect(width/3, secondBarHeightSmooth-25, 190, 40, 10); fill(232,158,7); text(S, 350, secondBarHeightSmooth); textSize(12); //if (S){ //randomN = random(S%8); //} text(listofApps[int(S%8)], 220, secondBarHeightSmooth-12); fill(0) text('Notification', 220, secondBarHeightSmooth+5); pop(); fill(255); barH = map(S, 0, 60, 72, 392); rect(393, barH, 2, 20, 5); //display of hour and minutes at the beginning if (S < 1){ if (mils < 700){ secondH = 126; }else { secondH = map (mils, 700, 1000, 126, -65);} }else{ secondH = -10; } push(); textStyle(NORMAL); textSize(40); fill(255); textFont('Helvetica'); if ((''+Min).length == 1){ Min = '0'+ Min; } text(H + ":" + Min, width/2.5, secondH); textSize(12); text(weekdayNames[week]+","+monthNames[M-1]+ " " + D, 224, secondH+(145-126)); pop(); //display of mins and hours on top left push(); fill(255); text(H+ ":" + Min, 201, 62); pop(); //home bar fill(255); rect(240, height-170, 100, 5, 10); //image(frames[1], 80, -20, 500, 700); //image(frames[0], 80, -20, 500, 700); push(); noFill(); stroke(0); strokeWeight(9); rect(185, 42, 218, 405, 25); beginShape(); strokeWeight(1); fill(0); curveVertex(245, 47); curveVertex(245, 47); curveVertex(261, 61); curveVertex(329, 61); curveVertex(345, 47); curveVertex(345, 47); endShape(); pop(); image(skin[counter],100, -18, 430, 655); image(finger[counter], 200, 220, 300, 300); //image(finger[counter], 200, 220, 300, 300); push(); noFill(); beginShape(); stroke(0); strokeWeight(4); print(mouseX, mouseY); curveVertex(180, 245); curveVertex(180, 245); curveVertex(159, 256); curveVertex(152, 270); curveVertex(161, 278); curveVertex(180, 281); curveVertex(180, 281); endShape(); beginShape(); curveVertex(180, 299); curveVertex(180, 299); curveVertex(161, 308); curveVertex(155, 322); curveVertex(160, 333); curveVertex(180, 334); curveVertex(180, 334); endShape(); beginShape(); curveVertex(180, 365); curveVertex(180, 365); curveVertex(165, 374); curveVertex(157, 388); curveVertex(164, 398); curveVertex(180, 398); curveVertex(180, 398); endShape(); beginShape(); curveVertex(408, 243); curveVertex(408, 243); curveVertex(426, 272); curveVertex(435, 292); curveVertex(446, 309); curveVertex(457, 322); curveVertex(457, 322); curveVertex(474, 348); curveVertex(480, 365); curveVertex(482, 390); curveVertex(482, 410); curveVertex(482, 432); curveVertex(482, 450); curveVertex(488, 495); curveVertex(496, 526); curveVertex(501, 545); curveVertex(505, 562); curveVertex(518, 605); curveVertex(518, 605); endShape(); if (counter == 1 ){ handM1 = 383; handM2 = 360; }else{ handM1 = 383; handM2 = 369; } beginShape(); curveVertex(433, 326); curveVertex(433, 326); curveVertex(407, 340); curveVertex(393, 354); curveVertex(handM1, handM2); curveVertex(handM1, handM2); endShape(); beginShape(); curveVertex(285, 453); curveVertex(285, 453); curveVertex(286, 461); curveVertex(296, 469); curveVertex(308, 466); curveVertex(300, 476); curveVertex(301, 490); curveVertex(309, 501); curveVertex(318, 504); curveVertex(307, 508); curveVertex(309, 528); curveVertex(315, 544); curveVertex(332, 570); curveVertex(359, 600); curveVertex(359, 600); //curveVertex(handM1, handM2); endShape(); pop(); //battery drawing if (Min < 40){ batteryR = 255; batteryG = 255; batteryB = 255; } else { batteryR = 213; batteryG = 73; batteryB = 61; } batteryL = (60-Min)/60 * 25; push(); fill(batteryR,batteryG,batteryB); rect(width/2+57, 53, batteryL, 12, 4); noFill(); stroke(255); rect(width/2+57, 53, 25, 12, 3); pop(); push(); fill(144, 173, 189); rect(width/4,0, 400, 37); pop(); } |
The GIF: