
It was not long ago when I saw this powerful installation in the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo this summer. I have seen interactive artworks through screens, however, I was not able to participate in many of them. But for this one, when standing in the space and looking at what is happening around me, the power this installation delivered is magnificent and significant. "Power of Scale" is a play rendering of installation done by Seiichi Saito and Rhizomatiks. It can be viewed as an informative introduction on architecture as well as an interactive digital art installation that embraces the audience by the demonstration of architecture history and human interaction design. Indeed, the exhibition is about Arata Isozki's book Japan-ness, a groundbreaking book about Architecture in 2006. It deals with topics such as "coexistence with nature" and "hybrid architecture", explaining how Japanese architecture flourishes with movable screens instead of traditional concepts of walls. This work is accomplished through video and fiber laser technology. It provides a human-scale environment where the audience can feel the most realistic experience of discovering and reflecting on human scale and its relationship with the immediate surroundings.

Introducing "Power of Scale"- Mori Art Museum