YoungLee – NFT Immersion


My favorites:

  1. Title: the appropriate loss of control
    Artist: @xcopy

2. Title:
Bitcoin Chart
Artist: @pocobelli


3. Title: Blond
Artist: @benabstract

I don’t absolutely detest this, but it makes me feel uncomfy for some reason >.<
Title: Bop_BOp
Artist: @strack


Written response:

There was such a diverse selection of artworks that it’s difficult to explain a common element throughout, but I guess the most obvious commonality was that it was all digital. NFTs don’t sell any physical artworks; thus, the artworks themselves are very digitized rather than hand drawn. Some are still images that have been highly manipulated while others are animated loops that seem very professionally made. 

The price range of the ones I saw surprised me because I thought that some artworks that were admittedly not the best were priced very high while the ones that I thought were fantastic were not bid at all. I came to the realization that many people that are buying the NFTs are not just buying to own the artworks themselves but to invest in them and sell them in the future in order to hopefully make a profit. When there is no demand, people seem hesitant to be the first to bid. Therefore, even though some artworks are better than others (even though art is subjective), the bid price may have a psychological effect on the people buying.

I also noticed that many of them seem reminiscent of surrealist paintings. However, instead of painting the objects, the artists either rendered them through software or manipulated multiple pictures and put them together. For NFTs, I think interactive artworks are missing. I wish there were art pieces where when a user clicks on a certain area, the artwork perhaps changes.