

John Oliver’s video more so addressed how facial recognition software can harm people’s right to privacy while the other sources addressed algorithmic bias. I think that there should be government regulation on facial recognition software so that it avoids improper use by everyday civilians and big corporations. Perhaps they should make government officials/police ask for a warrant from a judge to access the technology, similar to issuing a search warrant if there is probable cause.

I thought algorithmic bias was a very interesting topic. It reminded me of an incident that occurred a few years ago when Google accidentally categorized a black person as ‘gorillas’ in Google photos (Link: ). I thought it was interesting how human kind’s own biases translated into software, which further proves the eminent issue.

YoungLee – 08 – LookingOutwards





This project uses different textures and patterns seen in famous paintings and applies them to various 3D renderings. I liked how the program allowed people to use almost any combination of a painting/texture and 3D rendering. The 3D aspect of it made it such an immersive experience, and the results were very beautiful. Additionally, my favorite part of the project was that it makes it easier for people to create worlds that fit their own personal artistic tastes.

rathesungod- GPT2

My mom needs to do something about him. Everyone else seems to be handling it, but there’s just something about my mom. Nothing I do is ever good enough. No matter how hard I try or how sweet I am, she never seems to accept me or treat me like I’m good enough. If I’m good enough, she tells me, I don’t deserve her. You deserve better than me. So do my brothers. My brothers deserve better than me. I know my brothers deserve better than me. All the mean things I’ve done, how can I not deserve better than
Please, I really have to go to work in a minute, but, would you give me your phone number?” “Certainly. My phone number is 718 – 930 – 6400.” Molly scribbled it down in her book. “Thank you,” Emily said, and then hung up the phone. She looked up and realized that her stomach was churning. She was being way too melodramatic, but she wasn’t sure how to fix it. It was driving her crazy. There was a long line at the coffee shop.
What should I put in this ziploc bag? The first step is to take off all of the plastic bags. I usually take off the bags before I take the bag from the store. Cut away the plastic bag. If it is a regular sized bag, I usually put in the empty plastic bag that you get when you order Chinese food. I also have been known to put a bag of some sort in there. The key is to not do too much at one time. If I put in too many things at once, it becomes overwhelming and I have to dump it all out and start over.

rathesungod- facereadings

  • In Joy’s TedTalk, I really appreciated how she’s bringing out the problems of racial inclusion within machine learning. When she was explaining her rules as to who, what, and why we code matters, it really highlighted how things should always be adjusting as technology develops more.
  • The reality of how far machine learning as well as face recognition does scare me on how and what we think is real/fake. As John was talking about all the different cases that facial recognition has been used both positively and negatively, it made me think twice.


minniebzrg-Talk to Transformer (GPT-2)

  1. So this morning I went to the gym and grabbed some lunch afterward with my friend but the weird thing is that I got to the gym and a man came in right when I did. I was the only person in the building so I thought, oh good, the gym is empty. So he walks in with me. He then turns to the locker I was about to use and asks if he can have the locker next to mine. I was stunned, but said sure. So we take our things in and I walk him to the other locker and then he gets in front of me. He’s about 50 but is muscular, and his head is a nice fit in his neck. I walk off to go lift weights and he follows me

2. My friend applied to Carnegie Mellon University and she got accepted. She wants to accept their offer but is worried about her future in the United States after Donald Trump became the president of the United States of America. Donald Trump’s politics and his derogatory statements against illegal immigrants has motivated her to move to Canada. She fears for the safety of her family because Donald Trump vowed to send all illegals to be deported. This is why she is scared to accept the offer from Carnegie Mellon University. My friend believes that if she were to accept the offer from a place like Carnegie Mellon.


I was surprised to read the second generated text because I realized that even machine learning could produce politically or racially biased text. I found it kind of funny because my friend recently moved to the States even though she is a U.S. citizen and people would see her as an immigrant. Right now, she is in Mongolia but is coming back to the U.S. to study. Although Trump is no longer the President, I thought this was pretty funny but biased.  The first prompt was pretty creepy, to be honest. I didn’t like how this tool could create a scenario like that. It makes me think that it could trigger people if they were testing it out. Overall, I wonder what kind of barriers these machine learning tools have.

shrugbread-Text to transformer

Tomorrow I have to clean up the breakfast mess in the kitchen, straighten out the guest room, do some laundry, and start getting everything organized for Christmas! I’m hoping to finish my Christmas shopping tomorrow, too. (I know, my husband doesn’t know that yet.) It is really hard to shop for my husband since I have nothing in common with him anymore. (My own fault for not planning a VDay party or something – ugh.) All we do now is sit around and argue about politics. I can’t handle that every night.

There’s no way I’m gonna spend all that time on a Wii Fit, so I decided to make my own. In college, I used to surf eBay all the time looking for vintage books that I thought people were always searching for. (They’re typically hard to find because of one or two copies out there.) I figured it would be a good project for the former book blogger. My first idea was to cut out a foam core board from a spool of paper that a teacher would supply in the classroom. I thought that would be easy and cheap.

I have been drinking a lot of water so far. I even set up a water station at my desk today so I could have cold drinks when I needed them. If you have never had to work out with a sore throat, you are probably missing out on some of the best cold medicines ever. I was glad I had gotten a bottle of salt pills from the doctor. They were a lifesaver on Wednesday when I had the worst sore throat of my life. Instead of the gross gooey taste I had, I had delicious saltiness to make me feel better quickly.