Alex Wolfe | Data Visualization | Update

by Alex Wolfe @ 8:10 am 24 January 2011

As of right now I have the bare bones of the processing sketch finished (particle system that does what I want more or less, running on random numbers instead of the actual data). I’ve done several sketches of a background image that will contain the various objects that are jumped from.

I have also compiled my data into a .cvs file, sorted by cause of death/place jumped from (ICD-10 number when available).I went through the entire ICD, picked out any codes related to falling, and then sorted those out of the 21st Century Mortality Compendium. Also added fatalities/survivors from BASE jumpers.

I’d like to actually have more survivors, the BASE jumpers (1500 recorded from all time, about 300 or so from the time period from the 21st Century i’m looking at) are slightly outnumbered by the less fortunate. However, there aren’t many reliable records of survivors of intentional jumpers besides them (since usually the jumping is illegal). Still the balance isn’t half as terrible as I expected.

Data Sources at my previous posthere

1 Comment

  1. I’d love to see intermediate screenshots of your work. You’ve prompted me to give the class such a reminder.

    Comment by Golan Levin — 26 January 2011 @ 12:41 am

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