Final Project

by Golan Levin @ 1:07 am 3 April 2011

Self-Directed Capstone Project.

  • In-class Critiques on April 20 & 25.
  • Public exhibition on Thursday April 28.
  • All documentation due no later than May 11.

You are asked to create a final project on a topic of your own interest. Capstone Projects may explore any topic related to freestyle computing, computational design, culture hacking, and/or interactive art. It is permissible to create a revised version of a previous project if your project is significantly re-worked. The intermediate due dates for this project are as follows (with more details in the class schedule):

Mon April 4: Concept presentations. In-class workday.
Wed April 6: In-class workday.
Mon April 11:
In-class workday.
Wed April 13: “Hard Part Solved” Deadline + progress blog post. In-class workday.
Mon April 18:
In-class workday.
Wed April 20: “Early-phase” in-class final presentations (by Alex Wolfe, Foster & Boyle, cdoomany, chaotic*neutral, dpieri, eric.brockmeyer, honray, Marynel Vázquez, Max Hawkins, Meg Richards, mirvine, mshuster, nkurani, Shawn Sims, susanlin).
Mon April 25:
“Late-phase” in-class final presentations (by Ben Gotow, Chong Han Chua, ecschwar, James Mulholland, jhorstma, Jordan Parsons, huaishup, Le Wei, Madeline Gannon, Mauricio, ppm, Samia, Timothy Sherman, Ward Penney).
Wed April 27: In-class workday.
Thurs April 28: Final exhibition.
Wed May 11:
Last day to submit documentation (12 Noon).

Final Project Deliverables:

  • Participation in the public exhibition on April 28th:
    • In late April, you will be asked to provide information for a small placard and event programme describing your work.
    • Owing to the variety of the class projects, there is no one rule for how to exhibit your project, but you may wish to consider preparing a poster (11″W by 17″H, portrait) in addition to showing the project itself.
    • Your citizenship is kindly requested in advertising the exhibition, preparing the room, assisting your peers, and cleaning the room after the exhibition.
  • A blog post (due no later than May 10th) which details:
    • At the top, a 3-sentence (~75-word) abstract describing what your project is.
    • Your inspiration
    • Your background references (prior art), including links.
    • Your process: intermediate failures and waypoints.
    • Still-image (photographic/screenshot/diagrammatic) documentation of your project, as appropriate.
    • An embedded video of your project (see below)
    • Introspective appraisal (self-evaluation) and conclusions
  • A video (embedded in the blog post) documenting your project, with:
    • Screengrabbed video if appropriate
    • Video of someone using the project, if appropriate
    • A narrative voiceover and/or explanatory subtitles
    • Credits to you, your collaborators, any background music, and the Spring 2011 CMU IACD class
  • A 100×100 pixel icon for your project, and a 1-sentence short description (so that we can quickly deploy a visual overview like this one).
  • We encourage you to thoroughly share your work with the rest of the world. You’ll make friends! Thus, optionally, please include a zip of your source code, or a link to an SVN/Git repository.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
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