
by Golan Levin @ 8:06 am 10 January 2011

Our final Exhibition will be on Thursday, April 28th in the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, CFA-111, from 4:00-7:00pm. Our exhibition will be co-hosted with Greg Witt’s digital fabrication course.

Here is our class schedule for the remainder of the semester:

Mon April 4: Finish concept presentations. Adjourn. Individual meetings as necessary with Golan, Dan.
Wed April 6: Studio workday: Come to the Studio, plug in, hack, drink coffee.

Mon April 11: 30 minutes of “help me, class” presentations by ~5 students (TBD). Then, Studio workday.
Wed April 13: “Hard part solved” deadline; blog post describing your progress. Quick around-the-room updates; then, Studio workday.

Mon April 18: Studio workday.
Wed April 20: “Early-phase” in-class final presentations. Presenters will be selected by Golan.

Mon April 25: “Late-phase” in-class final presentations. Presenters will be selected by Golan.
Wed April 27: Studio workday. Final exhibition logistics planning. Coordination with delegates from Greg Witt’s class.

Thu April 28: Final exhibition:

  • 9:00am: Unofficial Setup start time. You’re welcome to arrive early.
  • 12 noon: Mandatory check-in; official Setup start time. Don’t be late.
  • 3:30pm: Lose a letter grade if your project is not set up by this time.
  • 4:00pm: Doors open. People arrive, eat pizza etc.
  • 7:00pm: Doors close, cleanup begins.
  • 8:00pm: Done. Brewskis.

Wed May 11: last day to submit documentation for all projects.

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