Video Embedding

by Golan Levin @ 8:56 pm 9 January 2011

Shortcodes allow you to easily and safely embed media from other places in your site. With just one simple code, you can tell WordPress to embed YouTube, Flickr, and other media.

Enter a shortcode directly into the Post/Page editor to embed media. For specific instructions follow the links below.

Available shortcodes are: [archives], , [], , [digg], [flickr], [googlevideo], [scribd], [slide], [slideshare], , , , [polldaddy], and [wpvideo (VideoPress)].


For embedding videos into this blog, we are using the AB Video plugin, which allows you to embed YouTube, Vimeo or Dailymotion movie clips by entering a shortcode ( / / ) into the post area. More information and instructions for AB Video can be found here, and some examples are below.




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(c) 2023 Interactive Art & Computational Design / Spring 2011 | powered by WordPress with Barecity