Alex Wolfe | Data Visualization | Idea Revision

by Alex Wolfe @ 8:03 am 19 January 2011

After the workshop on Monday, I decided to further explore the idea of flight vs. fall. I found a number of data sources on falling, a list of accidental falls, skydiving fatalities, suicide records, etc. I want to aggregate this information into one visualization.

I was thinking of creating a particle system that would begin in the top left side of the screen and would “jump” from the varying heights, building, bridge, plane, and would either halt before hitting the ground if the person survived or continue all the way to the bottom to some dramatic effect if the person was not so fortunate.

Data Sources

21st Century Mortality Dataset
A list of all of the deaths from 2007 – 2009 categorized by cause. Deciphered using the ICD-10, the World Health Organization Classification of Deaths Compendium. I specifically looked at all entries labeled from W00, Fall on same level involving ice and snow, to W19 Unspecified Fall.

BASE Jumping Fatality List
List of all reported BASE jumping deaths from inside the community with short snippets on how they died

BASE Numbers
Number of people rewarded a ranking for jumping off of a building, antenna, span(bridge), earth(cliff)

1 Comment

  1. That’s funny! Can you post some examples of your data? (links, images, table, etc)

    Comment by Golan Levin — 20 January 2011 @ 11:06 am

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