This is called Bertillon’s Dungeon. It’s designed to be a small interactive piece about surveillance and facial recognition. I was thinking about glut and the importance to business of sourcing faces as often as possible. I was thinking of mugshots and how they were used to profile criminals by their inventor, Bertillon until DNA testing outmoded them. Yet, we still use mugshots as a shorthand for being in the system. Though this was a small project, simple in nature, I reason that it could be expanded to be a smaller part of a larger story about facial recognition software. I also think it was important in my performance to try and hide my face when the pictures started getting taken, but to be sort of dazed and confused before the realization. I wanted to be someone who understood the motive behind the taking of the pictures (most likely to be used in court for incrimination), but still was conditioned to respect authority (even if they are trying to log into something they shouldn’t be).
Sound wasn’t done in the p5.js sketch. It was done for the documentation in logic. I would want to improve this by having the sound play in the browser.
I started by thinking about a gasmask in which obvious breathing was needed to stay alive- a melding between human and machine. This eventually became a number emblazoned on the head, which eventually became the assigning of an ID. I was initially thinking of also having real time facial recognition (or approximations) but this was going to take too much time. The idea of a multi roll of cameras came from watching Dan Schiffman’s Muybridge tutorial and thinking about an interesting transition.
My mask takes the form of a wearable array of devices that notifies you of the presence of other people either in front or behind your person, and forces you to be constantly aware of your environment
I hooked up two webcams and a set of earphones to my laptop; which the user carries around in my backpack. The user must wear a around their forehead to support the webcams, with one placed above their face and the other on the back of their head, as well as a set of headphones, all of which are attached to a laptop that is secured in back of the user.
The Webcams are both Logitech webcams, one from STUDIO, one is mine. The band is a re-purposed HRT sleep mask acquired at a job-fair like event. The laptop is mine. The backpack is mine.
Proof of function at very low framerate:
“there is someone behind you” ” there is someone in front of you”
Overview. From the start, I was interested in doing some work with music videos, and adapted this assignment to my own constraints. I’ve been working with two bands from Montréal on a potential music video and album cover collaboration — this assignment felt like an opportunity to prototype some visual ideas. For the sake of this warm-up exercise, I worked with the song A Stone is a Stone by Helena Deland. She sings about goodbyes and core issues in either a person’s character or in a relationship.
The lyrics made me think of permanence. When you go through life with a specific idea, character trait or person for a long time, you sometimes lose track of their presence. I was interested in working with the idea of fading into one’s environment, having been somewhere or someone for so long that you become one with it. After a while, you can barely be distinguished from the space, metaphorically or physically, that you evolve in.
Ideation Process. My process was hectic, as I had a very hard time thinking of an idea that got me excited. I started by wanting to make an app which erased your face any time you smiled awkwardly in an uncomfortable situation, but decided this kind of work had been overdone in the wearables world. Then I decided to make a language grapher using mouth movements to have a visual representation of texts which had a “Chloe” as the protagonist (as a way to study the word, how other people perceive it in literature, and how that influences personal character). I went through with this idea, and hated it by the end, so I decided to start over from scratch. Hence, the current idea described in the overview.
The hoodies that allow you to hide from uncomfortable situations.
A visualization of the introduction of the character “Chloé” in the novel ‘L’Ecume Des Jours’ by Boris Vian.
Physical Process. I essentially worked using the environment as a way to inform the content, creating bidirectionally. The researched a couple backgrounds, photographed them and performed in front of them with my nice camera. I then applied the simple mapping filter of the aforementioned image to the prerecorded video. This project didn’t actually require any scripting, since I chose to do it with Spark AR. I originally started doing it in Processing but wasn’t happy with the way it looked. Spark AR had a more advanced mesh tracking option, which allowed for warping around face features, which I stuck with.
Testing patterns and functionality.
I proceeded to film a total of 6 scenes, selected by texture and color. I wore clothes that fit the background scheme, and photographed each material before filming myself lip-synching with a dslr. I then converted the videos to a smaller format (which was the only import option, sorry for the loss of quality) and layered the mask in Spark AR. The final editing rendered the video below, only featuring a small chunk of the song.
(I removed the video from youtube, sorry Golan. I left you a gif though)
Improvements. With more time, I probably would have:
1) found a way to also include the ears and the neck, which look silly without the mask layer
2) reconsidered my idea, because I felt like the overall effect was uncomfortable and funny, while the song really isn’t
3) found a way to change the scale of my map image, because it didn’t fade as much into the background as I had wanted
Windows is a (mostly) cozy view of two windows whose blinds open and close based on your blinks. Outside, you can see the birds flying by.
A couple things prompted this idea: a desire explore Processing’s API in conjunction with FaceOSC, a play on the word “mask” as the object that covers a face and “mask” as the image processing tool, and a take on that cheesy saying “eyes are the windows to the soul”. I set out to create something minimalistic and cozy like all those pleasant app store games, but as I worked through implementation details I discovered an interesting tension between the demands that the software makes of the viewer and its desire to be cozy. I decided to emphasize this inconsistency by introducing sudden and uncomfortable changes when the viewer can no longer be detected by the camera. I didn’t plan for an involved concept behind this work, but perhaps there’s a reading in there about how we perceive our digital infrastructure and how we can become desensitized (or shall I say blinded ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) to the odd demands it may make of us.
Besides the conceptual reading, I’m pleased at how satisfying the interaction with the blinds is. You can see the gaps between the blinds as they fall down, and the cord to the side rises and falls opposite the movement of the blinds. For this reason, my performance is mostly just me having fun blinking at the program when it works and bobbing my head at the camera when it doesn’t.
This project uses p5.js and ClmTracker, and builds off of Kyle McDonalds p5.js + ClmTracker starter code (thank you!). The colors of the masks are generated with color-scheme.js.
The instability is part of what comes along with much of today’s open source face tracking software. What is that was a key feature, rather than a fundamental error? I made a mask that changes every time it loses track of the face.
My original inspiration for this project came from the Chinese Opera mask changers.
The mask changing here is playful and very entertaining! Though the magic partially comes from the performance taking place in the physical world, I wanted to bring this sort of energy into the digital space with my mask.
I first set to generating masks. I used the color-scheme.js library to get triadic color palettes, and then made a base mask with accent shapes on top.
Somewhat similar to the Chinese Opera mask changers, I can hide my face and reappear with a new mask (while trying to channel at least a fraction of the energy of those professionals!). Unique to this digital space is the more peculiar methods of intentionally changing masks and the manipulation of them in the process.
This project is an attempt to pay a sublime, transubstantiative homage to a product with which I have a deep connection. In this case, for me, it was Doritos. I was inspired to consider the concept of a mask in a more relational sense. We are asked to embody the values of many products many times per day – and instead of letting that subtextual, marketing interpellation happen in the background, I wanted to embrace it, to own it, to become it. To sync up with my material reality in hopes that I can find space to make choices among the many, many, many consumption-based asks that hit me in invisible waves. To create a visually realized version of the masks we are asked to wear every time we look at the bag of Doritos, or the Starbucks coffee, the Crest toothpaste, or the Instagram logo (etc.).
Research-wise, I was initially interested in face-mapping or face-swapping technologies. A deep dive eventually led me to find out about machine learning-created ‘style transfers,’ which are essentially the training of a neural network to repurpose an image into the style of another input image. I found an excellent tutorial that demonstrated how to do style-transfer for web cameras. I trained it on GPUs in the cloud via Paperspace’s Gradient. Then, the model ran in my browser with Ml5.js and P5.js. I was interested in using this technique to achieve the homage described above as I wanted to use a live camera to capture reality as a Dorito (bag) might.
This is the image I trained the model on for the ‘style transfer.’
Once I had the style-transfer camera complete, I began to look for a performative starting point. I was inspired in thinking about re-concatenating the world with a performance style similar to Dadaist Hugo Ball’s ‘Elefantenkarawane’ in simplicity, costume and direct confrontation with reality. I was using my software to re-configure reality capture, and I wanted to work in a performative tradition that also tried to configure reality for some sort of meaningful understanding (even if in the absurd). In On Being: Dorito Dreaming, to take the breakdown of language a step further and to remain focused on material embodiment, I created an ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response)-inspired soundtrack for the performance composed of sounds created by consuming Doritos and carefully observing the package next to a microphone.
I am interested in continuing this process with other people, and creating a series of vignettes of people trying to embody a product of their choice.
Below are some stills from the film studio and the costume/makeup construction:
Hugo Ball performing Elefantenkarawane, 1916
In my research, it seemed the a lot of the live-camera style transferring had been done with famous painting styles. Example below:
As far as getting the model trained, then up and running, I want to thank Jeena and Aman for helping get through some technical issues/questions I was having in this stage of the project!
This project exchanges pixel information with your friend (in place of or in conjunction with video chat) and slowly draws your faces to the screen.
I’ve been thinking about different ways of intervening in the traditional videochat setup, and how the screen, camera, and computer as mediators can improve and complicate our connection with another.
Initially, I was developing a mask — the Photoshop kind — that hid your friend from you during a Skype call until you aligned noses with respect to your screen.
The setup for this exchange involved asking my brother to download CamTwist and Skype and configure them for the OpenProcessing sketch. Even after all that, the results were very laggy. In a way, it was a success, because I certainly had made our communication more complicated.
I moved on to this drawing project because I thought it was a bit more performative. In the current state, the program runs very slowly as it draws you and your friend’s faces to the screen. For this reason, it requires both you and your friend to hold still for a few minutes each time it renders your face. Again the communication is complicated, this time for the sake of a sort of drawing.
This program uses ml5js to find the position of your eyes and nose, and approximates other facial features from them. It prioritizes selecting pixel values from the areas around these features when drawing.
It is partly an audio visual performance and partly trying to reflect on the famous excerpt from Dziga Vertov’s Man with a Movie Camera that was included in John Berger’s Ways of Seeing TV show. In both works, they are trying to analyse “seeing” and how camera change the way we see.
In the beginning, I approach this project with one question in mind: what does the face tracking algorithm “see”? Trying to escape the tracking with just facial expression (without tilting your head), I squashed and stretched my face as much as possible. Without much success and a solid idea on how to continue, I start remapping the face to find inspiration.
I settled on the cropped eyes because they always look eerie and intriguing to me, the false sense of eye-contact, the information we can extract out of it or project on it. This is a performance of my eyes watching John Berger’s Ways of Seeing introducing Dziga Verrtov’s Man with a Movie Camera, reflecting on what the “mechanical eye” has become, controlling two masks with my two eyes, and trying to make it interesting.
Music: Neu! – Super 16
Voice: John Berger – Ways of Seeing
The first version of my program took my face and made it smooth. I thought this was pretty cool, and my friend Eileen Lee told me it reminded her of noppera bo monsters (faceless ghosts). However, I realized that I tailored the program very specifically to my own face. It wasn’t smooth enough when I tested it on people with a visible nose bridge, but by trying to remove the nose bridge I ended up erasing my glasses. It was also hard to erase things like cheekbones, since it might end up blurring into things outside of the face and produce the wrong colors. Pretty much, it worked well for me because my face is flat to begin with. :’)
I made a second version using a similar idea, but instead of choosing areas to smooth based on facial landmarks, the user can select which areas need to be “corrected” using colored markings. I was heavily inspired by the Peter Campus performance where he paints green paint on his face and uses chroma key to show another image of his face underneath. I think this version is better for a performance because you can slowly increase the amount of smoothing on your face.
I made this project because I was thinking about having insecurity about your face, and also our weird obsession with “nice” or “smooth” skin. When I see my relatives, they usually greet me by commenting on my face or skin. Things like this often make me wish I could hide my face completely.
All of the blending was achieved with OpenCV seamless clone, and the face tracking in the first version was done with dlib. Special thanks to that school cancellation that gave me 5 more days to work on this!
I wasn’t super inspired for this project, but I had a few concepts I wanted to try to work in:
Masquerade-style masks, especially asymmetrical ones like this:
Lots of shiny pieces (I really liked the glittery look of tli’s 2D Physics project, and wanted to make something that kind of looked like that)
Interaction, besides just the mask sticking to your face. I wanted moving parts, or something that you could do with the mask on besides just looking at yourself.
I drew up a few ideas (a little below), but what I ended up with was this: something metallic that would sparkle and could be played like an instrument.
My initial design for Windchime Mask, based on the FaceOSC raw points. Points I added are colored black, but points I moved, like the eyes and eyebrows, are not shown.
My idea was that by opening your mouth (or maybe nodding or some other gesture), you could play a note on a chime above their head. By rotating your head, you could change which note was selected. In this way, I would make a face instrument, and perform a short song on it. The fact that the chimes on top were different lengths was both accurate to how they are in real life, and reminiscent of the asymmetrical masks I love so much.
My early idea sketches:
I started by making the part around the eyes, which I did by receiving the raw FaceOSC data. To get the proper masquerade look, I needed to use different points than FaceOSC was tracking. So I made my own list of points. Some, like those on the cheeks, are the average of two other points (sometimes midpoint, sometimes 2/3 or something: I played with it). Others, like the eyes and eyebrows, are just exaggerations of the existing shapes. For example, masquerade masks generally have wider eye-holes than one’s actual eye size, so I pushed all of the eye points out from the center of their respective eye (twice as much). I did the same for the eyebrows. This results in a shape that more accurately resembles a real mask and also is more expressive when the user moves their eyes/eyebrows.
An early stage of Windchime Mask
I made the mask shape out of a bunch of triangles that shift their color based on the rotation of the user’s head. I started them with different colors so that the light and dark parts would be spread apart. I was hoping that it would look like it was made out of angled metal bits, and I think that comes across in the final product. The pieces make it look somewhat 3D even though they are all in 2D, and I’m happy about that.
When it came time to do the interactions, I found the one I had initially described somewhat challenging, because it involved extrapolating points so far above the head, and they would have to move in a realistic way whenever the head did. I also had another idea that I began to like more: dangling chimes. I thought that if I dangled metal bits below the eye-mask, they could operate like a partial veil, obscuring the mouth. They also could clang together like real wind chimes.
I used Box2D for the dangling chimes, and much like with my Puppet Bot, the physics settings had to be played with quite a bit. If I made the chimes too heavy, the string would get stretched or broken, but if I made the chimes too light, they didn’t move realistically. I ended up going with light-medium chimes, heavy strings connecting them to the mask, and very strong gravity. It isn’t perfect, and I feel like there is probably a better way to do what I’m doing, but I tried several things and couldn’t find the best one.
In any case, the interaction is still fun and satisfying, and I actually really like the metallic aesthetic I have here. I did put thought into what kind of performance I wanted to do (it would have been easier if I had made a mask you could play like an instrument), but I couldn’t think of anything too interesting. So, here I am, showing off my mask in a performative way (sound on to get the full chime effect):
Overall, I am pretty satisfied with Windchime Mask. It’s not one of my favorites. A few things I would ideally change about it are:
The sound of the chimes isn’t quite right. I’d like them to resonate a bit more, but I couldn’t find the right audio file. At least there are some windchimes that sound like this, so I can say I was trying to emulate them?
More problematically, the sound of the windchimes seriously degrades after about 45 seconds with the mask. It gets all garbled, buzzy, and demonic. I have no idea why this is. I tried searching for the problem and debugging it myself, to no avail.
The physics of the chimes has the same problem my PuppetBot did; it’s all a little too light and bouncy. Maybe that’s the nature of Box2D? But more likely, I’m missing something I need to change besides just the density/gravity parameters.
All of that said, I have fun playing with this mask. I like the look of it, and I especially like the idea of this mask in real life (though it probably would not turn out so well with the chimes slapping against my face). I’ll call this a success!