The dataset I’ve chosen is Japanese woodblock prints (ukiyo-e). The images from this dataset consist of landscapes, actors, close-ups of people, and scenes from history. I am most interested by the landscapes and the close-ups with interesting facial expressions. Some …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Shouvik Mani
23 Mar 2016
I am visualizing a dataset of buildings and urban development projects in various stages of construction from SkyscraperCity. SkyscraperCity is an architecture and urban development forum where users from around the world crowdsource and discuss updates on developments in …
Christopher Wei
23 Mar 2016
I am using a database with around 4000 chemical analyses of mainly ecstasy pressed pills. I plan on making some sort of icon font from designs found embossed on these pills.
Robert Zacharias
23 Mar 2016
I’m using a small subset of the very large Metropolitan Museum of Art collection. Specifically, I’ll be looking at every image tagged “candlestick.” (Here’s the search results from their website; at the time of this writing it returns 935 …
Chelsea Kwong
23 Mar 2016
I am using the handwritten kanji database, it contains svg files of each kanji character. The svg files gives the shape and direction of each stroke in a kanji. This interests me because I read and write Chinese, and …
Dan Sakamoto
15 Mar 2016
This number station map is an attempt at examining the invisible ecosystem of spy communication over shortwave radio waves. One message corresponds on the map to on blip and one circle, with each country sounding at a unique pitch. Through …
Bo Kim
23 Feb 2016
I’ve been thinking a lot about what “space” can mean and what enforces people to recognize space. I came up with a couple of ideas.
- The four categories in proxemics (intimate, personal, social, and public space) can be extended
Zaria Howard
20 Feb 2016
So one thing I am really struggling with so far is the use of javascript, node.js, processing, and p5.js. I seem to get my tools mixed up pretty frequently. Nevertheless I am learning a lot about processing images from other …
Peer project appreciation – Gauntlet
It was hard to choose a single project from the many interesting ones that were produced by the Gauntlet assignment. Two projects I really liked were Robert’s Sun-like meteorite visualization and Evi’s vibrating dot visualization for earthquake magnitudes.
I liked …
Safinah Ali
17 Feb 2016
For my visualization (maps) project, I am thinking of using some form of 3D prototyping. A couple of datas I was interested in visualizing were:
Brain map for a decision process, different levels of decision making.
Visualizing poetry and the …