For my final project, I wanted to string together clips from various movies in interesting ways. To do so, I built a tool that extracts clips from video files using timing data from a matching subtitle file. After extracting the …
Author Archives: Christopher Wei
Christopher Wei
04 May 2016
I chose as my large image database which provided data for around 4200 ecstasy pills and other recreational drugs, 3969 of which (at the time I scraped the website) had images associated with each entry.
After scraping all the …
Christopher Wei
23 Mar 2016
I am using a database with around 4000 chemical analyses of mainly ecstasy pressed pills. I plan on making some sort of icon font from designs found embossed on these pills.
Christopher Wei
14 Mar 2016
Visualizing Andrew File System
My project for a visualization of a map involved visualizing student activity on the unix machines at Carnegie Mellon. The premise behind the project is that in unix based servers, if you are logged in …
Christopher Wei
21 Feb 2016
I wanted to map out somewhere I spend a lot of time on and originally I thought hey I’ve been at Gates quite a lot this semester, but in reality I was more in Andrew File Server than anything. The …
Christopher Wei
15 Feb 2016
I used the SenselMorph to make a drawing program using ofxSenselMorph. The touchpad’s api gives up to 16 points (as of now), each of which contains a x,y coordinate, pressure, major and minor axis and degree …
Christopher Wei
02 Feb 2016
This is an interactive robotic painting machine that paints by itself, listening to its own noises to determine what to do next, or by listening to the input through a microphone. It takes this input noise and does some FFT …
Christopher Wei
01 Feb 2016
I really liked the smile detector + notification project; I thought it was a nice way to show case both addons and wasn’t too convoluted or tried to do too much. I loved the cheesy quotes it sent you like …
Christopher Wei
28 Jan 2016
So I’ve had this Launchpad for quite a while and it’s been collecting dust in my closet so I figured I could probably do something fun with it, considering there was a Launchpad interface already written for me. The …
Christopher Wei
28 Jan 2016
Meet my twitter bot enrik0 @fermib0t you can follow him at
enrik0 says “i am b0t in searches for planets and d1stant life :)”
…"SRO 13213 c" Molten Planet (17264.5Me, 1.3Re). A balmy 2866K surface temperature. No life detected.