Category Archives: 01-ofxaddons

Irene Alvarado :: Gauntlet :: OF Prep

(Posting this as a separate assignment instead of a single gauntlet post)

For my ofPrep assignment I chose to combine ofxTimeline and ofxAssimpModelLoader, which turned out to be harder than I thought – particularly because ofxTimeline is somewhat old now …

Erica Lazrus

05 Feb 2016

Part I. Two Addons in OF

For this part of the assignment, I only had time to do the base requirements, i.e. getting two addons to compile in the same project (as you can see if my beautiful output screenshot …

Aprameya Mysore

02 Feb 2016


I made this variable threshold hand contour detection utility in openframeworks, using the ofxCv and ofxOpenCv addons. I was working on this problem last semester and was struggling with it, until I started working with Kyle McDonald’s ofxCV addon. I …

Safinah Ali

02 Feb 2016

For my two ofx-Addons project, I used the ofx-OpenCV add-on and the ofx-UI add-on. I wanted to work with the OpenCV add-on and make a program that allowed the user to do a bunch of things with the UI

Kevin Karol

02 Feb 2016

For my Maps assignment I created visualizations of the recorded earthquakes between December 15, 2015 – January 14, 2016.

Map” Visualization

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 2.46.25 AM

Although this portion was more of a technical extension of work completed in class, I decided to …

Oliver Daids

02 Feb 2016


Using ofxJSON, I loaded the narrative information from the drone strike data.  I then extended my map application to display the headlines alongside the visualization.  Initially, the words would be obscured, but using a textbox provided by ofxDatGui …

Akiva Krauthamer

02 Feb 2016

As a way of getting better at Open Frameworks and learning about what types of addons are out there this project asked us to combine two Open Frameworks addons in to one program. I choose to create a program that …

ofxaddons: Screen Capture Utility

I built an easy-to-use screen capture utility that lets you take a screenshot with the click of a button. To implement this, I used ofxDatGui to provide a nice user interface with a ‘Take Screenshot’ button and ofxScreenGrab to take …

Luca Damasco

01 Feb 2016

Two Ofx Addons and Twitter Bot

For my ofx addon project, I created @ThisThingIs. @ThisThingIs is a twitter bot which can be tweeted an image and then respond to that tweet with the results of that image being run …

Zaria Howard

30 Jan 2016


So this project is essentially a test run seeing if I could get these addons to work together, especially since I had never used XCode, OpenFrameworks, or C++ before. The reason why I chose these two addons is because …