So I’ve had this Launchpad for quite a while and it’s been collecting dust in my closet so I figured I could probably do something fun with it, considering there was a Launchpad interface already written for me. The ofxLaunchpad addon came with some nice examples but I had to revert to a previous commit and tweak it around with it to disable the default behavior and I ended up making a Lights Out game on my launchpad which was pretty cool but didn’t satisfy the 2 addon requirement. So I decided to visualize microphone data using ofxFFT. The end result is pretty cool but I am not entirely sure what I am visualizing because the ofxFFT documentation was close to nothing and I had to sort of guess what I was doing by reading the examples and reading the header files. So, because I am not 100% what kind of data I was getting fed by the addon, I don’t think I can advertise this project as a Launchpad visualization of the Fourier domain.