
by Samia @ 9:55 am 25 April 2011

A pdf! Containing a large number of screenshots

1 Comment

  1. Comments from the crit 4/25:

    They look cool, but maybe more like abstract art than design.

    Maybe some more contrast between text and the color behind it
    Larger type? The text seems to be swimming in such large margins.
    More possible forms to insert (besides the skinny triangles)

    pooping… ha ha

    change to a sans serif, the bg is more modern and abstract
    COOL. I agree that you shouldn’t have the word + word + word… maybe mix that up a bit.
    SANS SERIF, one strong color per page, choose something to keep consistent, like all the type will be black. you got this gurl!
    Samia you should do everyone’s presentations. This is awesome.
    Also Toxiclibs has a really easy/powerful color library that’s excellent for generating basic color theory. Did you want to intentionally constrain the shapes to the triangle forms? It would be awesome if you could get some more complex geometry.
    Very cool – i agree that the pastel colors are a bit boring.
    that is amazing that those looks that good. I would buy some of those as t-shirts! very sneakerhead
    I agree with you: some of those color combinations are ugly, and some are pretty interesting. I think it could use more variations, but you’re onto something here.
    Maybe if the text is not just word + word + word that part would look better. I think it would be easy for you to generate full sentences since you have a lot of the same events day after day – like “i went to bed at [whenever] and then went to class”.
    ^^I like this idea, madlib style sentences would be good (even if they end up somewhat nonsensical)
    Agree about changing over to the sans serif if you want these to feel more visually resolved. I think you could push the colors more. Maybe use fewer colors per page? How are you controlling the different variables now? Is it weighting one of the graphic elements more heavily than others? Maybe its about making one of the variables really strong in each, or just have a stronger visual hierarchy. I don’t think I remembered seeing any pages with giant type for example, so playing with scale more could help with visual variation.

    Some higher contrast between font and background color would definitely be an easier fix

    White Space as parameter too

    Comment by Golan Levin — 1 May 2011 @ 11:43 am

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